January 24, 2012

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
January 24, 2012
Babs Atane
 Rocky Bonura
 Julie Bourlier
 Tom Brown
Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
Bob Gann
Jo Ann Higdon
 Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
 Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
 Michael Trevis
 John Wagstaff
William Warren III
 Jo Ann :
 Mike will be acting VP on Thursday and Friday.
 John with Will and Claudio please take a look to see if the second summer session, if
priority can be given to graduating high school students.
o Get all of the people together to discuss Fine Arts computer orders– if they are on
the equipment list or not.
 Facilities – brick work for MBA progressing.
 Vice President of Human Resources position will be advertised as of today.
 As of July 1st retirees cannot work routinely scheduled hours.
 Rocky work with Shobhana to reschedule my meeting with you and Janice.
 Rocky (Mike) will present at the next Management Forum.
 Julie send an email to Rebecca Cobb giving her head up regarding budget for next year, ask
her when the two of you can sit and talk about the Bookstore contribution to auxiliary
 Tom & Janice – spreadsheet from the county does not match W2. Please look into this
matter. Spreadsheet has to match W2. There is a request for public record for payroll
information on all employees that work at ECC.
 SDI gave an estimate as to where our request stacks up.
 Bob – check on the Compton tank that is in the ground, does it have a “A number”.
o Gave a tour of the Administration building to Lisa Hannaman and Kevin K. and
talked about HVAC and lighting.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 John:
 Arvid is having a meeting tomorrow with Financial Aid and Hershey. They would like to
have Hershey help Financial Aid scan the forms and have the information populate into
Datatel. Will let Jo Ann know what is going on after the meeting.
 Need to have Jason La’s position filled.
 Finished the interview and got a good candidate for the Computer Systems Support
Technician position.
 Rocky:
 Met with the Deans along with the Keenan representative and clarified the field trip
procedure. The Administrative Procedure was rewritten and moved into the Academic
area. After this meeting the procedure has been moved into the Administrative area. There
will be a follow up meeting scheduled with Jean, Rory and Carolee to review and finalize.
Mike asked if Sgt. Ott can be included.
 Rideshare program - AQMD has approved and ECC passed the audit. Would like to
thanks Facilities and Campus Police.
 Valerie is working with AQMD this year and will be handing it over to Campus Police
next year.
 Need to meet with you on the Coke contract that is up for renewal.
 Staff members have told him that since it has been negotiated that classified staff can
combine morning or afternoon break with lunch.
 One request – if there are any negotiated changes to the classified contract, manager should
be notified of these changes.
 Julie:
 Getting ready for Spring semester.
 Online orders are being filled.
 Andy is interviewing student workers.
 Mike:
 Court date for Feb 3rd.
 April Council of Deans meeting the topic will be Student Discipline. I, Leisa Biggers,
Rebecca Cobb and counselors are the presenting group. We will be meeting prior to
discuss who will be presenting.
 Yesterday, Dr. Nishime indicated student discipline was down this year compared to last
 Friday, call came in from Leisa Biggers saying she has found defecation under her desk.
Search of the office found a black cat.
 Cabinet items for John:
1. In Monday’s cabinet discussion on faculty evaluation – Dr. Arce was saying that ITS
changed faculty evaluation which has caused confusion among Deans. John – ITS did
change the evaluation, but has not heard any complaints from any of the Deans. Will
follow up.
2. Dr Nishime supported by Dr. Arce would like the Ed Plan put on a different server. Dr.
Nishime mentioned that it took a long time to work. John – no one has complained that
it was taking too long to work. Will follow up with Dr. Smith then with Dr. Nishime.
 Bob, Tom B. & Bruce :
 Meeting with architect (WWCOT) & President Fallo at 12:30 regarding Compton Allied
 Compton rebid is on time to the Board meeting. One qualified Bid.
 ECC – road next to MBA was closed yesterday and is closed today so contractor can
 Another meeting has been schedule for Thursday with the parking lot lighting contractor.
Tentative schedule has been presented and will have a finalized schedule at the Thursday
 Meeting with Debra Shelpely today regarding Master Plan review for possible option for
 Janice & Tom C:
 Prop 39 Bond audit is scheduled for February 13th. Jo Ann mentioned that the bond
oversight committee has been notified that the bond audit report will be going into the
April board.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.