Review for Final
Note: Please remember that the final will be comprehensive. The final will be fill in the blank and multiple choice questions. Most questions will come straight from the powerpoints, so I would review those first and as you are doing this, please pay attention to the following list of terms and concepts. Please remember that you will need to recall many of these terms and concepts on the final.
Terms/Concepts to know:
Cell theory
Hypothesis-based science
Three domains of life (practice spelling these)
Subatomic particles of an atom and their charges
Atomic number
Atomic mass
Covalent bonds
Ionic bonds
Hydrogen bonds
Water molecule, partial charges
Specific heat
Functions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Carbohydrate monomer and polymer name
Protein monomer and polymer name
Saturated/Unsaturated fats
Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; examples of each type of cell
Selective barrier of plasma membrane
Function of eukaryotic organelles
Active transport
Passive transport
Concentration gradient
Isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic solutions
ATP purpose of aerobic respiration
Somatic cells, gametes
Mitosis phases
Main steps of photosynthesis
End products of photosynthesis
Homologous chromosomes
Sister chromatids
Haploid, diploid
Meiosis I and II
3 mechanisms that contribute to genetic variation
Why Mendel studied peas
Phenotype, genotype
Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses codominance, incomplete dominance, sex-linked inheritance
Trisomy, monosomy
Origin of replication
DNA and RNA polymerase transcription translation
Codons tRNA molecules
Nonsense, missense, and silent mutations
Basic structure of a virus
Recombinant DNA
Gel electrophoresis
PCR unsaturated fat cytoskeleton buffers endocytosis exocytosis cytokinesis interphase benign and malignant tumor recessive allele dominant allele negative and positive feedback hemoglobin plasma thermoregulation osmoregulation somatic cell nuclear transfer
DNA cloning
Insulin sarcomeres vaccine exoskeleton endoskeleton indirect development direct development lymphatic system immune System skeletal system nervous system urinary system muscular system endocrine system integumentary system cardiovascular system respiratory system reproductive system differences between different types of tissues