ARTICLE XIV DEFINITIONS, POLICIES, AND SPECIAL RULES Section 1 - Definitions of Terms Clause I. The following definitions shall be considered the official meaning of the following terms in the A.S.P.C. Constitution or the ASG Bylaws: a. "Absent"- Missing more than a third of a meeting, excluding extensions beyond the scheduled time of adjournment, when applied to ASG General Session or Committee meetings. b. "Day"- A regularly scheduled school day, unless otherwise modified (as in "Calendar Day"). c. "Majority (Vote) of the ASG (members)" - A simple majority [fifty percent (50%) + one (1) member] of all ASG members currently holding office. d. "Super Majority" - Any required vote greater than a simple majority. e. "Tardy" – Not being present in a general Session or committee meeting at the time of roll call. f. "Two-thirds majority (vote) of the ASG" - Two-thirds (2/3) of those ASG members currently holding office. g. “Ex officio” – If the ex-officio member is not under the authority of the committee, there is no distinction between him and other board members; the ex-officio has all the privileges of board membership, including the right to make motions and to vote, but none of the obligations. The ex-officio is not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or whether a quorum is present at a meeting. h. Quorum - A quorum shall consist of fifty (50) percent plus one of the voting members. Section 2 - ASG Policies Clause I. The ASG may adopt such policies as it deems appropriate in the form of a resolution. ASG Policies shall be considered as equivalent to standing rules under Robert's Rules of Order. Section 3 - ASG Special Rules Clause I. The ASG may at its discretion adopt special rules of order in addition to or in modification of Robert's Rules of Order. Special rules of order shall be separate from the Bylaws and shall be adopted, amended, or suspended by a two-thirds majority vote of the ASG. ESTABLISHED AT AN UNKNOWN DATE REVISED 09/21/2005, 03/30/11