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Features of Communication: The 7 C's

Nangombe Elizabeth
Simon Maria
Imalwa N Albertina
Manyamu Elizabeth
Mupangwa K Reinhilde
Ndala N Annakleta
Mbiripipo Metirua
Viouye J Tjivau
April, 19, 2024
The most important thing in communication to hear
what is not being said – Peter Drucker
The Seven C’s Of Communication
• Amongst the elements are the 7 C’s that are commonly used to
ensure effective communication
 Clarity
 Consideration
 Concreteness
 Courtesy
 Conciseness
 Completeness
 Correctness
What is “Clarity” within communication?
• It is defined as a state by Bischof. N & Eppler. M. J (2010)
 A state in which an individual feels free of doubt
 A state in which an individual feels understood
 A state of ambiguity
Techniques to maximize clarity
“Consideration” within communication?
The ability to think about and empathize with the needs, feelings, and perspectives
of others during the communication process
In the presence of consideration is present, individuals are more likely
Importance of “Consideration in communication
• It demonstrates acknowledgment and respect for others opinions
 Which shows we that we care about their thoughts and feelings,
which can help establish trust and mutual respect
• It helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts
 We take the time to consider how our message might be received
by others
 we can make necessary adjustments to ensure clarity and prevent
unintended offense
• By considering the context, cultural differences, and individual preferences
• we can tailor our communication to be more effective and avoid potential
What is “Courtesy” in communication?
• It is the fundamental element of Social interactions
 By shows of politeness, respect and thoughtfulness through verbal and non-verbal
 (Onweju, M. A., 2017)
• According to Onweju these acts might seem simple but they do have a
great impact on humanity
• She suggests that it is a gift from a higher power
Positive Outcomes of Courtesy in communication
Being able to positively engage with others promotes a positive atmosphere
with engaging people (Onweju, M. A., 2017). A few examples of applying
courtesy to a conversation could by using words such as “thank you”,
“have a great day”, “nice to meet you” where it’s needed.
“Completeness” within communication?
• how well a message encompasses all the necessary information
and particulars needed to precisely communicate its intended
Positive Outcomes of Completeness
Examples of Completeness
I will send an email to you when I reach Dubai. This can be considered
incomplete communication because the receiver is still left with
questions about when the friend will reschedule Dubai? Or on what time
the receiver should expect the email? This is incomplete because
complete messages prevent unwanted follow ups or delayed messages
(Ayaz, 2023)8
Concreteness in Communication
• The ability to convey facts through written words, is the ability to
convey an image that is clear, concise, and essential in both personal
and professional contexts
• This is essential for guaranteeing that the message is delivered clearly,
utilizing formal language instead of slang and concrete language
What is “Conciseness” in communication
• It is conveying ideas or information clearly and succinctly, using as few words
as possible without sacrificing clarity or completeness
• It is important to be succinct and to the point while effectively expressing the
intended information (Kolin, 2017)
• important for efficient communication in a variety of circumstances
Importance of Conciseness in communication
• Conciseness improves clarity by eliminating extraneous words, which reduces the
possibility of ambiguity or confusion
• In a fast-paced environment, concise communication captures and holds the
audience’s attention better.
• Concise communication saves time for both sender and receiver by conveying the
message fast and directly.
• Concise communication demonstrates respect for the audience’s time and attention.
What is “Correctness” in communication?
• It allows an individual to convey precise information and also in the long run
shows people that can be trusted as credible communicators
 It authenticates your message
• Correctness also means keeping your language free of mistakes, whether
that’s grammatical, spelling, or other inaccuracies
• (BBR English)
Reference List:
Adler, R. B., & Elmhorst, J. M. (2017). Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for Business and the
Professions. McGraw-Hill Education.
Ayaz M.(2023) The seven C’s of communication with examples. (STUDOKU). Retrieved from
BBR English. A Complete Guide To The 7 Cs of Effective Communication (With Examples)
Berger, A. A. (2014). Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. SAGE Publications.
Bischof. N, Eppler. M. J (2010) Clarity in Knowledge Communication, Research Gate
Reference List:
Business communication by Daniels, Hunter, Van jaarsveld , 2014
Communication, seven C’s of communication and Barriers to effective communication by sidra Aslam
Gulbrandsen, I. T. (2019). The co-presence of clarity and ambiguity in strategic corporate communication: an exploratory
study. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 13(2), pp.95- 109.
Hamilton, C. (2017). Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions. Cengage Learning.
Hoffjann, O. (2021). Between strategic clarity and strategic ambiguity–oscillating strategic communication. Corporate
Communications: An International Journal, 27(2), pp.284-303.
Kolin, P. C. (2017). Successful Writing at Work: Concise Edition. Cengage Learning.
O’Hair, D., Wiemann, M., & Mullin, D. (2014). Real Communication: An Introduction. Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Reference List:
Onweju, M. A. (2017). Employing Courtesy to Boost Effective Communication in Society. JORAS-Nigerian Journal Of
Religion and Society, 7 pp.41-47.
Phillips, J., Carter, K. M., & Roumpi, D. (2023). Clarity, Conciseness, and Consistency Are the Keys to Effective
Communication. Principles of Organizational Behavior: The Handbook of Evidence-Based Management, pp.429.
Sanjeev Datta Personality School. (2023) Importance of Consideration in Communication.
Sanjeev Data Personality School. (2023). The Crucial Importance of Completeness in Communication. Retrieved from
Reference List:
Scarborough. R, Zellou. G (2013), Clarity in communication: “Clear” speech authenticity and lexical neighborhood
density effects in speech production and perception, Research Gate
Stephen, S. G. (2018) How You To Achieve Clarity And Understanding In Communication.
Thank You!!