December 16, 2002



Office of the President

Minutes of the College Council Meeting of December 16, 2002

Present: Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Neesby, Ms.

Pickens, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, Mr. Spor, and Ms. Stewart.

Oversight Committee

A notice went out in the Sunday, December 15 th Daily Breeze requesting applications for members of the Measure E Citizens’ Oversight Committee.

Team Reports

Associated Students Organization – Mr. Brian Neesby

The Student Development Center is closed due to a vending machine fire. Harold Tyler will make a proposal for the sound proofing of the Math Tutoring Center.

Amplified Sound

It was decided to convert the Associated Student Organization (ASO) proposed policy and procedure for amplified sound into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ASO and College Council. The MOU will be assigned a procedure number.

Academic Senate – Ms. Julie Stewart

The Academic Senate will meet Tuesday, December 17 th . Dr. Bobbi Villalobos will solicit faculty volunteers for external scanning of the revision of the Educational Master

Plan. Espe Nieto will talk about the new procedure for adding classes.

Administrative Services - Mr. Victor Hanson

The draft of the Vice President’s Proposed Budget Reductions was distributed. This draft will be refined. Before any deletions can be made from this list, acceptable replacements must be proposed. This draft will be shared at the Management Meeting and also with the Planning and Budgeting Committee.

Agenda for Meeting of January 6, 2003


Approval of Minutes for December 16, 2002


Team Reports


Facilities Needs


Collegial Consultation
