School of Social and Behavioral Sciences February 23, 2016 SBS Chair Meeting Call to Order: The SBS Chair meeting was held on Tuesday, February 23, 2015 in Canyons Hall 201. It began at 3 PM and was presided over by Paul Wickline, with Lisette Godinez as secretary. Attendance: Anne Marenco, David Andrus, Lisa Malley, Paul Wickline, Renee Marshall, Tamara StokesRice, and Victoria Leonard. Introduction: Welcome back to another semester! We hope you had a pleasant break between semesters. Housekeeping: Paul would like to ask that Chairs remind their faculty to please not remove furniture (desks or chairs) from the classrooms. Furniture: There are six student chairs and an instructor chair missing from Hasley Hall 205. A work order has been placed. UCEN310 needs a VCR to play VHS tapes. This issue will be looked into. Lisette will follow up with Cynthia Madia on the Scantron machine for UCEN. For instructors who need Scantron sheets, they can ask Sandra Hernandez or Lisette Godinez in SCOH-311 or SCOH-307 for them. Andy McCutcheon is leading the furniture taskforce and are in talks with Sharlene to begin the process. Paul will check on the taskforce’s status, and if the taskforce will check with teachers regarding the furniture bought for opinions and feedback. Paul will follow up and inform Chairs about this situation. Sherrill Pennington needs two student chairs, Lisette is following up with this issue. Renee Marshall made aware that tables in ECE are falling apart and need replacing. Money for furniture is in Jim Schrage’s fund and will roll over past the fiscal year end. The large instructor tables in classrooms will be removed from the classrooms that indicated it was an issue. David Andrus would like to know if Cindy Grandgeorge, or anyone else, has a private poverty inventory, as he has paid for his own desk, chair, and fridge in his office and would not like those items to be misplaced or taken. Lisette has followed up with Cindy Grandgeorge regarding this issue. Yes, this list exists, and Lisette has the form for those who want to list or have not listed their personal property. Contact Lisette for the form. Program Review: Paul would like to thank Chairs for editing and resubmitting their Program Review. Pac-B and the Executive Cabinet look into the reasoning. The next step is to prioritize on the school level. Budget copies were passed out to the Chairs to look at. Summer Schedule: Academic Affairs would like a summer schedule submitted by Friday. They hope to make the list public on March 1st. Chairs have been asked to please submit ASAP. Changes will be made down the line, so staffing does not need to be finalized yet. There is competition with local colleges to compete for FTE growth. Summer and winter intersessions tend to have low student enrollment. If there is a likelihood of faculty teaching in the summer, please submit so Academic Affairs can review. School of Social and Behavioral Sciences February 23, 2016 There is no date for Fall Schedules yet. The Executive cabinet folks are still deciding. It should come up soon, and Sherrill Pennington believes she heard of an adjunct April 1st deadline. Victoria Leonard asks for 2 weekends to look at the schedule building when it comes through. Canyon Country: There are is no permanency due to the campus not having permanent buildings. Paul requests that Chairs remember to add Canyon Country classes to help build the campus. If there are no students, no classes, there won’t be a need to continue building the campus. He adds to keep in mind that the 600 block will be torn down in the future. Sherrill requests to have a list of Saturday days ahead of time when building schedules. Academic Staffing 2016-18: Paul would like to congratulate Chairs, as most of the people who presented is represented. However, it is never too late to put a request for participating in the academic process. There may be another call in the fall, and those interested will be able to join then. The Chancellor has put in a two-year proposal, which may be revised. Paul will inform the Chairs about that. There will be six new faculty joining in the span of a year and a half. Work Orders: Please remember that work order requests can be put through for any issues. Paul will approve those requests, though they may not always be accepted. Issues may include leaky pipes, missing chairs, or phone issues. If a work order was previously placed and the issue not taken care of, you can check the status of the request or let Paul or Lisette know. They will follow up or place another request for you. Please remember that some of those issues are prioritized, so please be patient. There is a faulty latch on a stall in the women’s bathroom in Hasley Hall bottom floor. A work order has been placed. Course Assessment Guide: A blue form was passed out that outlines and reminds Chairs of deadlines. There is a March deadline for an ACCJC Proficiency Report. New course assessment reports should be sent out to Lisette so she can put the information into the database. Daylene, who is working with CASTLE, may need this information the second week of March for her report. New courses have a mandatory assessment. But if there are no new classes, there is no need for assessment and no need to worry. Master Plan: Paul passed out the draft for the Ed Facilities Master Plan from Sue Bozman. It was edited to reflect the priorities of the school from feedback in the last school meeting. Further changes will be made, such as removing SHARP/Gerontology as it is moving to Community Ed. Paul would also like to thank the Chairs for meeting with Jennifer Brezina. Changes made to the plan: History requests 2 faculty members ECE has requested 2 smart boards Sherrill should be listed in Canyon Country Paul and Victoria will talk regarding the COMS lab Please let Paul know if any changes need to made or if needs to be added. ILOs: There are 7 ILOS, one was dropped. SBS now needs to work together to see what is needed at a school level. ILOs are important as they reflect the college mission statement. Paul requests feedback from the school to help improve them. Questions were asked about how they would be assessed, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences February 23, 2016 trained, and applicable. Their concern is what CPT wants. Paul explains that CPT wants faculty to be passionate about them and begin practicing.