Geometry Spring Syllabus

Note: Changes from Fall Semester
Mrs. Lohn – Geometry Syllabus
Spring Semester 2016
Mrs. Lohn’s Tutoring Times: M-F 7:50-8:15am (Rm 739)
Lunch Tutoring (2nd lunch – Rm 742, Freshman Lunch – Rm 522)
Grading Policy: Daily Work (35%), Tests, Quizzes,
and Projects (45%), and Semester Test (20%)
Homework: You have homework almost every night
and assignments are worth 10 points. NO LATE
ASSIGNMENTS… unless you go to tutoring and get it
signed before that specific unit test.
Free Response Questions: Problem of the Weeks
are worth 10-20 points and NO LATE work is
accepted since there is ample time to complete it.
Quizzes and Tests: They are given frequently and
YOU MUST study for these to be successful.
Quizzes vary in their point value and tests are worth
100 points each. Students who miss a test due to an
absence are responsible for scheduling a time to
make up their test. The times for make up are before
school in my room (739) or at lunch in lunch tutoring
(Room 742 or 522).
Test Retakes (3rd and 4th hour only): No retakes
for quizzes. Students who make below a 70% on a
chapter test may RETAKE the test within a week of
receiving their grade. It is the student’s
responsibility for scheduling a time with me for
Geometry Notebooks: If you finish your first
notebook, you need to purchase another composition
notebook. You are responsible for taking notes. It is
Classroom Rules:
 Be Polite
 Be Prepared
 Be Prompt
 Work Hard
 Cell Phones/Electronic
Devices/Headphones: ABSOLUTELY NO
 No food or drink in class.
Hall Passes: Bathroom breaks should be taken care
of during passing periods. If there is an emergency
you must have your ID and agenda.
Absent Procedures: It is the student’s responsibility
for checking the absent crate and getting work
turned in from the day they were absent.
Classroom Daily Procedures:
When students enter my classroom I expect students
 Have wonderful behavior :)
 Have ID around neck so it can be seen.
 Grab a calculator.
 Find YOUR assigned seat before the bell
 Read the board for instruction.
 I dismiss you, not the bell.
IDs: IDs must be worn at all times. Students who do
not have their IDs will be sent to the office for OSS.
Remind App: If you would like to subscribe to Mrs.
Lohn’s Geometry class Remind notifications...
Phone #: 81010
Message: @lohnmhs16
Parent Contact: Parents will be contacted frequently
if their student is consistently not turning in their
homework or making below a 70%.
Lastly, I care about each and every one of you and I
want to do my absolute best to help you learn
mathematics. However, I also want to prepare you for
the real world. In order to be successful in this class,
you MUST follow directions and YOU MUST put
forth in the time and effort to understand the
material. I believe you can do it!
Mrs. Lohn