Creativity In Context SAGA OF THE RACOON BEYOND BRAINSTORMINGSession BA 303- B2B MARKETING LINDELL PHILLIP CHEW INNOVATION SESSION Agenda Overview-BRIEFING DOCUMENT CREATIVITY objectives Rules Activities Summarize Next steps Overview Quick overview of what this meeting is all about Agenda What to expect INNOVATION SESSION Objectives Describe the objective(s) of the exercise: New product or service ideas? New feature ideas? Feature/product naming? Promotion ideas? New process for doing something? Define top requirements or restrictions. INNOVATION TEAM A’S & B’S NO C’S OR D’S DECISION MAKERS DRIVER FACILITATOR NO LAME DUCKS NO NOMINAL TITLE HOLDERS INSIDER V OUTSIDER MEETING FIRST EXPLORE…….THEN CONFIRM AWAY FROM CAMPUS ROUND TABLE AUDIO VISUAL TAPE RECORD 6-8 PLAYERS & POSITIONING BETTER PART OF THE DAY EARLY IN THE MORNING NEVER ON MONDAY Explore- NO Rules No idea is a bad idea Be creative Take risks No criticism allowed KNOWN ELEMENT A + KNOWN ELEMENT B = NEW PRODUCT C EXPLORE …Creative Activities KEY TRIGGERING , ROLE PLAYING , ROLE REVERSAL & SYNECTICS Generate lots of ideas Use games and exercises to “warm up” your creative thinking When ideas slow down, try another exercise to generate fresh ideas Breaking into smaller groups may be helpful Use a computer to capture every comment/idea (in Microsoft PowerPoint, of course, using Meeting Minder) DON’T SQUELCH CREATIVITY THOMAS EDISON CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HENRY FORD STATE HOSPITAL ON ARSENAL STREET NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE ADMIRAL HULSEY JOHN HEFELY Summarize Review ideas NOW….BEGIN TO CONFIRM Vote on top candidates and consolidate Check requirements and restrictions Trim list to top 5-10 ideas Next Steps Describe Research the ideas generated? Follow up with larger group? Generate what happens next: action items for follow-up: Start turning ideas into reality. MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO TOP MANAGEMENT RUN THE NUMBERS CHECK OUT THE PRODUCABILITY IMPLEMENT ACCORDINGLY CREATIVITY IN CONTEXT A+B =C LPC!