June 14, 2011

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
June 14, 2011
Babs Atane
 Rocky Bonura
 Julie Bourlier
 Tom Brown
 Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
 Bob Gann
 Jo Ann Higdon
 Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
 Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
Fred Sturner
 Michael Trevis
 John Wagstaff
Minutes: Minutes from June 7rd were approved.
Handout included Program Review/Plan Builder and Major Update Schedule
 Jo Ann:
 Issue is rental of facilities: how best to deal with contract that specify rental of ECC
 Rocky - Need a plan on keeping copies of all contracts in purchasing office.
 Tomorrow’s meeting with Vasquez CPA will move forward as scheduled.
 Rocky – provide a list of credit card users for ECC.
 Provide an updated list of all cell phone users paid by the ECC.
 Julie - Provide a write up on books ordered and canceled by faculty.
 John & Mike will present their Program Review updates at the next meeting.
 Program Review:
 Draft of the Facilities Recycling & Waste Management program and Material Receipt &
Deliver program review for fiscal year 2010-11 was handed out and presented to
Administrative Services managers.
o Major points were discussed and feedback was received.
 For recycling & waste management, one of the suggestions by the group was to
include information on specialized companies that ECC contracts with to remove ewaste, hazardous waste etc.
 For material receipt & delivery, one of the suggestions was to include…”since the
increase in workload (include which area)…”
 Once these changes have been incorporated, the document should be forward to the
VP’s office.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Julie & Andy
 Done with graduation, book buyback and a week to get ready for summer school.
 Down 50 units from last year on cap and gown sales.
 Gave all of the items asked for by the auditors. One recommendation from the auditors
was that the accounts to purchase books need to be budgeted.
 End of life for 15 registers at the bookstore. Approximate cost of replacement could be
 Cisco upgrade occurred over the weekend.
 Yesterday web advisor was not working due to large volume of students on line, possibly
checking for their grades.
 Summer second drop date is 6/15.
 Rocky:
 Credit card procedure is ready for College Council to review it.
 Tom C:
 Compliance review audit in July for Financial Aid.
 Mike:
 “Active Shooter Training” is scheduled for July 15 with Gardena PD.
 ECC attorney will be going to Torrance court this morning to get the restraining order
against the student.
 Looking into creating a behavioral intervention team/committee on campus due to student
behavior issues.
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.