Topic Four.Age of Conflict.doc

Topic Four: The Age of Conflict 1560-1715
I. England and the Tudors
A. Henry VIII and Katharine of Aragon
1. Act of Supremacy 1529
2. Six Articles 1539
B. Edward VI (1547-1553) and Lady Jane Grey
C. Mary I (1553-1558)
1. Catholic resurgence
D. Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
1. Moderate Protestantism
2. Policies
3. War with Spain
a. Mary, Queen of Scots, d. 1587
b. Spanish Armada 1588
II. France and the Valois
A. Background, Henry II (d. 1559) and Catharine de Medici
B. The Guise Family vs. the Bourbon Family
C. Francis II (1559-1560)
D. Charles IX (1560-1574)
1. St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 1572
E. Henry III (1574-1589)
1. War of the three Henry’s (1588)
F. “Paris is worth a mass”, end of the Valois dynasty
1. Henry IV, start of the Bourbon dynasty
2. Edict of Nantes
III. Charles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor
A. Ottoman Threat
B. Suppression of Protestantism
C. Peace of Augsburg 1555
D. Spanish Hapsburgs and Austrian Hapsburgs
IV. Spain
A. Phillip II (1556-1598)
1. Turkish Threat
a. Battle of Lepanto 1571
2. Revolt in the Netherlands
a. Protestant rebellion starts 1567
b. Duke of Alba attempts to suppress rebellion
c. The sack of Antwerp 1576
d. Catholic southern provinces join the north
e. Union of Utrecht 1579
3. War with England
a. English privateers harass Spanish ships
b. Elizabeth of England aids in the Dutch revolt
c. Mary, Queen of Scots executed 1587
d. Spanish Armada, 1588
V. The Holy Roman Empire and the 30 Years War
A. Background
1. Calvinism infiltrates Lutheran areas of Germany
a. Peace of Augsburg does not address Calvinism
2. Archduke Ferdinand crowned king of Bohemia 1617
a. He is also the heir to the Holy Roman Empire
b. He begins to suppress Protestantism in Bohemia
(Bohemia is modern day Czechoslovakia)
B. First Stage Bohemia vs. the Palantine 1618-1623
1. Defenestration of Prague 1618
2. Battle of White Mountain 1620
3. The Palantine overrun 1621-1622
C. Second Stage Danish Involvement 1625-1629
1. Christian IV defeated at Lutter
2. Wallenstein victorious
3. Peace of Lubeck/Edict of Restitution 1629
D. Third State Swedish Intervention
1. Gustavus Adolphus
2. Battle of Breitenfeld 1631
3. Battle of Lutzen 1632
4. Wallenstein assassinated 1634
5. Peace of Prague 1635
E. French Involvement 1638-1648
1. Franco-Swedish Alliance 1638
2. Treaty of Westphalia 1648
F. Results
1. Political
a. France dominant
b. Use of international “congresses” to settle disputes
c. Holy Roman Empire effectively ceases to exist
--- instead will now be the Austrian-Hungarian Empire
2. Social
a. Towns and cities destroyed
b. Displacement of peasant population
c. Beginnings of serfdom in E. Europe
3. Economic
a. Negative population growth suppresses the
VI. Culture
A. Secularization of the arts
1. More wealth means more people, especially the middle
class, will support the arts
B. Professional Theatre
1. Shakespeare
C. Painting
1. Also divided religiously
2. Baroque
3. Dutch School
4. Mannerism
D. Music
1. Secular
a. Mozart
b. Opera
2. Religious
E. Philosophy
1. Michel de Montaigne
a. Moral Relativism
b. the essay