File - Biology and Other Sciences for KICS

Page 622
Humans are similar to animals in many ways
Humans have all the behaviors of animals
Human bodies work the same way as animal
However, humans are made in the image of
God – we are spiritually aware
There are 3 kinds of behavior
 Innate (inborn) behavior – the human/animal is
born doing these things
 Reflex behavior – automatic and involuntary (can’t
control it); also called reflexes; pulling away from pain,
closing eyes
 Instinct behavior – also called instincts; the
human/animal knows how to do certain things to help
it survive (live); eating, drinking, sexual reproduction,
etc – instincts can be controlled
Conditioned behavior – the human learns these
behaviors through its life experiences and from
watching others – cooking, speaking, walking, how
to take care of babies
Intelligent behavior
 Humans are very smart
 they are smart, can communicate, and can change their
environment based on what they want
 They can see a problem, and create a solution based on
The higher your intelligent and conditioned behavior,
the fewer instincts you will have – the instincts are
replaced with conditioned behaviors
We learn to go to the bathroom in the toilet, we
learn to care for our children well, etc
Humans have one very important distinction
(thing that separates us) from animals – we are
made in the image of God
We are spiritually aware – we know that there
is something more important than this life from
the moment we are born
Humans are born knowing that there is a God
and that they need to do something about their
This is the reason for so many religions: if I
know that I need something spiritual, and I do
not know (or choose to reject) the truth, I will
create something to fill my need
The need for spirituality is as real as the need
for food
There are 2 things that we are studying when
we study the human body:
Anatomy – the study of the shape and structure of
the body – What is this part?
 Physiology – the study of the function of the body –
What does this part do?
We always study the body in anatomical
One of the easiest ways to study the human
body is to study the tissues
Tissues are groups of cells working together to
do a job
This is called the study of anatomy and
physiology when we do it without a
When we put the tissues under a microscope, it
is called histology
There are four kinds of tissues in the human
1.) Connective tissues – bones, blood, lymph,
tendons, fat, and cartilage
There is more connective tissue in the body than any
other kind of tissue
This tissue’s job is to support (hold up), connect, and
protect other tissues in the body
2.) Epithelial tissue – tissues that cover or line
the internal and external surfaces
Skin, hair, nails, cells that cover the inside of organs
3.) Muscle tissue – cells that contract
They move the body or move things through the
There are three kinds of muscle tissue
4.) Nervous tissue – cells that receive and
transmit messages
Brain, spinal cord, nerves
Coordinate muscle movements, interprets sensations
from the body, and controls thought processes and
1.) skeletal muscle tissue – arms, legs, face
2.) smooth muscle tissue – around the digestive
system and blood vessels
Skeletal muscle makes the body move
Controls the movement inside the body that we
aren’t aware of
3.) cardiac muscle tissue – found only in the
heart – pumps blood through the body
The word cavity in science means a hole or
The human body has 4 main cavities:
Cranial cavity – space around the brain
 Spinal cavity – space around the spinal cord
 Thoracic cavity – space in the chest around the heart
and lungs
 Abdominal cavity – space in the abdomen around
the digestive organs
A group of tissues working together is called
an organ
Organs working together is called an organ
There are 11 organ systems in the human body
We will study all of them
1.) Integumentary system – protects the body
from outside – skin, hair, nails
2.) Skeletal system – support for the body –
bones, cartilage, joints
3.) Muscular system – movement of and in the
body – muscles (skeletal, cardiac, smooth)
4.) Respiratory system – moves oxygen into
and out of the body – nose, throat, trachea,
bronchi, lungs
5.) Digestive system – takes in food, breaks
down food, makes waste – mouth, teeth,
stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder,
6.) Circulatory system – moves blood through
the body – heart, arteries, veins
7.) Lymphatic system – protects against disease
– spleen, lymph glands, lymphatic vessels,
8.) Excretory system – gets rid of wastes (trash)
– kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra
9.) Nervous system – control of the body –
brain, spinal cord, nerves, sense organs (eyes,
ears, taste buds, etc)
10.) Endocrine system – chemically controls
body’s actions – hormones, pituitary gland,
thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas
11.) Reproductive system – makes babies
Different for men and women
We will study this, but in general terms
(If you want more information than I give you, talk
to your parents!!)