April 12, 2013

DATE: APRIL 12, 2013
William Garcia
Members Present:
Martha Burgess, Ben Ceja, Theresa Clifford, Lorena Garcia, Sara Hafiz,
Julieta Ortiz
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 2:05pm.
Review March 8, 2013 Minutes
1. No changes or corrections were made.
1. Eighty students from Torrance Unified School District tested on April 9th and ninety students
on April 10th in the Testing office. TUSD spring break aligned with ECC’s spring break –
Outreach pushed for high school students to test when campus was not busy. Students signed
up at their high schools and Jasmine Hormati followed up with reminder phone calls and
2. Plasmas in the Student Services Center lobby – notified by ITS two weeks ago that work on
plasmas would begin within the next two weeks. J. Ortiz will meet with ITS staff on another
issue and will remind them about the plasmas.
3. Computers in the Student Services Center lobby are restrictive for students. Working with
ITS to give students access to sites most useful to them i.e. Bookstore, Compton Center, and
ECC ITS online chat. Students cannot make online counseling appointments from the lobby
4. Rebecca Cobb is working with Chief Trevis to set up a Campus Police information booth
staffed by an officer or cadet in the south lounge of the Student Activities Center. Will be set
up in the summer to become fully implemented in the Fall 2013.
5. J. Ortiz asked for a volunteer to be a regular alternate SCA Area Council representative as
her backup when she is unable to attend meetings. Meetings are scheduled on the second
Tuesday of each month from 8:30-10:00am. Meeting times change each semester.
6. Information from 4/9/13 Area Council meeting:
a. Annual report was submitted to the ACCJC at the end of last month. Planning
Summit is scheduled on Friday, May 10th where staff from Torrance and Compton
campuses will determine institutional standards. Funding positions could be an issue
due to requirement that 50% of funding must be for instruction. Media Services event
request is now online (48 hour notice required) – any staff can request media service.
Foster Care has returned to the Enrollment Services Division as of April 1, 2013.
b. Results of voting on SCA funding priorities for 2013-14. Enrollment Services
Division managers met early this year and voted on a unit priority plan based on Plan
Builder plans. SCA managers voted on their area priority plan. The final 2013-14
priorities decision is made by Cabinet and Superintendent/President.
7. Ways to notify campus of upcoming events: send flyers to Switchboard, Library, Student
Services Center Information Desk; post information on the online campus calendar; forward
information to the Enrollment Services Division managers; campus email blast.
8. Enrollment Services Division Council meetings in the summer – will schedule meetings if
there is a need to meet.
9. Outreach in discussions with Staff Development to present a flex workshop on what
Outreach does and the importance of delivering consistent messages when providing
information to students and the campus community.
10. Suggestion was made to also provide a financial aid information event on upcoming changes
for 2013-14, either stand alone or working with other programs – any suggestions/ideas?
FATV is product of Graduation Initiative grant resulting in a 3-year contract producing
videos in English and Spanish accessed through links from the FA website. Students can
learn certain aspects of financial aid from videos and will be rolled out this spring semester.
Public Relations will send out information to staff and students about the upcoming changes
to financial aid.
11. Counseling is working on a new online orientation for Fall 2013.
12. The Web Task Force is working on plans to update the current ECC website. Remind those
who work on webpages in your office to keep information current. Must have links to SAOs
(statements and assessments) on department web pages by the end of May.
13. Discussed setting up a regular (quarterly?) meetings with Counseling, A&R, and Enrollment
Services staff and managers.
The meeting adjourned at 3:08pm.