Regulating Systems Life is maintained by coordination of the functions of various body systems. Both the internal coordination and proper changes in the external environment are regulated by the endocrine and nervous systems, which influence the activity of each other. 1. Endocrine system It is formed of the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands secrete chemical messengers called hormones, which are carried by blood stream and influence the activity of some distant organs. In general, the endocrine system acts slowly but has a prolonged action. 2. Nervous system (NS) It is responsible for the rapid regulation of the functions of the various systems of the body, according to changes in the external and internal environments. The regulating orders are sent in the form of nerve impulses, transmitted along nerves at a rate, which may reach 120 meters / sec. Changes in the external and internal environments are transmitted to the nervous system along afferent nerves. At the terminations of the afferent nerves, there are specialized structures, called the receptors. Each receptor is most sensitive to a specific stimulus, such as: * Cutaneous receptors: They are present in the skin such as temperature (cold and heat), touch (crude and fine) and pain receptors. They inform the CNS about changes in the external environment. * Distant receptors: They are present in the retina (visual receptors), in the internal ear (auditory receptors) and in the nose (smell receptors). They inform the CNS about changes in the external environment, at a distance from the body. 1 * Proprioceptors: They are present in the muscles, tendons and joints. They inform the CNS about the position and movements of the joints and the degree of tension of the muscles. * Interoceptors: They are present in the internal viscera. They are such as receptors present in the carotid sinus, which inform the CNS about changes in the arterial blood pressure. According to the information reaching NS along afferent nerves, its regulatory orders are sent in the form of nerve impulses to various body systems along efferent nerves. The nervous system consists of: a) Central nervous system (CNS): * Brain: - Cerebral hemispheres: Cerebral cortex, white matter and basal ganglia. - Brain stem: Diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus), midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata. - Cerebellum: Vermis and 2 cerebellar hemispheres. * Spinal cord. b) Peripheral nervous system (PNS): They are the nerves, which connect the CNS to all body organs: * Spinal nerves: They are 31 pairs of nerves. 8 cervical. 12 thoracic. 5 lumbar. 5 sacral. 1 coccygeal. 2 * Cranial nerves: They are 12 pairs of nerves. No Nerve Type Function I Olfactory Sensory Smell II Optic Sensory Vision III Occulomotor Motor Muscles of the eyeball IV Trochlear Motor One muscle of the eyeball V Trigiminal Mixed Face VI Abducent Motor One muscle of the eyeball VII Facial Motor Muscles of expression VIII Statoacustic (Auditory) Sensory Hearing IX Glosso-pharyngeal Mixed Mouth and pharynx X Vagus Mixed Widespread XI Accessory Motor Neck muscles XII Hypoglossal Motor Tongue 3 Nerves Neuron: It is the unit of structure of the nervous system. It is formed of cell body (soma) and cell processes. Cell body (soma): It controls the metabolism of the whole neuron. It is surrounded with the cell membrane, which extends over the cell processes. The cell contains the nucleus with a well-developed nucleolus. The cytoplasm contains: a) Neurofibrils: They are fine fibrils, which extend into the cell processes. b) Nissil granules: They are rich in RNA, being important for metabolic activity of the cell (protein synthesis). c) Mitochondria. d) Granular endoplasmic reticulum. e) Golgi apparatus. The cell body has no centriole, therefore nerve cells cannot divide. Cell processes: They contain: a) Dendrites: They are short and branching processes. They carry impulses toward the cell body. They form the receptive segment of the neuron. b) Axon (nerve fiber): It is a single non-branching long process. It arises from a conical area in the cell body, free from Nissil granules, known as axon hillock. It is surrounded with the plasma membrane, which is a continuation of the cell membrane. The axon divides only near its 4 termination. It carries impulses from the nerve cell. Two types of nerve fibers are found: - Myelinated (medullated) nerve fibers: The axon is covered with an insulating lipid material, known as myelin sheath. The myelin sheath does not form a complete layer but is interrupted at regular intervals of 1 mm, by nodes of Ranvier. - Non-mylineted (non-medullatied) nerve fibers: The axon is thin and has no myelin sheath. However, the nerve fiber, whether myelinated or non-myelinated, is covered from outside by the neurolemmal sheath. Degeneration and regeneration of nerve fiber: If the nerve fiber (axon) is cut, the part distal to the cut degenerates (Wallarian degeneration). Changes also occur in the cell body (Retrograde degeneration). a) Wallarian degeneration: - The axon swells and breaks into short lengths. - The myelin sheath breaks slowly into oily droplets. - The Schwann cells divides. - The nerurolemma becomes empty as macrophages remove the remnants of the myelin sheath and axis cylinder. b) Retrograde degeneration: - The Nissil granules breakdown into fine dust, losing their staining reaction (chromatolysis). - The Golgi apparatus breaks into small fragments and then disappears. - The cell swells and the dendrites become shorter and disappear. - The nucleus is displaced to one side or may even extrude. In such a case, the cell dies. 5 Regeneration: Repair of the cell begins about 20 days after nerve section, to be complete in 80 days. * The Nissil granules and Golgi apparatus gradually reappear. * The cell regains its normal size. * The nucleus returns to its central position. If the gap between the two cut ends of the sectioned nerve fiber is more than 3 mm, regeneration fails. Therefore, it is advised to approximate the cut ends surgically. Cross regeneration: It is the growth of fibrils, belonging to one neuron into the neurolemma of another neuron. If both are sensory, motor or autonomic, we get functional recovery, but reeducation is necessary. 6 Excitability It is the ability of any living tissue to respond to changes in its environment. Such changes are called stimuli. The most excitable tissues in the body are nerves and muscles. In order to study the functions of the nerve and muscle, electrical stimuli are preferable because: - They are similar to natural stimuli inside the body. - They do not injure the tissue. - Their amplitude and duration can be accurately regulated. The physiochemical changes, produced by the stimulus in the nerve are known as the nerve impulse. Conduction of the nerve impulse along the nerve fiber is an active self-propagating process. Types of electrical stimuli: - Galvanic currents: They are long in duration and low in intensity, such as currents obtained from a battery. They were used in the past to stimulate the muscle. - Faradic currents: they are short in duration and high in intensity, such as induction currents. They are used to stimulate the nerve. The effectiveness of an electrical stimulus depends on: * Intensity of the stimulus: the electrical stimulus, of an intensity just enough to excite the nerve fiber and produce a nerve impulse, is called the threshold stimulus. Subthreshold or sub-minimal stimuli cause localized changes called local response or local excitatory state (L.E.S). 7 * Rate of rise of the stimulus intensity: If a subthreshold stimulus is applied to the nerve and its intensity is increased slowly, the nerve will not respond. This is called “accommodation“ to the passage of current. So, the rate of rise of stimulus intensity should be very rapid. * Duration of the stimulus: The duration of the current means the length of time, it must be applied to the tissue to give a response. There is an inverse relationship between the intensity and the duration of the stimulus. 8