1-10) Irrigation season water level changes in municipal Arapahoe Aquifer wells, Douglas County, Colorado Niemela, Daniel Abstracts with Programs Geological Society of America, October 2007, Vol. 39, Issue 6, pp.43 The Arapahoe Aquifer of the Denver Basin aquifer system is one of the primary water sources used to meet municipal water demands in Douglas County, Colorado. Concentrated pumping from the Arapahoe Aquifer has resulted in long-term and short-term water level changes. During the May through September irrigation season, over 150 feet of water level decline has been observed in non-pumping Arapahoe Aquifer wells, with a corresponding water level rebound during winter months. Reduced late-summer aquifer water levels result in lower Arapahoe Aquifer well yields. Lawn irrigation accounts for roughly 50-percent of annual municipal water demand and irrigation season water level declines are the result of cumulative well-to-well interference during this high-demand period. Late in the irrigation season, public water supply systems that rely on the Arapahoe aquifer are confronted with meeting peak water demands while suffering a loss in Arapahoe Aquifer well yield. Water storage, alternative water supplies, additional well drilling, demand management and other strategies may be implemented to address this challenge. 2-16) Opportunities for conservation with precision irrigation. (Technology application). Author(s):E.J. Sadler, R.G. Evans, K.C. Stone and C.R. Camp. Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60.6 (Nov-Dec 2005): p371 (9). (7760 words) Document Type: Magazine/Journal Bookmark: Bookmark this Document Library Links: Agriculture has vaulted into the space age using remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) into what is being referred to as precision agriculture or site specific crop management. Precision agriculture involves aspects of remote sensing, crop protection, field sampling, precision planting, precision tillage, precision fertilizer placement, precision irrigation, on-the-go yield monitoring and other emerging applications. It has the potential to increase certain economic efficiencies of the operations by optimally matching inputs to yields in each area of a field and reducing costs. The potential economic benefit of precision farming lies in reducing the cost of inputs, but precision agriculture could increase risk. When the farmer's management tolerance for risk is low, the potential economic benefit would be smaller. Beyond economic benefits, most expect some improved environmental stewardship. Analysis of observed spatial variability and the performance of equipment indicate that methods to increase yield or reduce inputs may include variable rate herbicide application, management zones for nitrogen application based on soil characteristics, yield maps, and growers' assessment of productivity, use of multi-spectral remote sensing technology to assess nitrogen stress of the crop, and site-specific pest management. Innovative application of statistical methods and analytical methods using new or existing simulation models may prove beneficial. 3-9) Water from Power: Water Supply and Regional Growth in the Santa Clara Valley Author(s): Richard A. Walker and Matthew J. Williams Source: Economic Geography, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Apr., 1982), pp. 95-119 Published by: Clark University Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/143791 Accessed: 29/09/2008 16:28 WATER FROM POWER: WATER SUPPLY AND REGIONAL GROWTH IN THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY RICHARD A. WALKER and MATTHEW J. WILLIAMS The principal task is to uncover the origins of water development in a major urban area. The major thesis examined is that the demand for water arising from agricultural and urban growth is the dominant variable and that a political growth coalition has operated to see that water shortages and costs do not stand in the way of local development. The present study is directed at three important gaps in the water resources literature. Our principal task is to uncover the origins of water development and overdevelopment in a major urban area. Most attention in the field of water resources has been focused on the economic efficiency of water projects [2; 16] or the bureaucratic and legislative politics behind them [19; 30; 32]. Little attempt has been made to go beyond the most readily apparent "institutional" or economic causes of water supply to the political economy of regional growth. A notable exception is LeVeen [28]. Our thesis is that the demand for water arising from agricultural and urban growth is the dominant variable and that a political growth coalition, backed by class power, operates to see that water shortages and costs do not stand in the way of local development. A second goal is to shed light on the relation between water supply and regional development. Studies of industrial location and regional growth occasionally deal with the causal role of water but have come to no consensus [10; 17; 24; 31; 36]. Because these inquiries treat water supply in isolation from politicaleconomic forces, however, they ask the wrong questions. It is not how water predetermines development, but how water supply is created in the development process. Finally, we relate the history of water development in San Jose and the Santa Clara Valley. Many water histories of the other great cities of California exist [8; 15; 22; 26; 57]. Yet San Jose has never had an adequate coverage, despite being the fourth largest city in the state, the world center of microlectronics, and a textbook case of rapid growth. In the first three sections of this paper we lay out a descriptive history of regional development and water supply. 4-18) Title: The application of GIS to irrigation water resource management in England and Wales.(geographic information systems). Author(s):J.W. Knox and E.K. Weatherfield. Source: The Geographical Journal 165.1 (March 1999): p90(9). (4172 words) Document Type:Magazine/ Abstract: This paper reviews the nature of agricultural spray irrigation in England and Wales, and the emerging role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a modelling and decision-making tool to irrigation water resource management. Agricultural demand for water accounts for only two per cent of the total water use in the UK, but forms a significant component of direct abstraction in certain catchments in dry summers and in dry years. The temporal and spatial variations in demand (as well as supply) cause acute problems for managing existing water supplies and planning future needs. Water resource managers need to base their catchment strategies on predicted irrigation demands and growth rates which take into account the local variations in climate, soil type, land use and irrigation practice. A GIS approach is particularly well suited to this. The availability of appropriate data sources, together with some recent example applications, are reported. KEY WORDS: England and Wales, agriculture, GIS, irrigation, maps, planning, water resources 5-2) Water Transfers: Must the American West Be Won Again? Author(s): Frank Quinn Source: Geographical Review, Vol. 58, No. 1 (Jan., 1968), pp. 108-132 Published by: American Geographical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/212834 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:18 WATER TRANSFERS* MUST THE AMERICAN WEST BE WON AGAIN? FRANK QUINN THE nineteenth-century American West' was won largely through the adjustment of rural communities to the limitations of local water availability. Today's West may still be a land of wide open spaces; its population, however, lives mainly in cities. It is, moreover, a population that seems determined to overcome, rather than adjust to, local environmental handicaps. The search for water supplies now extends beyond the nearest river basin. Some of the reasons for this outward shift are already apparent. On the one hand, the reallocation of locally developed water rights from agriculture to higher-value municipal, industrial, and recreational uses is inhibited by legal and political traditions. And on the other, less painful alternatives, such as seawater desalinization and weather modification, appear too remote for widespread hope. Instead, a more immediate technological possibility is indictated. This is the physical transfer of water, often over long distances, from the undeveloped supplies of better-watered parts of the West to the expanding urban centers of the dry lands. That it now falls within man's ability to manipulate what in the past have always been considered "fixed" features of the natural environment, namely the drainage divides between major river basins, is both remarkable and disturbing. Intense political conflicts between areas of "surplus" and "deficient" water supplies have already reached the international level. These follow the vastly increased scale of recent proposals, which include distribution systems in thousands of miles and estimated direct costs in billions of dollars. So far as water transfers can effect a redistribution of water-related development throughout the West, their significance will not be lost on students of geography and regional development. 6-13) Title: Soil property changes after four decades of wastewater irrigation; a landscape perspective Authors: Walker, C.; Lin, H. S.; Source: Catena Giessen, March 15, 2008, Vol. 73, Issue 1, pp. 63-74 Publication Date: March 15, 2008; Collation: 12 p. 63-74 For over 40 years, The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has irrigated its wastewater onto both cropped and forested lands. Despite local weather conditions, approximately 50 mm/week of wastewater have been spray-irrigated onto the land since 1962. This irrigation, combined with the natural precipitation, amounts to approximately 3550 mm of water per year. The objective of this study was to investigate the morphological and functional changes in soils of this area as a result of this significantly-increased water load. The research area has a karst geology and is dominated by rolling hills with many small depressions that act as sinks for water and sediments. Together with six soil trenches, 47 soil cores were taken across a 6.5-ha field. Previous studies conducted at this site provided a reference for interpreting the changes in soil properties over time. Soil morphological properties, including structure, horizonation, and redoximorphic features, were evaluated from the soil cores and in situ soil pits. In addition, soil functional parameters, including saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), bulk density, organic matter content, and soil pH, were evaluated to determine the soil functional changes. Results indicate that the soils have experienced periods of local saturation and soil transport, which are reflected by the distribution of redoximorphic features and A-horizon thickness across the study area. Sample locations were grouped into three landscape positions (summit, midslope, and depression) that exhibited similar soil properties. The depth of the A-horizon was significantly greater in the depressions, while the midslope position had the highest manganese oxide coating percentage, and the summit position had the highest bulk density. This reflects the likely hydrologic path from the summit to the depression. The depression areas had the highest mean surface Ksat (10.2 cm/h), while the summit areas had the lowest mean surface Ksat (1.2 cm/h). Both organic matter content and soil pH have increased considerably since 1971. Overall, although soil properties have changed through the decades of irrigation, the wastewater spray irrigation system remains functional in this area and the soils are still performing reasonably well; however, some concerns about reduced soil functionality need to be addressed from a landscape perspective in order to sustain this system. 7-12) Title: Completion Report Colorado Water Resources Research Institute Urban landscape irrigation with recycled wastewater Authors: Qian, Yaling Corporate Authors: U. S. Geological Survey, United States, sponsor Source: Completion Report Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, March 2006 Publication Date: March 2006 As the population of Colorado's Front Range continues to grow, increased use of recycled wastewater (RWW) is viewed as one approach to maximize the existing water resource and stretch Colorado's urban water supplies. Understanding the responses of urban landscape plants and soils to recycled wastewater irrigation and identifying proper management practices are critical to the long-term success of this practice. From 2003-2005, research was conducted to assess variability of chemical properties of recycled wastewater in the Front Range of Colorado and to evaluate landscape soils and plants that are currently under recycled wastewater irrigation. Survey data indicated that, rather than cost savings, the availability and reliability of the water were the main reason for using RWW for irrigation. Recycled wastewater samples were collected from irrigation ponds and sprinkler outlets on landscape sites. Results indicated that there were variations in water quality between wastewater treatment facilities. In all cases, the water samples met or exceeded the regulations in regard to of E. coli count as defined in the state Regulation 84, therefore the water is suitable for landscape irrigation. Nevertheless, RWW does contain varying quantities of soluble ions, with an average electrical conductivity (EC) value of 0.84 dS m (super 1) . The chemical constituents of recycled wastewater were dominated by sulfate, bicarbonate, chloride, and sodium. The average sodium and chloride concentrations of 37 water samples collected from all the sites were 99 mg/L and 95 mg/L, respectively. Adjusted sodium absorption ratio (SAR) of RWW samples ranged from 1.6 to 8.3. To assess recycled wastewater irrigation on the long-term changes of soil, we compiled soil test data from landscape sites that were near metropolitan Denver, CO. Among these sites, six had been irrigated exclusively with domestic RWW for 4, 5, 13, 14, 19, and 33 years, respectively. The other six with similar turf species, age ranges, and soil textures had used surface water (average EC = 0.23 dS m (super -1) ) for irrigation. Our results indicated that soils (sampled to 11.4 cm) from sites where RWW was used for at least four years exhibited 0.3 units of higher pH and 200 percent, 40 percent, and 30 percent higher concentrations of extractable Na, B, and P, respectively. Compared to sites irrigated with surface water, sites irrigated with RWW exhibited 187 percent higher EC and 481 percent higher sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of saturated paste extract. However, extractable Mg was reduced by 15 percent (P < 0.005). Comparison of soil chemical properties before and 4 or 5 years after RWW irrigation on two golf courses also revealed the following findings: a) 89-95 percent increase in Na content; b) 28-50 percent increase in B content; and c) 89 -117 percent increase in P content at the surface depth. Generally, turfgrasses had a good appearance, showing salinity damage only on a few sites with poor drainage, heavy soil structure, or shallow water table. However, chronic decline of conifer trees were often observed under RWW irrigation. Ponderosa pines grown on sites irrigated with RWW for 5-33 years exhibited 10 times higher needle burn symptoms than those grown on sites irrigated with surface water (33 percent vs. 3 percent). Tissue analysis indicated that ponderosa pine needles collected from sites receiving RWW exhibited 11 times greater Na (super +) concentration, two times greater Cl (super -) , and 50 percent greater B concentrations than samples collected from the control sites. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that the level of needle burn was largely influenced by leaf tissue Na (super +) concentration. Tissue Ca level and K/Na ratio were negatively associated with needle burn symptoms, suggesting that calcium amendment and K addition may help mitigate the needle burn syndrome in ponderosa pine caused by high Na (super +) in the tissue. The project indicated that both problems and opportunities exist in using RWW for landscape irrigation. The use of recycled wastewater for irrigation in urban landscapes is a powerful means of water conservation 8-5) Patenting an Arid Frontier: Use and Abuse of the Public Land Laws in Owens Valley, California Author(s): Robert A. Sauder Source: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 79, No. 4 (Dec., 1989), pp. 544-569 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of American Geographers Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2563647 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:27 Abstract. Five nineteenth-century policies for alienating the federal public domain only partially fulfilled their objectives when applied in the arid setting of Owens Valley, California. The Homestead Law was most successful in advancing the family farm ideal, to judge by the persistence of small holdings several decades after land entry. Preemption claims, coincident in time and space with homesteading, were more often consolidated into larger farm units. The Desert Land Act, though designed to encourage irrigated farming in the arid West, tended to attract nonresident speculative entries on marginal lands, most of which were eventually consolidated into large grazing units. State Land Grants also contributed to large-scale holdings, whereas the Timber Culture Act, though used for entry in the 1880s, had little relevance to final settlement. Public land policies were generally adequate for settling the well-watered north end of Owens Valley, but they were unsuccessful in reclaiming most of the irrigable lands of the vast arid stretches of the valley's southern townships. Federal land measures failed to account for the environmental diversity which prevails in the arid West and made no provision for the cooperative reclamation of desert lands. Unsound land alienation policies for the arid public domain resulted in the urban use of Owens Valley's water resources. DEFICIENT rainfall and rugged terrain in the American intermountain West brought to a halt the continuous wave of westward migration occupying contiguous stretches of agricultural land which characterized settlement of the western prairies and sub humid plains. As a result, the Far West became a detached frontier requiring a new set of adjustments to environmental problems (Hornbeck 1987, 279). The initial concern of most pioneer settlers was how to colonize a region so isolated and so different from the areas from which they had originally migrated (Hornbeck 1987, 290). In the 1850s, federal surveyors offered some assistance as they began mapping the agricultural potential of the western public domain. Townships were surveyed and sectionalized, and land surface, soil, vegetation and water supply characteristics for each parcel were recorded. Later, as mining activities expanded beyond California's Mother Lode into the arid intermountain West, the demand for farm products in the region increased (Paul 1963). The stage was now set for pioneers to settle and improve the rectangular units which had been imposed on a land encompassing a complex mosaic of environmental features. The patenting, or disposal, of these western public lands involved, for the most part, use of public land measures which had been designed for settling the more humid regions farther east. Past research by geographers on the patterns and processes of public land disposal has generally been conducted within the regional context for which the land measures were originally intended. A variety of interrelated approaches have been employed: Some studies focus on the chronological pattern of public land disposal to reflect cultural perception and the progress of settlement in unfamiliar environments (Bowen 1970, 1976; Kiefer 1969, 24¬42; McIntosh 1976; McManis 1964, 62-72); others emphasize the manner in which public land laws were used to adjust to environmental variability and location (McIntosh 1974, 1975, 1981… 9-11) Title: Effects of urbanization of groundwater resources, recharge rates, and flow patterns Authors: Sharp, John M.; Garcia-Fresca, Beatriz Monograph Title: Geological Society of America, 2003 annual meeting. Source: Geological Society of America, November 2003, Vol. 35, Issue 6, pp. 158 Publication Date: November 2003 Collation:1 p. 158 Over half of the world's population lives in cities and this percentage is growing. Urban sprawl is also progressing at high rates. Urban areas have profound effects on groundwater systems because they require water resources; produce sources of pollution; may alter local climate systems; change the geomorphology; alter the permeability field; and, generally, increase recharge. Where groundwater supplies the cities, problems of subsidence, salt-water intrusion, aquifer overexploitation, and loss of wetlands can occur. Where surface water is used, problems of rising water tables can occur along with the other problems involved in water transfer and reservoirs. In addition, the protection of environmentally sensitive aquatic ecosystems has become a sensitive issue. Future urban water resources must utilize both surface and groundwater. The latter is underutilized in some settings because of management issues, economy of scale, scientific uncertainties, and public policy. Recharge is inhibited in urban areas where impervious cover impedes infiltration and promotes runoff, but urbanization also creates additional recharge: leakage from water and wastewater systems, leaks from storm sewers, and irrigation return flow from lawns, parks, and golf courses. The more efficient cities report a 10% water loss from the water distribution system. Typical values range between 20 to 30%, in developed countries and between 30 to 60% in the less developed countries. Loss from sewer systems may approach similar amounts. World-wide data demonstrate that increased recharge to the groundwater is the rule. This creates an important local resource. Some streams in Austin, Texas are now fed primarily by leakage from water and sewer mains. In addition, urbanization hides existing fluvial systems and the utility systems form networks of hyper-permeability pathways. Where situated beneath the water table, utility systems collect flow similar to a karstic system. When above the water table, they act as line and points sources of recharge and contamination. Urban development should be designed protect future water resources and environmentally sensitive areas. This requires detailed hydrogeological maps, data, and analyses and continuous monitoring of local hydrogeological systems is necessary. 10-19) Title: Applications of geographic information systems for municipal planning management in India. Author(s):Matthias Saladin, David Butler and Jonathan Parkinson. Source: Journal of Environment & Development 11.4 (Dec 2002): p430(440). Abstract: A case study of the municipal Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Mirzapur highlights the potential of GIS as a multipurpose planning tool and constraints to its implication. GIS can be used for the planning, monitoring and improvement of the tax collection, the solid waste management and water supply network, management of the municipal rental properties. 11-3) Center Pivot Irrigation in California Author(s): Tom L. McKnight Source: Geographical Review, Vol. 73, No. 1 (Jan., 1983), pp. 1-14 Published by: American Geographical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/214391 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:22 CENTER PIVOT IRRIGATION IN CALIFORNIA TOM L. McKNIGHT CALIFORNIA has ranked as the state with the largest acreage of irrigated land in every year, except 1977, since statistics on irrigation were first collected systematically.' In 1981, for example, California had 10,024,000 acres in irrigation, a total that was 22 percent more than that of Texas, the second-ranking irrigation state.2 Irrigation enterprises are largely responsible for the preeminence of California as an agricultural state. With only 3 percent of the cultivated land in the United States, California produces 10 percent of the country's agricultural cash receipts.:' The vast majority of the crops and products comes from irrigated fields. One reason that the state is so prominent in American agriculture is that California farmers characteristically have been among the first to acquire and apply new technologies. Their well-deserved reputation for ready adoption of agricultural innovations has been sustained by the availability of capital for investment in agricultural development.4 Given this scenario, it seems reasonable to expect that center pivot irrigation, which has been widely and rapidly adopted in other areas of the United States and in parts of Canada, would have at least equal success in California. However, when this technology was tried by relatively few California farmers, the result was often total failure. Installations of center pivot irrigation have been scarce in California; it is one of only two important irrigation states without a large acreage under center pivots. In 1982 approximately 25,000 acres, or less than 0.3 percent of the irrigated lands in the state, used this system. During the past decade the countrywide growth rate for center pivot usage was twelve times that of all other forms of irrigation, and more than 15 percent of all irrigated acreage in the United States is now watered by these circular machines. Yet California ranks only twenty-seventh among the states in total 12-7) HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES Hydrol. Process. 21, 2174–2188 (2007) Published online 12 October 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6482 Hydrologic processes at the urban residential scale. Q. Xiao, E. G. McPherson, J. R. Simpson and S. L. Ustin Abstract: In the face of increasing urbanization, there is growing interest in application of microscale hydrologic solutions to minimize storm runoff and conserve water at the source. In this study, a physically based numerical model was developed to understand hydrologic processes better at the urban residential scale and the interaction of these processes among different best management practices (BMPs). This model simulates hydrologic processes using an hourly interval for over a full year or for specific storm events. The model was applied to treatment and control singlefamily residential parcels in Los Angeles, California. Data collected from the control and treatment sites over 2 years were used to calibrate and validate the model. Annual storm runoff to the street was eliminated by 97% with installation of rain gutters, a driveway interceptor, and lawn retention basin. Evaluated individually, the driveway interceptor was the most effective BMP for storm runoff reduction (65%), followed by the rain gutter installation (28%), and lawn converted to retention basin (12%). An 11 m3 cistern did not substantially reduce runoff, but provided 9% of annual landscape irrigation demand. Simulated landscape irrigation water use was reduced 53% by increasing irrigation system efficiency, and adjusting application rates monthly based on plant water demand. The model showed that infiltration and surface runoff processes were particularly sensitive to the soil’s physical properties and its effective depth. Replacing the existing loam soil with clay soil increased annual runoff discharge to the street by 63% when climate and landscape features remained unchanged. INTRODUCTION Population and economic growth have increased urbanization and conversion of rural areas into urban landscapes, and this has given rise to urban water resource management problems. The conversion of landscapes from pervious to impervious surfaces, including buildings, roads, and parking lots, has significantly changed the ecosystem hydrologic regime (Thom et al., 2001). These changes reduce infiltration rates and surface water retention storage capacities, and increase runoff rates and total runoff water volumes. These factors are, in turn, associated with flooding that threatens people, wildlife, and property. In addition, surface runoff generated in an urban landscape is more likely to contribute to nonpointsource pollution because it picks up a variety of pollutants (e.g. turf fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, atmospheric dust, bird/animal faeces, asphalt-associated automotive discharges, bacteria and metals) (Stein and Tiefenthaler, 2005). In California, polluted runoff, winter flooding and summer water shortages are critical problems that challenge planners and managers. For example, in Los Angeles, polluted runoff flows into local watersheds and then into the scenic coastal recreation areas of Los Angeles’ beaches and bays giving rise to health concerns from contaminated water (Haile, 1996; Haile et al., 1999). Urban runoff is considered to be one of the largest sources of pollution to waterway and coastal areas (LACWS Management, 2000). Furthermore, as excess water brought by winter storms runs off from urban areas to the ocean, it also makes these water resources unavailable during the summer peak water-use period. Pollution transported through watersheds contributes to other ecological problems, such as bioaccumulation and eutrophication. Residential housing units and associated forms of landscaping and irrigation are a significant drain on the municipal potable water supply, contributing to local droughts and controversial demands for importing fresh water from elsewhere. Summer water deficits in Los Angeles result in the city importing 13-14) Title: Storm-water management implementation through modeling and GIS. (geographic information system). Author(s):Uzair M. Shamsi. Source: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 122.n2 (March-April 1996): pp. 114(14). This paper presents an integration of a lumped parameter hydrologic model (Penn State Runoff Model) with a planning level geographic information system (GIS) in implementing a watershedwide storm-water management plan. The integration is used to estimate physical input parameters of the model. The model is used to simulate runoff hydrographs for various durations and frequencies and process the hydrographs to create peak flow presentation and release rate tables. These tables provide information to create a watershed release rate map that is a practical tool for implementing a storm-water management plan. It is demonstrated that the Penn State Runoff Model integration successfully implements the requirements of the Stormwater Management Act of Pennsylvania. An innovative GIS integration approach is presented that employs both the vector and the raster GIS formats to take advantage of the best features of each. Cost effectiveness of GIS integration is discussed and recommendations are made for future research. The proposed approach is illustrated for one small and one large watershed in Pennsylvania. 14-6) Irrigation Agrosystems in Eastern Spain: Roman or Islamic Origins? Author(s): Karl W. Butzer, Juan F. Mateu, Elisabeth K. Butzer, Pavel Kraus Source: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 75, No. 4 (Dec., 1985), pp. 479-509 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of the Association of American Geographers Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2563108 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:55 15-17) Title: Optimal water management for reservoir based irrigation projects using geographic information system.(Abstract). Author(s):Hazrat Ali, Lee Teang Shui and W.R. Walker. Source: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 129.1 (Jan-Feb 2003): p1(10). Document Type: Magazine/Journal Abstract: The shortage of reservoir water is the main constraint in establishing stable water management programs in the Muda Irrigation Project, Malaysia. In this study, a water balance equation was derived to evaluate the performance of the project. The water balance components were modeled without calibration, and compared with measured data, whenever possible. The overall project efficiencies for the main and off seasons were also obtained. A reservoir simulation model was developed from which simulated storage capacities compared satisfactorily with the observed storage capacities. An optimization model was also developed to solve the water resources management of the project in a computationally satisfactory manner. The optimal reservoir storage, optimal irrigation demand, and optimal reservoir release (i.e., optimal reservoir operating policy) were computed. The mean (1987-1997) optimized total water requirements for the dry and wet seasons were also computed as were the optimal contributions by rainfall, reservoir, uncontrolled river flow, and recycled water. The optimized water requirements were compared with other authors' computed water requirements and found to be satisfactory. The mean water balance components results for different months were stored in Geographic Information System (GIS) databases, analyzed, and displayed as the monthly crop water requirements maps. The integration of the water balance model together with the models for reservoir simulation, efficiency, optimization, and GIS holds much promise in the analysis of optimal allocation of water resources of a project. 16-4) Irrigation as a Menace to Health in California: A Nineteenth Century View Author(s): Kenneth Thompson Source: Geographical Review, Vol. 59, No. 2 (Apr., 1969), pp. 195-214 Published by: American Geographical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/213454 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:25 IRRIGATION AS A MENACE TO HEALTH IN CALIFORNIA A NINETEENTH CENTURY VIEW KENNETH THOMPSON All the M.D.'s in the State are in favor of irrigation; [they feel] that it would increase their business one hundred per cent. .. -Dr. H. C. Crowder, 18861 AVERSION to wet places has a long history for western man, and it is probably rooted in the ancient Greek etiology of disease. Wet, poorly drained places with abundant surface water, especially if they are also low-lying, have generally been avoided as permanent sites for settlement, and even their proximity has sometimes been shunned. Such avoidance is in large part rational, deriving from direct limitations of the environment, but avoidance of wet places for less direct, and often less rational, reasons has occurred. Intermingled with purely superstitious reasons for avoidance is the discouraging and perplexing association of disease with damp locations. Many kinds of disease are involved, including a number linked with impure water supplies. But by far the most important disease connected with wet places is malaria. It was an imperfect comprehension of this disease that gave rise to concern in California in the nineteenth century. Apprehensions arose that the vaunted salubrity of the California climate might suffer from the harmful side effects of irrigation agriculture. THE NATURE OF MALARIA As we now know, malaria is an infectious disease of an intermittent type, caused by the presence of parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium in the red corpuscles. The periodicity of the attacks depends on the species of 17-1) Land and Water Policies in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Author(s): Martin D. Mitchell Source: Geographical Review, Vol. 84, No. 4 (Oct., 1994), pp. 411-423 Published by: American Geographical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/215756 Accessed: 29/09/2008 14:16 ABSTRACT. Land and water policies applied in the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta before 1933 were instrumental in its becoming a node for the statewide water-supply and -conveyance systems that emerged. For the period from 1850 to 1933 this article examines three aspects of the policies: role of wetlands and state-federal jurisdictional disputes, origin of the policy schism between northern and southern California, and use of waterways to convey mining debris and its effect on agriculture and navigation. The Caminetti Act of 1893 was benchmark legislation for later state-federal cooperation in altering the delta landscape. RIVERS can serve as regional bonds (Ullman 1951). This concept is illustrated by the role of the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta as the node of a vast water-distribution system in California. The delta has a series of aqueducts associated with the federal Central Valley Project, which was authorized in 1933, and the California State Water Project, which was authorized in 1959. They constitute the physical means or imprints on the land by which portions of southern California, the Central Valley, and the San Francisco Bay area are connected to the delta to form a huge functional region (Fig. 1). The water-distribution system serves approximately 18 million people and 2.7 million acres of farmland. Important in the evolution of this region was environmental legislation that progressively laid the policy foundations for use of the land and water resources. Other factors are the characteristics of the physical environment and regional economic and political interests. The analysis of this context centers on an examination of state and federal policies for reclamation of wetlands, land drainage, inland navigation, and mining-debris and flood control prior to 1933 and on an assessment of the regional conflict among northern and southern California, the gold-mining counties of the Sierra Nevada, and the agricultural counties of the Sacramento valley. WETLAND RECLAMATION The first major set of policies directly bearing on the delta related to swamp and flooded-land reclamation, which is hereafter referred to as swampland reclamation. At statehood in 1850 California was granted all of the 2.1 million acres of swamp and flooded lands by the federal government on the condition that receipts from land sales be used to build levees and drains for reclamation (United States 1850). Approximately 500,000 acres of 18-8) Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 75, No. 1, pages 119–140. ISSN 0030-8684 ©2006 by the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association. Water Use, Ethnic Conflict, and Infrastructure in Nineteenth-Century Los Angeles DAVID S. TORRES-ROUFF Beginning in 1873, Los Angeles replaced zanjas, or open canals, with pipes for irrigation and sewage. From the city’s founding, the zanjas had carried irrigation and waste waters between the Los Angeles River and the citizens. Whereas Mexican public philosophy supported maintaining the zanjas for open access and maximal use, European American newcomers championed enclosed pipes as a means to improve sanitation and enhance opportunities for revenue. Yet city governors did not distribute sewer services equally, denying sewerage to Mexican and Chinese Angelenos. In doing so, they established new relationships of institutional, infrastructural, and environmental inequality between brown residents and the city government. Infrastructure development is a useful historical process within which to explore the relationship between the environment and ethnic conflict. Sewers, pipes for potable water, and roadways not only constitute a city’s physical foundation, they also determine the layout of its built space. Because such spaces are homes, businesses, and gathering places, they in turn shape a city’s social life and economy.2 Consequently, sewers, in both their construction and their location, play a critical role in defining the physical and cul 19-15) Title: GIS-based nonpoint source pollution modeling: considerations for wetlands. (geographic information system)(Special Wetlands Issue). Author(s): Karen A. Poiani and Barbara L. Bedford. Source: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50.n6 (Nov-Dec 1995): pp613 (7). (6205 words) Abstract: Water conservation models using the coupled-model geographic information system approach must incorporate the existence of nonpoint source pollutants (NPS) when applied to wetlands. The incidence of NPS in wetlands has increased over time, leading to adverse effects on ecosystems. Because of the importance of groundwater in wetlands formation, NPS models must address factors such as dilution and denitrification. Over the past several years, a coupled model-GIS approach has been used extensively to identify areas with a high pollution potential and to estimate loading rates for a variety of pollutants (Table 1). Studies have assessed surface water movement of sediments and nutrients (e.g., DeRoo et al. 1989; Sivertun et al. 1988; Walker et al. 1992; Levine et al. 1993) and subsurface leaching of pesticides and nitrogen (e.g., Halliday and Wolfe 1991; Petach et al. 1991; Wylie et al. 1994). Various aquatic systems have been examined including lakes, streams, reservoirs, and groundwater aquifers (Table 1). Wetland ecosystems often occupy transition zones in a landscape, frequently occurring between terrestrial land uses and surface water bodies such as streams and lakes (Brinson 1993). Because of their intermediate position and their dependence on water originating from upland areas, these systems are highly vulnerable to inputs of nonpoint source (NPS) pollutants. Wetlands located in human-dominated landscapes now receive sediments, nutrients, and other NPS pollutants in excess of historical inputs (Neely and Baker 1989), and studies have shown negative effects on wetland species and ecosystem functioning with such impacts (Ehrenfeld 1983; Morgan and Philipp 1986; Moore et al. 1989; Ehrenfeld and Schneider 1991). Studies of NPS pollution and wetlands currently are limited by methods used to derive pollutant loading rates. Loading rates typically are estimated by site-specific measurement of all incoming water and nutrients, usually for 1 or 2 years (e.g., Koerselman et al. 1990; Hill 1991). This approach is notoriously difficult given the diffuse nature of water and pollutant inputs (Winter 1981; Nixon and Lee 1986). In addition, it is not possible to evaluate alternative land management practices by direct measurement of pollutants until decisions are made and management strategies have been implemented. The use of a coupled model-GIS approach has the potential to provide a general method for estimating NPS pollution potential or loading rates to wetlands and to link such information to the spatial characteristics in a watershed. Such an approach also would allow for the consideration of many more wetlands than site-specific nutrient budget studies. The objective of this paper is to outline more formally the issues pertaining to the application of such a coupled approach to wetlands. We first present a brief overview of NPS simulation models and methods used to validate their output. We then outline how NPS pollution models have been coupled with GIS to estimate loadings to systems other than wetlands and how geographic errors can be propagated in a coupled approach. Finally, we discuss the potential application of a coupled model-GIS approach for estimating NPS loadings to wetlands and highlight some of the specific considerations and validation problems unique to these systems.