THE NON – RENEWABLE RESOURCES Today or tomorrow? The general quantity of a non renewable resource is a given THE MORE IT CONSUMES TODAY, SO MUCH WILL BE AVAILABLE TOMORROW In the management of the non – renewable resources the attention is moved so that the sustainability matter is those of availability, from the concept of sustainable factor to that of impoverishment How do we evaluate the real availability of non – renewable? We must consider the consistence of the accessible score today and in the future Therefore the developments of TECHNOLOGY And their present and future possible investments Therefore the growth of the POPULATION and the ECONOMIC and SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS According to the neo – Malthusian point of view we are of absolute physical shortage in which it is necessary to employ more and more energies ... ... To extract resources of quality with big costs in terms of pollution and of environmental degrade According to the neo – recardian point of view the most probable scenery is that of an increase of the extraction cost and the prices of the non – renewable resources that will become necessary to exploit layers of small quality ... ... But the technological progress and the action of the market will favor the use of methods less invasive and more efficient as well as the recycling of the already drawn out and used resources The physical measures of shortage are based on a relative evaluation of the reserves and the future demand. The real existence of the exploitable reserves is economically uncertain ... ... And the estimation are seen continually In terms of portable and possible availability We talk instead of resources with reference to the non – individualized layers with certainly or not economically exploited to the actual state of technology and the question The Para marginal resources are those whose exploitation is not currently convenient but it would differ with an increase in the price up to 1.5 times... And that they could become resources in brief times ... While those sub-marginal would not become convenient even with such increase of price And those that are not to be taken in consideration fot the moment The knowledge of the availability of non – renewable resource is fundamental Planning for a long time of its employment The most prudent ( or pessimistic ) base their calculation only static stock or currently certain and available ... And on estimation of future growth of the question This estimation look out as a COMPLETE EXHAUSTION of many non – renewable resources in brief times If the esteemed reserves is considered even if it is not currently available the perspective becomes very dramatic And this explains why the problem of the resources exhaustion is relatively of a little sense today It is necessary to consider for some unexpected complications A Sudden strong necessity of an available resource following an important technological innovation The shortage economic indexes of a non renewable resource are: The cost of production extraction and work The relative prices of market The price shades or cost of the resource use The observed dynamics of these indications doesn’t seem to suggest extreme pessimistic scenario with reference to the exhaustibility of the resources ... ... Even if the interpretations of the data stay very controversial ON WHICH LOGIC IS THE DECISION TO EXTRACT A RESOURCE TODAY BASED? Behind the extractive process there are three separate phases: • Exploration Identification of the deposits • Development Preparation for the extraction • Extraction Offer on the market Each phase is influenced by the dynamics of the resource price in the market! For non-renewable resource the extraction rate today conditions the future availability of the resource The extraction cost depends on The price of the productive factors necessary to the extractive activity But... From the modality of quick extraction to the nature of the resource still exploitable From the respect of the future profitability of the ressource Increasing the extraction rate The level of the available reserves is reduced currently It gives impulse to the activities of exploration and development to increase future availabilities The net effect on availability can be ambiguous! If there is no possibility of reproducibility of the resource, the decision is based on the comparison between future growth of its price and ‘impatience’ of the proprietary measured by the rate of discount If the proprietary is not interested so much for maximizing the profit, the fundamental rule would require that then ... If the costs of extraction were remarkable ... The rhythm of extraction should make the growth of the stock value available Induced from the increase of the price equal to the proprietary discount rate In equilibrium, the discount rate must be equal to the interest rate on the capital where the owner can extract the resource and buy it in the market, employing the result in activity that yield an interest SUPERIOR INTEREST TO THE INCREASE RATE OF THE PRICE OF THE RESOURCE lead To extract more INFERIOR INTEREST lead To extract less The competition between investors will bring the alignment of the outputs of varied activities If we keep track of the extraction costs, it is noted that these are of two types: - The operational costs - The cost of use, or the missed profit derived from the fact that… ... today a quantity of drawn resource is not exploitable tomorrow Cost opportunity of the extraction today The perfect price of the resource will owe to reflect the operational cost and that of use or The totality of the extraction today This what happens in a competitive market, where the price stays superior to the extraction costs operational+cost of use how much more to produce ... ... And vice versa if the price becomes inferior to the costs If the entreprises held count of operational costs, they would extract a superior amount of resource that performs their future profit ! For an efficient allocation of the resources, it is noticed that the cost of use should also reflect all the externalities generally negative if related to extractive activity ! The prespective of a future diminution of the extraction costs lead to reduction of today’s extraction An increase of the interest rate will increase the rhythm of actual extraction The future profits are discounted more heavily ... But on the other hand it would increase the cost of an investment in new equipments for the exploration contributing to preserve from the exploitation