Communication Department Minutes – 12/11/14

Communication Department Minutes – 12/11/14
Attendance: Baus, Davis, Disrude, Fishburn, Frederick, French, Ibrahim, Hixson, Jones, Kates, Ksobiech,
Latimer, Lowell, Lucas, Mead, Robinson, Spiegelhoff, TerKeurst, Terracina-Hartman, Wickert
Meeting was called to order at 3:34pm – Heide 113.
December 11, 2014 agenda approved unanimously on a Frederick/Lowell motion.
November 11, 2014 minutes approved unanimously on a Davis/French motion.
Old Business:
Assessment Updates were given.
Advertising: Hixson reported they will conduct the knowledge test for online classes.
Public Relations: Finished 3rd year Data & Knowledge test.
Assessment Annual Report: Broadcast/Print/Web Journalism – Presented by Kates
Discussed the Inverted Pyramid Analysis. The scores appear to be going up as the students are
progressing through each year of the program.
Kates reported that this class is showing higher enrollments for this class for Spring Semester.
The Capstone 486 Project in J-486 has three major components.
1. Critical Thinking/Information Literacy
2. Using Sources
3. Inquiry & Analysis to cultivate areas of reporting expertise
1. Hixson stated that you can ask for money from Jane Ferencz for the program, and
Corey has the form to request the money.
2. Grad Program Modification – Corey sated there is nothing to report.
3. They are looking to increase awareness in the department for the Healthcare
Symposium on 4/23/15 being held from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and for the
Communication Advisory Board Meeting on 04/09/15 being held from 11:00 am to
12:30 pm. Both are in the Hamilton Room.
4. Bill Lowell reported that Emily Borchowski made a great presentation in watercolors
to raise awareness.
New Business:
A. University Assessment Committee:
Ed Frederick explained about various assessment offices and reported that this is the only elected
committee and it reports directly to the Faculty Senate. He discussed the position of the Chair for
this committee. Robinson moved to Nominate Ed to be the Chair of the University Assessment
Committee, Lowell made the Second. There are no other contenders for the position. Hixson
asked if group is ready to vote, Motion made close general nomination and vote by TerKeurst,
Second made by Lucas.
Vote to Nominate Ed Frederick as Chair of the University Assessment Committee taken.
Results: The Aye’s have it.
Ed Frederick is elected as Chair of the University Assessment Committee.
B. Search and Screen Committee:
Josh Fishburn reported on the Search & Screen for the new MAGD Assistant Professor is underway.
There are six follow-up interviews scheduled, and the goal is to bring them to campus during Spring
C. Special Studies Course Approval:
TerKeurst made a report due to Herriott being absent.
He reviewed previous presentation by Herriott regarding MAGD 240 and the confusion the course
prefix and numbering had caused, and that they wanted to change it to COMM 490, and rewrite
the description.
Motion to vote was made by TerKeurst, and the Second by Robinson. A vote was had and the
Aye’s have it.
MAGD 240 is changed to SPECIAL COMM 490, and rewritten.
Committees: Reports
A. Lucas: Putting proposal together for a trip to Ireland.
B. Kates: Discussed dwindling enrollment for the trip to Spain. Asked to see if others can help get
more interest. Enrollment has dropped to 20.
Birthdays and Other Announcements:
A. Jim Mead’s Birthday
B. Patsy’s Calendar/Schedule was distributed for the Winter Holidays. She will be filling in for Julie.
C. MAGD Capstone – Josh announced they will be at Second Salem next Thursday, 5:30-7:30 pm, and
he hopes some will come to check out the projects.
D. Excellence Awards
Teaching: Kate Ksobiech
Research: Christina Jones
Advising: Jim Mead
Service: Kris Kranenburg
Move to Adjourn by Terracina-Hartman, Second by Lucas.
Adjourned at 4:21 p.m.
Attachment: Jim Kate’s Presentation
Respectfully Submitted by: Patsy Latimer