Course Packet 6 Review for Text II added to 3 2008.doc

Review sheet for Exam II
George Clemenceau
Al Smith
George Creel
Alexander Kerensky
Clarence Darrow
Otto Von Bismarck
Henry Cabot Lodge
David Lloyd George
Gavarillo Princep
Charlie Forbes
Sussex ultimatum
Central Powers
vonSchlieffen Plan
Scopes Trial
Teapot Dome
Hawley Smoot Tariff
First Battle of the Marne
Schenck vs. US
Weimar Republic
war guilt clause
Committee on Public Information
Chateau Thierry
Gore-McClemore resolution
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
McNary-Haughen Bill
October appeal
Entente Powers
Sedition Act
second battle of the Marne
1. Relate the following to the outbreak of World War I :
Gavarillo Princep
2. What were the major reasons for the outbreak of World War I?
What part did alliances play in August, 1914?
To what degree were Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and England
responsible for the outbreak of the Great War?
3. Evaluate the US Neutrality policy: 1914-1917.
How realistic was that policy?
How neutral was the US?
4. Why did Germany resume unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917?
5. What was the message contained in the Zimmerman Telegram?
What was its effect on the US?
6. What was the VonSchlieffen Plan and how did it effect Germany's decisions in the
summer of 1914?
7. In what ways did the policies of Kaiser Wilhelm II differ from those of Bismarck?
8. Why did the US go to war in April, 1917?
What was the overall result of the US entrance into World War I on
the military situation in Europe?
9.. What was the Committee on Public Information and how did it effect
Americans during this time?
10. How was World War I financed in the US?
What effect did World War I have on American society?
11. Why did Germany surrender in November 1917?
12. How successful was Wilson in getting his 14 points written into the
Treaty of Versailles?
13. What situations created by the Treaty of Versailles were the seeds of World War II?
14. What mistakes did Wilson make before he left the US in December 1918 to negotiate
the Treaty of Versailles?
15. Who were the “Big Four” at the Treaty of Versailles and what did each man want for
his country?
16. Why did the US reject the Treaty of Versailles?
Whom do you consider most responsible for this rejection?
What was there in the Treaty of Versailles that Americans found
most objectionable?
17. IF the election of 1920 was truly a referendum on the League,
what would that referendum have shown?
18. Who were the “Best Minds” in Harding’s administration?
Identify several of the crooks he appointed to office.
19. What segments of the economy prospered in the 1920's?
What were the weak points in the US economy in the 1920's?
20. Mention examples of repression and reaction in the 1920's.
21. Explain the causes of the Great Depression.
22. What was President Hoover's response to the Great Depression?