Computer Block PowerPoint Presentations

Name, Date & Hour
Computer Block PowerPoint Presentations
Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint presentation introducing yourself. Some examples of
what it could include are: your name, grade, family information, sports or other extracurricular
activities, hobbies, traveling that you have done, if you have moved, plans for college/career, etc.
Follow the instructions below.
1. Title Slide – this needs to include your name, grade, and the title of your presentation
2. Minimum of 9, maximum of 12 body slides (Title Slide does not count!)
3. Animation on every slide (make sure to use different types)
4. Transitions between each slide (make sure to use different types)
5. Apply a background to your entire presentation
6. Make sure your text is as large as possible (with a uniform font) and can easily be read.
7. Some illustration on every page (clip art, pictures, etc.)
8. Include at least one sound clip.
9. Each slide needs to be a combination of text and illustration…make sure to explain what each
slide is about.