Minutes: Educational Foundations Department meeting 10/3/12--UC 268 1-3 PM Welcome

Minutes: Educational Foundations Department meeting
10/3/12--UC 268 1-3 PM
Welcome 1:05 PM
In attendance: Scott Peters, Katie Elliot, Eileen Schroeder, Greg
Valde, Jenni Petersen, Anne Durst, Mark Jonas, Pam
Clinkenbeard, Mark Schroeder, Beth King, My Pettit, and Alicia
Stone-Jackson, as notetaker.
Approval of minutes (from 9/19/12) On a Greg Valde motion and a Scott
Peters second the minutes were approved unanimously.
Items for decision
 ELARC department assessment groups—writing, cultural understanding, critical
thinking, quantitative reasoning—determine membership Mark Schroeder
will be attending a meeting on this next Friday. He will
find out more information and report at the next
department meeting.
 Faculty Development Focus Group—need department representative Jennifer
Petersen has volunteered to represent the department on
this committee.
Items for discussion
 Curricular redesign—report from meeting with Robin After discussion the
department would like Robin Fox to come to a
department meeting to clarify some questions that were
o Classroom management & technology to be included
in the minor – (Department is not in favor of this)
o Starting earlier with the students (2nd semester
Freshman) What is the process? Timeline?
 Block issues: continued discussion regarding Communication Sciences and
Disorders students Communication Sciences & Disorders BSE
students about 20-40 per year will begin taking out
Foundation Block courses. They will be enrolled in the
secondary blocks and also in Human Development.
 Standards and Assessment Coordinator program—follow-up from Mark S. and
 TPA—Mark, Scott, and Anne (see attachments) This new DPI
requirement will be going into effect August 30, 2015.
There are a number of issues to work out concerning the
current portfolio transferring to the new video – eportfolio - Guidelines to introduce the TPA to
Introduction to Education & Teaching classes will be
worked out by Katie Elliot, Mark Schroeder, Mark Jonas,
Lloyd LaRoque, and Anne Durst
MSE-PD—report from Pam From the 9/23 meeting the main
item was 1 representative for emphasis. – Audit & review
will be due 10/2013
Grants and research report
Announcements and reminders:
Revised department tenure and promotion standards—due to tenured group ASAP
Mukwonago MSE-PD summer of 2013—need instructor for 780 Scott Peters
or Pam Clinkenbeard to teach course
Research Apprenticeship Program—looking for faculty mentors (contact Simone
Inclusive Excellence Post-Doc Fellowship Program (information coming from
Ellie Dickmann)
Crisis Development/Safety Training/Security—if interested in participating in
Planning Committee, contact Ellie Dickmann
Major/Minor Fair: Monday 11/5 from 2-5 PM in the UC (details to follow)
Peer observations—tenured faculty will be in touch to set up dates
Search committee update
Distance ed fees—waiting to get more information
Other announcements?
o Search committee will consist of Anne Durst, Mark
Jonas, Greg Valde, Beth King and Jenni Petersen
Next meeting: October 17, 2012 1-3 in UC 268
Adjourned: 3 p.m.