Minutes: Educational Foundations Department meeting 9/19/12--UC 268 1-3 PM Welcome

Minutes: Educational Foundations Department meeting
9/19/12--UC 268 1-3 PM
Welcome 1:00 P.M.
In attendance: Scott Peters, My Pettit, Pam Clinkenbeard, Eileen Schroeder, Beth
King, Greg Valde, Mark Schroeder, Katie Elliott, Jenni Petersen, Mark Jonas,
Anne Durst and Alicia Stone-Jackson, notetaker
Approval of minutes (from 9/5/12) On a motion by My Pettit and a second by Scott
Peters the minutes were approved unanamiously
Items for decision
Items for discussion
 Projects for student workers
 Grants report –
o Pam and Scott are working on IES Researcher District Partnership
with Beloit
o Scott is applying for Spencer Foundation Grant for Gifted Education
o Jenni working on Early Career
 ELARC: Assessment/evaluation--LEAP, critical thinking, writing… (attachments) Mark Jonas
and Mark Schroeder are working on an assessment LEAP – Assessment
currently done include the LEAP assessment or could revise the course to
 Office space—5th floor offices My Pettit would like an office on the 5th floor if
 New major—report on meeting of 9/12 Greg and Anne met with Katy and Melanie –
The provost has supported the Global Education major however the
department could not support the major due to not having the expertise
needed to teach the major. At some future date it may be possible for the
department to have an Education Studies major. The term Global needs a
better definition – cultural awareness - technology
 Curricular redesign—report from C&I meeting (attachment) Not a lot of changes have been
made since the last report. Greg Valde motioned that the department
recommend that Classroom Management be a required course as part of
the degree from our personal experience students are interested in the
course and we have been criticized by accrediting body. Myragene Pettit
seconded. After much discussion the department approved. The
department will try to come up with a way to add the course to the
 Distance ed fees We discussed this and have decided we are not going to
charge distance education fees.
Block issues: Communication Sciences and Disorders students; pilot Ed Psych/Child Dev., Pluralism,
Intro block? The Communication Sciences & Disorders would like a block that
would have both Ed Psych and Child Development they have 20 – 60
students per year that need to take the block– Block could be 2 credit each
Ed Psych and Child Development and 3 credits each for Pluralism and
Intro thus being a 10 credit block. What is the possibility of Human being
offered on the weekend with that block? Tabled for further discussion with
the Communication Disorders department.
Standards and Assessment Coordinator program –Shorter program – more flexible
Assessment Certificate for Graduate Students – could be a 12 to 15 credit
program. Next step is to determine the need. Scott Peters and Mark
Schroeder will talk to CESA to gain further information and using the
data for curricular change offering a survey course.
Announcements and reminders:
Call for submissions for the 25th annual Scholarship & Creative Achievement Reception (email of
PDP funds, distance ed funds, and new computers—emails coming with links to online application
Revised department tenure and promotion standards—due to tenured group by 9/26/12
Travel reimbursement envelopes
Replacement position (urban ed/social foundations) officially approved—committee should meet,
develop job description, and begin process; new position not approved
College committee members (attachment)
Peer observations—tenured faculty will be in touch to set up dates
Green travel envelopes—one for each faculty member
Thanks to all for sending syllabi for NCTQ request
Other announcements?
Next meeting: October 3, 2012 1-3 in UC 268
Adjourned: 3:00 P.M.