Communication Department Minutes – 9/23/14

Communication Department Minutes – 9/23/14
Attendance: Baus, Brady, Davis, Disrude, Fishburn, Frederick, French, Hixson, Hossain, Ibrahim, Jones,
Kates, Knabe, Kranenburg, Lowell, Lucas, Mead, Ridgeman, Robinson, Stobbe, TerKeurst, TerrancineHartman, Um, Wickert, Wildermuth.
Guests: Joan Cook.
Meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm in Andersen Library 1205.
September 23, 2014 agenda approved unanimously on a Robinson/TerKeurst motion.
August 28, 2014 minutes approved unanimously on a Fishburn/Robinson motion.
Terracina-Hartman gave presentation on News Engagement Day. Department agreed to participate in
this and document activity. Unanimously approved on a Baus/Kranenburg motion.
Presentation on Assessment Day given by Joan Cook. Handouts distributed.
Old Business:
Assessment meetings are scheduled for September 25, 2014. Corporate Health will meet in room 301;
Advertising in 314; PR in Davis’ office; and Electronic Media & B/P/W in 311.
By-Laws meeting following department meeting. Those that volunteered for this committee: Robinson,
Ksobiech, Brady, Fishburn, TerKeurst.
Goals. Hixson will assign faculty/staff to work on various goals. If you are interested in working on a
specific goal please let him know.
New Business:
First Read Course Proposal by Robinson & Jellerson on proposals for Comm 361, Media Criticism and
Comm 352, Film Genre. Discussion followed. Vote will be taken at October meeting.
Search & Screen: Committee met regarding Kannan’s position and they are currently working on the job
description and ad. The Dean would like to meet with tenured and tenure-track faculty to discuss the
Vogl-Bauer position. That meeting will take place on September 30th.
KEMPA Conference: Kates talked about the Kettle Moraine Press Association conference to be held
here on October 17th. Both Kates & Mead will be doing presentations. Kranenburg asked if there was
an advertising component and if not we should look into this. This is a wonderful recruitment
opportunity for the department.
Announcements: Hixson reminded faculty to please update their Digital Measures account.
Discussion regarding the start time of future department meetings due to the class grid change. It was
decided that meetings would begin at 3:25 pm.
Knabe reminded faculty to please promote the Social Media Summit. An email with information was
sent out.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 pm on a Lucas/French motion.