Alphabet Letter Worksheet

Name: _____________________________ Illustration & Design
– Mr. Vedder
Children’s Alphabet Letter Book
1. Think to when you were young, before you could even read, list 5 books
that were your favorites. Explain why.
2. Fill in the columns. Add at least 10 object ideas per letter.
Letter #1: _______
Letter #2: _______
3. Describe the strongest object ideas for your first letter.
4. Justify why you selected the object ideas for your first letter.
5. Describe the strongest object ideas for your second letter.
6. Justify why you selected the object ideas for your second letter.
7. Describe the use of text and fonts within children’s books and illustrations.
8. Sketch at least 5 font ideas for each of your letters.
Fonts for Letter #1: _______
Fonts for Letter #2: _______
9. Explain why you chose the particular font you used for your illustration.
10. Describe how you used color within your children’s alphabet letter book
11. Summarize how you created a unique children’s alphabet letter book