bio 1406 fourth exam review[1].doc

Dr. Harold Kay
1. DNA fingerprints look like –the
order of bases in a particular
2. muscle and bone cells are
different because they are
3. the simplest bacterial transposons
are – insertion sequences
4. viroids are naked strands of RNA
5. Prions are infectious protein
6. a Prophage is a phage that has
been incorporated into a specific
site on the bacterial chromosome
7. lyric cycle
8. Virulence. Associate this with
the lyric cycle.
9. Mutagen- physical or chemical
agents that interact with genetic
material to cause mutation.
10. know how DNA sequence goes
from RNA to protein molecule (
from mRNA to tRNA,
11. Know the base pairing rule.
12. damaged DNA is usually excised
by the enzyme-ligase
13. know mismatch repair
14. know excision repair
15. know DNA antiparallel rule in
regard to 5’ 3’ direction.
16. the sequence of viral replication
e.g. Attachment, entry etc
17. know about bovine growth
18. human growth hormone has been
a boom to children with
19. electroporation
20. the goal of the human genome
21. episome
22. transposons
23. inverted repeat
24. direct repeat
25. operon
26. plasmid
27. binary fission
28. transformation, transduction and
29. oncogene
30. horizontal transmission
31. vertical transmission
32. provirus
33. retrovirus
34. vaccine
35. emerging viruses
36. capsid
37. envelope
38. host range
39. lytic cycle
40. lysogenic cycle
41. point mutation
42. missense mutation
43. nonsense mutation
44. frame shift mutation
45. base-pair substitution
46. intron
47. exon
48. termination codon
49. anticodon
50. TATA box
51. primary transcript
52. pre-mRNA
53. codon
54. reading frame
55. ambiguity
56. redundancy
57. promoter
58. auxotroph
59. minimal medium
60. complete growth medium
61. transcription
62. translation
63. lagging strand
64. leading strand
65. primer
66. Watson and crick
67. bacteriophage
68. in 1928 Frederick Griffith
performed experiments that
provided evidence that genetic
material is a specific molecule
69. what are histones.
70. what are multigene families.
71. know about southern blotting
72. what are DNA fingerprints.
73. why are R plasmids important
74. what are proto-oncogenes
75. know about primary transcripts
and mRNA.
76. minimal medium and complete
77. what is a prophage
78. what is an episome, operon,
inverted repeat and direct repeat.
79. transformation, transduction and
conjugation (bacteria)
80. electroporation