Communication Department Minutes – 9/17/15

Communication Department
Minutes – 9/17/15
Attendance: Brady, Davis, Disrude, Frederick, French, Herriott, Hwang, Ibrahim, Kates, Kranenburg,
Ksobiech, Jones, Lowell, Leighton, Lucas, Mead, Miyawaki, Ridgeman, Robinson, Ryan, Spiegelhoff,
TerKeurst, Terracina-Hartman, Wachanga, Weber, Welch, Wickert, Wildermuth.
Kellie Danielski presentation on Learning Communities.
 Current LCs include Mead’s Stars of Tomorrow and MAGD with Herriott
 Looking at a cross college collaboration with Corporate and Health Communication
 New Student Seminar includes a $1,500.00 stipend
 LC Coordinator receives a $1,000.00 stipend
 LC Coordinators are paired with a peer mentor
Old Business:
A motion was made to approve the August 27, 2015 minutes by Lucas; seconded by French.
Curriculum Proposals:
 Jones/Ksobiech gave second read on a special course proposal, Health Literacy and Medical
Communication. A prerequisite was changed from the first read to include Junior/Senior
standing. This course will need to be personalized as an elective for the Corporate and Health
majors. Flyers will be created to hand out to students at advising. Motion to approve the
curriculum proposal was made by Herriott; seconded by Lowell.
 Herriott gave second read on MAGD workshop course. This course is currently being run this
semester. Motion to approve the curriculum proposal was made by Robinson; seconded by
New Business:
New Course Proposals:
 Frederick gave a first read on a special course proposal for a course entitled Event Planning for
- Course would fall under techniques elective for PR majors.
- All of our other majors would benefit from this course as well.
- Lowell asked if the title of Event Planning could be changed not to strictly say PR.
- Wildermuth suggested a title of Event Planning for Communication Practitioners.
- French asked if the Business school had this type of course. Frederck said he did not see
- Disrude believes there may be a course like this in the HPERC area.
- Frederick would like it restricted to our majors initially.
- Frederick would like to push this forward as a permanent course.
- Discussion followed on prerequisite changes; drop 231 and 238 and add English 376.
- Second read at the October meeting.
Davis gave a first read on a special course proposal for a course entitled Political
Not as big of demand perhaps as the Event Planning but with the upcoming Presidential
Campaigns there would be a higher interest.
Interest not only with PR majors but Political Science, Sociology, International Studies and
Discussion followed on prerequisite changes; change Journlsm 212 to Journlsm 227 and also
eliminate Comm 232.
Second read at the October meeting.
Communication with students and community members.
 Brady asked that faculty/staff get back to students and/or other requestors in a timely manner.
Purple Books
 Brady said that this is the last semester that purple books will be due the week before scheduled
reviews. The university has moved up the date to the Tuesday of the second week of classes
beginning Fall 2016.
 Travel Information Forum is scheduled for September 23rd and 24th.
 On December 1st the College will be holding an Art Immersion and in the past the
Communication Department has not participated. Brady would like to see perhaps some
interactive workshops or video/audio presentations done. The audience is geared toward
middle and high school students.
 The Arts Alliance is looking for a new student member. If you have a student that you feel
would qualify please let Brady know.
 The Higher Learning Commission is looking for students to take part in a forum on October 5th at
4:30 pm. If you have some students that you would like to recommend please let Brady know.
 Frederick reminded faculty/staff to submit library requests to him.
 Herriott mentioned the email that went out about the large endowment to bring in a big name
artist for 2015-2016.
 Wildermuth thanked Lucas for holding down the fort at the Study Abroad Fair. Encourage
students to participate in the Ireland or Brazil study abroad trips for Spring 2016. She also asked
faculty to start thinking about Spring 2017 and where to go.
 Wildermuth will be in Scotland for the Spring 2016 semester and if any faculty member would
like to partner up on a project with her to please let her know.
 Brady said the deadline for FIIRST funds is November 1st.
 Ridgeman reminded faculty/staff about dues.
 Department group photo will be taken at the October 15th department meeting.
 Faculty/staff encouraged to get an individual picture for our website. They may get their photo
taken at the Video & Photo Studio in Andersen Library Room 1216.
 Ridgeman reviewed where to submit HELP desk tickets for classroom repairs and also where to
find PDF and Request to be Absent Forms.
Herriott made the motion to adjourn at 4:40 pm; seconded by Wildermuth.