medical unit 2

*Cells : Individual units are composed all the parts of the body
.e.g Muscle, nerve, and skin .
* Tissue : Similar cells grouped together .
e.g groups of muscle cells are muscle tissue .
* Organs : Collections of different tissues working together . e.g
stomach .
*Systems : Group of organs working together . e.g The digestive
system includes : mouth , throat , esophagus , stomach .
* The Circulatory System.
Parts ( heart, blood ,and blood vessels such as arteries , veins ,
and capillaries )
Functions :
1. Transports blood throughout the body.
2. The lymphatic system include lymph vessels and nodes
a clear fluid called lymph . That contains white blood cell that
fight against diseases and play role in immunity .
* The Digestive System .
Parts ( mouth , throat , stomach , intestines )
Functions :
1. break down the food .
2. remove the waste outside the body .
*The Endocrine System .
Parts ( glands )
Functions :
1. Sends Chemical messengers called hormones into the
blood to act on other glands .
* The Musculoskeletal System
Parts ( muscles , bones , joints , and connective tissues )
Function :
1. supports the body and allows it to move .
* The Female and Male Reproductive System .
Parts ( Male testis ,and Female Ovary sex organs )
Function :
1.produce the cells that join to form hormones .
* The Nervous System .
Parts ( brain , spinal cord )
Function :
1. Carries electrical messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to
other parts of the body .
* The Respiratory System .
Parts ( nose , mouth , lungs )
Function :
1. control breathing ( air enters and leaves the body )
* The Skin and Sense Organ System .
Parts ( skin, eyes , and ears .)
Function :
Receives messages from the environment and send them to the brain.
* The Urinary System .
Parts ( urinary bladder, kidneys , urethra )
1. Produces urine and sends it out of the body .
Body cavity : is a space that contains organs.
The cranial cavity : is located in the head and is
surrounded by the skull ( CRANI/O means skull )
The brain and other organs e.g pituitary gland
Below the brain .
Is the chest cavity which is surrounded by the
breastbone and ribs .the lungs , heart, windpipe
( trachea) , bronchial tubes .
Pleura : double membrane surround the lungs .
Pleura cavity : the space between the pleura and
surrounding each lung .
Mediastinum : the large space between the lungs and
the heart , esophagus , trachea , and bronchial tubes are
organs within the mediastinum
Abdominal cavity : is the space below the
thoracic cavity .
 The diaphragm : is the muscle that separates
the abdominal and the thoracic cavities .
 The peritoneum attaches the abdominal
organs to the abdominal muscles and
surrounds each organ to hold it in place .
Located below the abdominal cavity .
Pelvis : bones of hip .
Organs :
Urinary bladder , ureters, urethra, , rectum , anus , and
Is the space surrounded by the spinal column ( back
bones )
Spinal cord : is the nervous tissue within the spinal
cavity . Nerves enter and leave the spinal cord and
carry messages to and from all the parts of the body .