April 8, 2002

EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of April 8, 2002
Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Mr.
Mc Blaine, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart.
Lyn Clemmons-Section 508: Alternate Media Services
Lyn Clemmons made a brief presentation. She requested that each constituent identify
any needs that are not being met at this time. College Council has given approval for the
development of an implementation plan. A draft will be presented to College Council by
the first of May 2002. College Council is being asked to then take ownership and
develop an evaluation procedure.
Amplified Sound on Campus
Ryan McBlaine provided three alternate proposals for amplified sound on campus. They
are as follows:
1. Hold any amplified sound on the center stage (status quo)
-ASO member with decimeter monitoring decibel levels at all times.
-Amplified sound will never exceed college hour except at pre-determined
2. Redirect any amplified sound towards the Activities Center
-Construct a moveable stage.
3. Hold future amplified sound events indoors except:
-ASO signed off events.
-ASO assumes all responsibility for pre-determined criteria.
Ryan further stated that once a decibel is set there should be a board policy in place to
enforce this and other regulations. It was suggested that someone be appointed to
regulate the decibel levels on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Caldwell suggested using a
student in the work-study program.
It was agreed upon that a combination of numbers 1 and 2 might work. ASO has been
instructed to run tests to set a decibel and report back to College Council.
California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol, April 30, 2002
The following College Council members will attend: Ryan McBlaine, Jan Caldwell,
Luukia Smith, and Angela Simon. Janice Ely will see if another representative from
Management would be willing to participate in her place.
Ryan McBlaine reported that there would be heavy student representation in support of
the Matriculation and CalWorks funding. ASO will be sending 5 students.
Luukia Smith expressed concern about not having enough knowledge and information to
participate effectively. Dr. Caldwell suggested having an educational session with the
representatives prior to the event.
Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, April 15, 2002
1. Board Agenda
2. California Community Colleges Day at the Capitol
3. District Involvement in Developing the System’s 2003-04 Budget
4. Policies: 2510-Participation in Local Decision Making; 4020- Program and
Curriculum Development; 5010- Admissions; 5015-Residence Determination;
5500-Standards of Student Conduct; 7400-Travel
5. Team Reports