EL CAMINO COLLEGE-Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of May 6, 2002 Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Mr. Marston, Mr. Mc Blaine, Ms. Pickens, Dr. Simon, Ms. Smith, and Ms. Stewart. Linking Planning to Budgeting Lance Widman reported that he has served on the Budget Development Committee (BDC) for many years. In response to the Accreditation recommendation there was a Saturday workshop to develop better coordination between the BDC and the District Planning Council (DPC). They set up a joint working group to better coordinate functions and were opposed to combining into one committee. Lance reported that every representative from both the El Camino College Federation and Academic Senate is also opposed to it. It was discovered that the DPC has not met for 12 months. Bo Morton reported that she feels it is a good idea to combine functions. Bo has experience with another college who combined these committees successfully. QBuilder could be utilized in both the planning and budgeting functions. Harold Tyler was in favor of combining as was Dr. Steve Fasteau. Mr. Marston was opposed to combining; Mr. Mc Blaine was in favor; Ms. Ely was in favor; Dr. Hata was in favor; Dr. Caldwell was in favor; Ms. Caldwell had no preference; Ms. Smith was opposed; Dr. Simon was opposed; Mr. Hanson was in favor; and Ms. Pickens was in favor. President Fallo decided that the committees would be combined beginning in July. There will be reviews in June 2003 and September 2003. Procedure 801 It was decided that Dr. Caldwell will revise section IV Membership and Process of College Council. Agenda for the College Council Meeting of Monday, May 13, 2002 1. Minutes for May 6, 2002 2. Procedure 801 3. Amplified Sound 4. Policies: 4020- Program and Curriculum Development; 4050- Articulation; 5010Admissions; 5015-Residence Determination; 5500-Standards of Student Conduct; 7150-Administrator’s Professional Development Fund, 7400-Travel 5. Team Reports Policy 2510 pending until Procedure 801 resolved