Communication Department Meeting 5/9/13

Communication Department Meeting
Attendance: Baus, Brady, Casey, Davis, Disrude, French, Geissler, Hixson, Lowell, Lucas, Kates,
Kranenburg, Mancl, Mead, Penington, Ridgeman, Robinson, Um, Vogl-Bauer, Wachanga, Welch,
Meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm in HE 113.
May 9, 2013 agenda had one addition under New Business which is the presentation of the Forensic
video. The agenda was approved as amended unanimously on a Lucas/Casey motion.
April 18, 2013 minutes approved unanimously on a Welch/Davis motion.
Committee Reports: None.
Old Business:
Assessment Reports were given by representatives of each curricular group. Hixson thanked all the
groups for their hard work. Vogl-Bauer thanked Hixson and Penington for their leadership roles in the
assessment process.
French gave an update on the speech waiver process. The reformat of holding two waiver opportunities
per semester was successful. There were 13 students that successfully passed this 2012-2013 academic
year. French thanked all those that helped in the waiver process.
Hixson was pleased to say that the Health Communication Symposium went very well. Baus said they
were already contacted by two agencies for possible student projects. Penington reported that there
were approximately 150 attendees and she received good feedback from students. Lowell said that the
speakers want to be part of it again next year.
Davis said that we have two open positions for our Graduate Instructional Assistants and if any faculty
know of students they feel would make a good candidate please have them contact him.
New Business:
Brady handed out verbiage that faculty should put on all future syllabi. It addresses some issues that
we want to get through to students. Disrude added that we should have our dates set for fall advising
my mid-summer.
Hixson gave an update on the summer searches. We currently have an ad for a Communication
Generalist and a Social Media and both are one year positions.
Hixson reminded faculty that merit information is due by Monday, May 13th. Brady reported that at
the last Faculty Senate meeting there was talk of a 1% raise the next two years.
Hixson reported that the fall college meeting is scheduled for August 22nd. Deadline for special studies
is September 4th.
Congratulations to Herriott for his 10 years of service and to Baus for his 25 years of service to the
Congratulations to Brady on the University Master Advisor award and to Penington for the first Inclusive
Excellence Faculty Award.
Hixson reminded faculty that on May 19th there will be the studio dedication for Dr. Peter Conover
beginning at 2:00 pm.
Lucas reported that HE 309 will be getting new computers by the fall semester. He hopes that in
addition to the new computers we will also be getting a new projector and teaching station as well.
Hixson thanked Mary K Casey for her service in the department over the past five years.
Penington’s retirement resolution was read and heartfelt thanks went to her for her 20 years of service.
May, June & July birthdays were observed.
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm by a Davis/French motion.