– Fall 2010 IT442 Bruce Mahfood Project 6 Part 1

IT442 – Fall 2010
Bruce Mahfood
Project 6 Part 1 (Due 11/15) – Group Policy
Learn the use of Group Policy to control computer systems and user accounts. This will
help to understand the granularity of power that is provided by group policy. You will:
o Use group policy to control access to your server.
o Deal with Local Group Policies (LPGO).
These can be applied in working with domain policies in the future.
Book references: The reading for this project is found in Chapter 8, pp. 163-182.
Lab activities:
Access to the Control Panel, describes three layers of LGPO – Pages 163-168.
Group Policy Organization and Structure – Pages 168-174.
Treat your server as a Kiosk that provides access to visitors. Use group policy to lock
down your server so that the visitor cannot break into it. Allow one login account for
general visitors, one login account for special visitor, and your own administrator
account. This is a trial and error project, so document as you go along, and you will find
it easier to retrace your steps when something isn’t working out for you.
Written Assignment:
One deliverable from this lab, due on the date shown above, is an MMC for each
student, named Kiosc.mcs, saved, and emailed to my account.
A written narrative will also be turned in on the date shown above at the beginning of
class. This is to be a separate document to the written assignment for answering
questions to be given next class.