VP Exam2 Review.doc

Exam 2 - Test Review
Chapters 3, 6, and 7 Visualizing Psychology
Chapter 3
Definition of stress
Definition of stressor
Definition of distress
Social readjustment Rating Scale
Examples of chronic stressors
Examples of the largest source of chronic
stress for adults
Definition of hassles
Definition of burnout
Define frustration
Approach-approach conflict
Avoidance-avoidance conflict
General Adaptation Syndrome
Describe Psychoneuroimmunology
Describe cancer and its relationship to the
immune system
Stress and heart disease
Type A personality
Define hardiness
Type A and heart disease
Describe how to help someone diagnosed
with PTSD
Describe the biopsychosocial model
Describe health psychology
Reason young people begin smoking
Reasons why it is hard to quit smoking
Most effective methods to quit smoking
Describe signs of alcohol dependency
Describe how to help someone cope with
chronic pain
Describe biofeedback
Define defense mechanism
Emotion-focused coping
Problem focused coping
Define locus of control
Define external and internal locus of control
Exercise and its impact on reducing stress
Chapter 6
Definition of learning
Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning
Little Albert Study
How are phobias learned?
Define generalization
Define stimulus discrimination
Define extinction
Define spontaneous recovery
Define operant conditioning
Define reinforcement
Describe classical conditioning
Define operant conditioning
Pioneers of classical conditioning
Pioneers of operant conditioning
Describe Thorndike’s law of effect
Describe reinforcement and punishment
on behavior
Define primary reinforces
Define secondary reinforcers
Describe positive reinforcement
Describe negative reinforcement
Define negative punishment
Define positive punishment
Describe continuous reinforcement
Best way parents can reinforce kid’s
Describe partial reinforcement
Describe variable ratio schedule
Describe fixed interval schedule
Define taste aversion
Define learned helplessness
Describe modeling
Define cognitive map
Define observational learning
Describe Bandura’s Study using the Bo
Bo doll
Describe biological preparedness
Describe the impact of playing video
games and violence
Describe the research on the media
exposure of portraying women in
demeaning roles
Exam 2 - Test Review
Chapters 3, 6, and 7 Visualizing Psychology
Chapter 7
Three steps in the memory process
Define levels of processing
Identify the three stage memory model
Define sensory memory
Define short term memory
Define long term memory
Define maintenance rehearsal
Define explicit/ declarative memory
Define semantic memory
Define implicit/nondeclarative memory
Define procedural memory
Define elaborative rehearsal
Define retrieval clues
Define encoding specificity principle
Define mood congruent
Flashbulb memory
What is the role of the amygdala in
storing memories?
Define the role of the hippocampus in
forming new memories
What is the leading cause of memory
loss between the ages of 15 and 25?
Define anterograde amnesia
Define retrograde amnesia
Identify the two lobes involved in
Alzheimer’s disease
Define interference
Define motivated forgetting
Define retrieval failure
Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
Ebbinghause’s forgetting curve
Define serial position effect
Describe the sleeper effect
Define massed practice
Describe false memory
Describe how the brain fills in missing
information in forming memories
Describe repressed memories