April 6, 2012

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2012
Activities Center West Conference Room
I. Call to Order
Meeting Called to Order at 2:37 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Rebekka Asher
o Vice President: Jasmine Hormati
o Director of Academic Affairs: Cindy Valdez
o Student Trustee: Josh Casper
o Student Services Officer: Brooke Matson
o Director of Student Community Advancement: Erick J. Hernandez
o Director of Finance: Kenji Tomoda
o Public Relations Officer: Melina Mossberg
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Sharon Asher
o Business: Brain Song, Kyong Tai Moon
o Fine Arts: Helena Manumaleuna
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Dillan Horton, Janelle Miller
o Humanities: Nathan Wofford
o Mathematical Sciences: Zachary Inouye
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Mark Zelayaran
o Fine Arts: Grace Haynes
o Humanities: Daniela Messarina
o Industry & Technology: Eric Monson
o Mathematical Sciences: Andre Portilla
o Natural Sciences: Azucena Valadez, Vincent Chu
Commissioners/ Justices (Non-Voting)
Present: none
Administrative Assistant (Non-Voting)
Present: Kevin Paxton
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Breanna von Stein, Rebecca Cobb
Present: none
III. Approval of the Agenda
 Motion to approve the Senate agenda from April 6, 2012 as is made by Rebekka
Asher. Seconded by Cindy Valdez.
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Motion to make a friendly amendment to correct the spelling of policy made by
Brooke Matson. Accepted by Rebekka Asher and Cindy Valdez. Motion passed.
IV. Approval of the Minutes
Jasmine Hormati suggested that the approval of the minutes for March 29th be tabled until
the next meeting.
Motion to table approval of the Minutes for March 29, 2012 made by Brooke
Matson. Seconded by Rebekka Asher. Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Constitutional Amendments – Joshua J. Casper
Jasmine Hormati said that the Policy Committee met and made changes to the
ASO Constitution that was suggested by the Executive Cabinet. The Senate needs
to approve the changes by a 2/3rds majority vote of the seated body.
There were not enough members for a 2/3rds majority
Joshua Casper stated that the amendments were as follows.
- Article I added three sections: Quorum, Open Meetings, and Term of Office.
o Quorum stated that 50% +1 is needed to conduct ASO business in any
o Open Meetings stated that all the meetings of the ASO will be open to
the public except when permissible by the California Brown Act.
Joshua Casper explained that the only time ASO could hold a closed
meeting is when dealing with the Administrative Assistant.
o Term of Office stated that members of the ASO with the exception of
the Student Trustee shall commence eight days after the last day of
Spring Semester and ending seven days the following year.
Article II subsection E added two sections referring to the Director of Student
Community Advancement
o 5. To provide the ASO with current information concerning Region 7
and statewide issues.
o 6. To perform other duties as assigned by the ASO President.
o 7. Item number 7 was item 5 before the changes
Article II subsection F-I: Public Relations, Region 7 Rep, Student Services,
and Student Trustee
o F. Public Relations Office was changed to Director of Public
Relations; and one subsection was added stating to serve as President
in the absence, incapacitation, or resignation of the President, VicePresident, Director of Academic Affairs and Director of Student &
Community Advancement.
o G. Region 7 Representative was removed and Director of Student
Services was moved up. The previous title was Student Services
Officer. Subsection 4. Was added saying shall serve as President, as
above, with Director of Public Relations added in.
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o H. Student Trustee moved up from I and added in subsection 3.
Director of Public Relations and Director of Student Services were
added in the line of succession for Acting President.
Article V Section 5. Responsibilities of Justices
o Added subsection B, moving the previous B to C, stating that “Shall be
an Ex-Officio Member of the ASO Policy Committee”
Article VI Sections: 1 Appointments added two subsections, and 2
Responsibility and Qualifications added 5 subsections
o 1. Power was changed to “authority” and later smooth operation was
changed to “ in the following roles:”
 A. Commissioner – To the various Senate Divisions, Executive
Areas and Committees.
 B. Student-At-Large – to the various ASO Committees
o 2. “The duties, qualifications, and terms of these individual’s
appointment shall be as follows:
 A. Senate Commissioner; and stated duties
 B. Executive Commissioner; and stated duties
 C. Committee Commissioner; and stated duties
 D. Student-At-Large; and stated duties
 E. “The Appointment of a Commissioner is pending the
requirements outline in Board Policy 5505”
It was stated that without 2/3rds majority the Senate cannot ratify the changes
needed in time for elections; therefore, can only recommend the changes be made
in next year’s ASO.
 Motion to table this item until the next meeting and recommend to the
next ASO body to make these Constitutional changes made by Joshua
Casper. Seconded by Rebekka Asher. Motion passed
VI. Old Business
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
 Joshua Casper thanked the ASO members that attended the special Board
meeting; the next normally scheduled Board meeting will be on April 16th at 4pm.
 Sharon Asher reported that the Fall registration date is on the ECC website.
 Rebekka Asher reported that next Senate meeting a lot of removals will occur for
Commissioners and Division Council members due to being ineligible.
7.2 ICC Reports
Helena Manumaleuna thanked those that participated in the Spring Games.
7.3 AGS Reports
7.4 Committee Reports
7.4.1 Activities Committee: Brooke Matson reported that Movie night was last
night and thanked those that whom attended or helped. Upcoming events
include a service donation drive, and Hair donation event on May 21-22.
7.4.2 Fundraising Committee:-none.
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7.4.3 Policy Committee: Joshua Casper reported that Policy Committee met today
and approved the Constitutional changes. Also approved a few wording
changes made by Dr. Nishime in BP 5400, 5401, 5420
7.4.4 Sustainability Committee: Jasmine Hormati reported that they were not able
to hold a meeting due to the agenda not being posted on time.
7.4.5 Collegial Consultation Task Force: Dillan Horton reported that the Shadow
Period Policy will be brought to the Policy Committee next meeting. The
Special Board meeting did not offer new information. The Academic Senate
may propose that the third party at the Special Board meeting return for
more in depth information. Last the letter and resolution will be given to the
Board during the next Board meeting during Mr. Casper’s member report.
7.5 Adviser Reports
7.5.1 Rebecca Cobb: stated Kudos for the Policy Committee for approving the
changes to the Constitutional changes. Also the Letter and Resolution to
the Board of Trustees has been viewed already. Have a fun spring break.
7.5.2 Breanna Von Stein: stated to have a fun spring break and to come back
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 3:20pm, made by Dillan Horton.
Seconded by Joshua Casper.
Motion passed.
Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Rebekka Asher, ASO President
Rebecca Cobb, ASO Adviser
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