8/20 - Madison County Schools

Bell Ringers #1
1. Why is it important to learn about history?
2. If I could go back and witness a historical event, it
would be….
3. What historical era would like to learn about in
greater detail?
1. Name one historical event that has impacted your
life. Explain why it has impacted you.
2. What are your plans after high school?
1. What is a primary source? Give some examples
2. What is a secondary source? Give some examples
1. How many countries are in Europe?
2. How many oceans are on planet Earth?
3. What is the biggest continent in the world?
4. What countries make up the United Kingdom?
5. Which ocean separates the US and Europe?
1. Define the following.
a. Government
b. Aristocracy
c. Monarchy
d. Oligarchy
e. Democracy
f. Republic
g. Senate
2. Who is Plato? Write all you know about him.
1. Athens was a great city-state of what empire?
2. Plato was the student of what great philosopher?
3. What is the difference in a direct democracy and a
4. What issues, if any, are involved with a direct
5. What issues, if any, are involved with a republican
1. What does monotheist mean?
2. Would the written Roman law be considered a
primary or secondary source?
3. How would religious beliefs affect people’s political
4. What is the major similarity in Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam?
1. What did the Roman Empire add to democracy?
2. What is the Holy Book of Islam?
3. What Christian principle is a central belief of
1. What were some causes of the Roman Empire’s
2. How many times could Roman roads circle the earth?
3. What is the greatest symbol of the Roman Empire?
(Hint: where gladiators fought.)
1. What does the word Renaissance mean?
2. What country was the focal point of the Renaissance?
3. Name as many famous artists from the Renaissance
as you can.
1. Identify the following people:
a. William Shakespeare
b. Johann Gutenberg
c. Leonardo da Vinci
d. Niccolo Machiavelli
2. What do you feel is the best way to motivate people?
Explain why this is the best method.
1. What is humanism?
2. How did humanism influence Renaissance ideas?
3. What were some of the major city-states in Italy
during the Renaissance?
1. What is the name of the family that controlled
Florence by loaning money?
2. What percentage of the population was killed by the
1. Who is considered the greatest sculptor of all time?
2. What advantages did Italy have that allowed it to
flourish during the Renaissance?
1. Explain how the development of the printing press
affected learning and the spread of ideas.
1. What are indulgences?
2. Why was Martin Luther unhappy with the sale of
1. What cause Luther’s ideas to spread throughout
2. Study the timeline on pg. 58 of the textbook and
answer the following.
a. How many years are represented on the timeline?
b. How many rulers of England are shown on the
c. How many years did Mary reign as queen?
1. Why did Henry VIII need either a divorce or
2. Elizabeth I came to power at a time of religious
turmoil. How did she deal with the question of
1. What is Anabaptists?
2. What is the Council of Trent?
3. How many wives did Henry VIII have?
1. What was John Calvin’s ideal government system?
2. What did the followers of John Knox become known
3. Where did Elizabeth I set up an empire in order to
help England’s economy?
4. How did the people of England feel about the
Anglican Church?
1. What were the goals of the Society of Jesus?
2. In what ways did John Calvin’s church differ from
Martin Luther’s?
1. Where did the term Protestantism originate?
2. What impact did Henry VIII’s actions have on
England in the second half of the 1500s?
1. Identify the following
a. Bartolomeu Dias
b. Prince Henry
c. Vasco da Gama
d. Treaty of Tordesillas
e. Dutch East Indian Company.
2. Between 1400 and 1800 Europeans began to explore
the world. What possible rewards might come from
exploring the seas for new lands?
1. What are some risks involved in embarking on a
voyage into the unknown?
2. What items would you take if you were to go on such
a journey?
1. In 1415, Prince Henry led the invasion of Ceuta in
North Africa. One of the prizes from the victory was
maps that were more accurate than any in Europe.
Four years later, Henry established his navigation
school at Sagres. It included libraries, an observatory,
and a shipbuilding facility. IT was the first caravel
was developed.
Why do you think Prince Henry never went on a
voyage of exploration himself?
1. Define/Identify the following:
a. Christopher Columbus
b. Colony
c. Hernando Cortes
d. Conquistador
e. Francisco Pizarro
f. Mestizo
g. encomienda
1. Why were most of the Spanish explorers drawn to the
2. Which country was the richest and most powerful in
the 16th century, and why?
1. Define/Identify
a. New France
b. Jamestown
c. Pilgrims
d. Puritans
e. New Netherlands
f. French and Indian War
g. Metacom
1. Which Spanish explorer conquered the Aztecs?
2. What valuable crop were the Portuguese bringing to
Europe from Brazil?
3. What South American country did Francesco Pizarro
4. What trade was set up after the abolishment of the
encomienda system?
5. Who’s crew was first to circumnavigate the entire
1. Which treaty did many European countries ignore
when they began exploring the Americas?
2. Which country controlled most of the Midwest and
Canada by the 1700s?
3. What were Catholic priest seeking to do during
4. Why was Jamestown not very successful in the
beginning? What eventually made the settlement
1. What was the 2nd English colony founded in
America? Why did this group come to America?
2. What 3 waterways did Henry Hudson discover?
3. Who was New York named after?
1. What is inflation? Give an example of how this
2. What are two ways a country can increase its wealth?
3. What is the theory of Mercantilism?
1. How did the Africans resist slavery? Give several
2. How many men did Cortes have when he
conquered the Aztecs?
3. How long did it take Magellan’s crew to sail
around the world?
4. How many sentences typically make up a
Use the graph below to answer number 15.
1. Which places were part of all three triangular trade routes? (Write out your answer.)
a. England
b. West Indies and southern colonies
c. New England, New York, and Philadelphia
d. Africa