Communication Department Meeting 1/24/13

Communication Department Meeting
Attendance: AMR, Baus, Borchardt, Brady, Davis, Disrude, Fishburn, Frederick, French, Herriott, Hixson,
Janecky, Ksobiech, Lowell, Lucas. Mead, Penington, Ridgeman, Robinson, Spiegelhoff, TerKeurst, Um,
Vogl-Bauer, Wachanga, Weber, Welch, Wilcox, Wildermuth. Excused: Casey, Kranenburg, Kates.
Meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm.
Hixson made introductions of new faulty members.
The department shared memories of Dr. Patricia Townsend and held a moment of silence in her
January 24, 2013 agenda approved unanimously on a Lowell/Frederick motion.
November 29, 2012 minutes were approved unanimously by a Brady/Robinson motion.
Old Business:
Galvan gave a presentation on PIE (Partners in Education).
Davis asked faculty to promote students to apply for the Graduate Instructional Assistant positions for
the 2013-2014 academic year in which there will be three openings. Wildermuth added that if anyone
wants to have herself or the current GIAs to come to their classes to promote the program to please let
her know.
Lucas gave an update on the college and department websites.
Hixson mentioned that assessment meetings have been set up for the followings dates in which groups
will meet with Vogl-Bauer and Hixson:
January 31st
January 31st
February 7th
February 7th
Electronic Media
Corporate and Health Communication
Advertising/Public Relations
Frederick announced that the scholarship site is up and running on WINS and that faculty are to
encourage students to apply. Scholarships that need portfolios submitted can be dropped off at the
department office. Penington added that we really want to encourage some good students for the
Communication Ambassador scholarships since they attend events such as advisory board meetings and
do high school presentations. Scholarship deadline is February 15th.
Frederick said the abatement of the tile on the 4th floor of Heide will be done the weekend of January
26th and 27th. Further construction continues in various areas on the 4th floor.
Search & Screen Updates: The red packets for the Corporate and Health Communication and
Journalism/Media Advisor positions are up at the Provost office waiting for final approval to bring
candidates to campus. Phone interviews have begun for the Electronic Media position.
New Business:
Lucas presented the Travel Study to Ireland scheduled for Spring 2014. Once again we will be partnering
with the Business school. The first reading was done in the International/Intercultural meeting. The
travel study to Ireland course proposal was approved unanimously by a Herriott/Disrude motion.
Course Proposal presented by Fishburn for the Game Studio class. He would like to run the course again
in Spring 2014. Discussion followed regarding student credit if taken more than once and course cap.
Comm 496 – Game Studio course proposal was approved unanimously by a Herriott/Robinson motion.
Inclusive Excellence Award: There will one nominee from each department and the winner will be
selected by the Dean. Deadline is March 1st.
Advising dates have been set for March 18th from 10 am to 7 pm and March 19th from 3 pm to 6 pm. We
are currently set to hold the advising on the 4th floor of Heide if construction allows.
Other Announcements:
Baus said that there has been some discussion regarding creation of a minor in sports communication. If
interested in participating in this discussion please contact him.
Birthdays were observed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm by a Lucas/Lowell motion.