Ch-2 Written communication

Written communication
Written Communication
There are two main types of communication: oral and written. Written
communication involves any type of message that makes use of the written word.
Examples of written communications generally used with clients or other
businesses include email, Internet websites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes,
postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases.
Written Communication
Written communication is the most important and the most effective of any mode
of business communication.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication
Advantages :
Some advantages of written communication are:
No need for personal contact - you can tell an employee he or she has to work
overtime through an email instead of face-to-face.
Saves money - you can send an email instead of calling long distance.
Written proof - provides written proof in case of a dispute.
Some disadvantages of written communication are:
Delay in communication - it may take a while to get to the intended recipient.
Lack of secrecy - once it's on paper, anyone can read it.
Costly - if the sender and receiver are sitting next to each other, you still have to
spend money on paper or Internet service.
Written Communication Skills:
Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow
you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience
than through face-to-face or telephone conversations.
Effective Written Communication Skills
Written communication is very common in business situations, so it's important
for everyone in an organization, from the employee to the chief executive officer,
to develop effective written communication skills
What are eight basic technical of business written ?
1. Accuracy
2. Clarity
3. Completeness
4. Conciseness
5. Consideration
6. Courtesy
7.Logical organization
8. Positiveness
1- accuracy
Accuracy is essential in business communication . the writer must have high
qualitative standards . message must be checked and at time rechecked for
accuracy ,correct grammar , punctuation , and spelling are very important.
Why accuracy is essential in business communication?
Because writing errors can be costly.
2- clarity
Clearness or understandability of message . avoid abstract , ambiguous words
,exaggerated language is difficult to understand .
What are concrete words ?
Concrete words are that relate to tangible, real thing e.g 70 percent replied .
What are abstract words ?
abstract words are words that are vague and difficult to understand e.g. many .
Use appropriate words
Use visual aids
Avoid jargon .
Avoid unintentional connotation
In business word short word with clear meaning are generally preferred
3- completeness
Business communication should be complete and give all the necessary
information .
Enclosure remainder always add an enclosure remainder at the bottom of letter.
4 – conciseness :
1- avoid rambling discourses: long –winded
2- include a summary
3- avoid trite expressions
4- avoid redundancies
5- avoid long sentences and paragraphs
6- numbering paragraphs
5- consideration:
Avoid I ll remarks > I ll- tempered remarks often generate hostile replies .
"You " attitude :
Avoid using "I" ,"We", "My" . >>> you
6 – courtesy
Creating and sustaining " good will "
Use courteous language / "please "," thanks"
Avoid sexism
Replay promptly
Be tactful
7- Positiveness :
Be positive : business communication should convey a feeling of
confidence and positive attitude .avoid negative expressions .