ENROLLMENT SERVICES DIVISION COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MARCH 18, 2011 CHAIRPERSON: Arvid Spor MEMBERS PRESENT: Kristi Adams, Luis Barrueta, Joshua Casper, Alexis Estwick, Liz Fernandez, Lorena Garcia, Julieta Ortiz, Carolee Vakil-Jessop RECORDER: Lucy Nelson The meeting began at 1:30 p.m. Kristi Adams, Title V Graduation Initiative Grant and STEM Grant Project Specialist, was introduced as a new member. Review January 14, 2011 Minutes The minutes were approved with no changes. Announcements 1. Student Services Center office hours during Spring Break will be Monday – Thursday, 9:00am-4:00pm and closed on Friday. The Information Desk hours will be 8:00am-4:30pm, Monday – Friday. 2. A map showing where Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located on campus was handed out. This device can walk an untrained person through the process of treating someone experiencing cardiac arrest. The survival rate without an AED is around 5% and 63% with the use of an AED. Members were asked to share this information with coworkers. Budget Discussion 1. ECC 2011-12 Budget Planning Proposal draft was discussed with Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC), College Council, Benefits Committee, Management, and will go before the Board of Trustees on March 21st. The proposal addresses reductions to the general fund 11. Three options presented showing cuts to ECC: Option #1 $7 million cut (if voters approve extension of current tax package and Prop 98 is fully funded), Option #2 $10.9 million cut (extension of tax package is not approved and Prop 98 is fully funded), and Option #3 (extension of tax package is not approved and Prop 98 is suspended) $17.5 million cut. Estimates were calculated by the California League of Community Colleges (CLCC). 2. Draft Budget Planning Proposal: a. Section reductions – reduce the number of sections offered under each scenario. There are approximately 2,400 sections this year. Savings of $5,000 for each section. b. Contribution to general fund from Fund 15 - cut $800,000 from $3 million funded from Chancellor’s office. c. Freeze five Associate Dean positions for a savings of $650,000. d. Freeze faculty positions (up to 20) for net savings. e. Reduce Part-time parity to State Contribution – additional funds to part-time faculty members to raise rate of pay to equal full-time for savings of $441,000. f. Freeze classified positions – Option #1 (6 positions), Option #2 (9 positions), and Option #3 (17 positions). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. g. Reduce hourly class/casual/student workers – reductions range from $140,000 up to $520,000. Concern expressed because this budget was already cut 30%. Impact mostly to Student Services, Cashiers and Library. h. Reduce non-teaching hourly (counselors and librarians). i. Vacancy savings – involves timing (when position is vacant and filled – about $100,000). j. Health Insurance – involves timing (about $110,000 savings). k. Inglewood Center closed. Lease was $100,000. Michelle Arthur will move April 1st from Community Advancement to Enrollment Services and will be assisting A. Spor with planning and a number of other duties. l. Utilities – savings when central plant went online and other savings expected as well. m. Eliminate printed schedules – savings of $143,000. Enrollment Management committee concerned this may develop into an outreach issue in the future. The Enrollment Management committee suggested funding a smaller number of schedules for the community and sending post card reminders to view schedules online. Is this less of an issue if sections are cut? Relationships with students will be broken; happened when we started charging for schedules. Possibility of charging for schedules again. n. Eliminate capital expenditures to purchase new items. o. Reduce travel/conferences - reduction range of $121,000 up to $221,000. p. Reduce advertising - reduction range of $40,000 up to $60,000. q. Negotiation related items – both unions and management would have to agree to discuss. Doesn’t move forward if either party not willing to discuss. Items include reducing winter session ancillary costs, eliminating sabbaticals, employee sharing health care costs, freezing step and column and implementing furloughs. Cuts will have to come from someplace else if items are not negotiated. r. General fund reserve reduction – 2010-11 budget total ending balance around $16 million. Deficit budgeting $6 million. Estimate $4 million of unspent funding will be added to budget. Contributions from reserve range from $1 million (option #1) to $4.3 million (option #3). ECC is in better position than some colleges – Modesto College will lay off 50 employees and Long Beach City College implemented 16 furlough days the past two years and face layoffs and wage reductions. Number three of the six Guiding Principles (in March 16th President’s Newsletter) states that maximum efforts will be made to retain permanent, regular employees. All unions are currently involved in regular contract negotiations. ECCE’s general membership meeting is scheduled on April 1, 12pm-1pm (East Lounge) and 8pm- 9pm (Alondra Room). The meetings will be dedicated to discussing negotiations and getting feedback. All classified employees are invited to attend. All Campus meeting is scheduled on April 7th at 1:00pm in the Campus Theatre. Check with your manager if you are interested in attending. Suggestion was made to close campus so everyone can attend at the same time. Katie Gleason, Director of the Foundation, is actively looking at ways to bring in additional funds to help specific programs. All oil producing states except for California charge fees per barrel which go directly to education. A California college professor is starting a petition and gathering signatures to put on ballot. Generating revenue ideas: a. Some associated student organizations have raised funds to pay for class sections. b. In Contract Ed, corporations pay for classes which are not available to the general public and students receive credit for classes they take. Universities use guest 2 professors (saving faculty costs). Minimum qualifications required to teach course must be met. Faculty union must be involved. c. Solicit donations from alumni or ask them to sponsor courses. d. Offer staff the option to purchase reserved parking space. Advantageous for staff who must leave and return to campus throughout the day. e. Research successful fund raising utilized by public and private sectors and adapt to ECC’s campus climate. Sales mentality is not part of the community colleges culture. But, cultures are changing – philosophies that worked in the past may not work now; need to think more outside the box. UCs and CSUs have increased their fund raising activities. Community Advancement is working to generate more revenue for the College - currently contributing around $200,000 a year. Director of Grants position is frozen. Roberta Becka is a grant writer for Community Advancement. K. Adams has researched private foundations - all have their own processes but generate small amounts of money. Faculty driven grants with specific needs are more successful. Miscellaneous 1. The April 8th meeting is rescheduled to April 15th at 9:00 a.m. in SSVC 208. 2. L. Barrueta is the SCA Area Council rep for April. The next meeting is scheduled on April 12th from 10:00-11:30am, in Admin. 127. The meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m. 3