Irrigation Practices: Water Sources, Quality, & Drainage

Irrigation Practices
Sources of Irrigation Water
• The majority of irrigation water comes from
surface water.
• The main sources of surface water are snow runoff or rainfall that has been stored in dams and
• A distribution system of canals, ditches, and
pipelines delivers the water to the individual farm.
Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement
University of California, Davis
Irrigation Practices
Water Quality
• Water quality can be affected by:
– The presence of salts [NaCl].
– The presence of boron
– Organic matter and other suspended
solids (Algae, fungi, plant material).
Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement
University of California, Davis
Irrigation Practices
Benefits of Proper Soil Drainage
• Soil aeration, microbial activity, and fertilizer
efficiency are improved.
• Soil volume may be increased.
• Salts are flushed from the soil.
• Water table may be lowered which will promote
roots to penetrate deeply.
Model Agricultural Core Curriculum: Supplement
University of California, Davis