Geometry Course Syllabus Instructor: Jennifer Arms Email address: Phone: 735-4800 Class Schedule (Room 164) 1st hr 8:20-9:17 Geometry 2nd hr 9:22-10:22 plan 3rd hr 10:27-11:24 Algebra II 4th hr 11:29-12:26 Geometry 2nd lunch 12:26-1:11 5th hr 1:11-2:08 6th hr 2:14-3:11 Geometry Geometry Course Description (Prerequisite: Algebra I) This course will help the student understand the basic structure of Geometry, how it relates to other mathematics, and to other disciplines. The student will develop and build inductive and deductive reasoning skills. Appropriate technology is integrated into the curriculum. This course is required for the college bound student. Textbook: Geometry, McDougal, 2007 Course Objectives The following will be emphasized: ● Vocabulary ● Angle and line relationships ● Geometric shapes and their properties ● Proof writing ● Coordinate geometry ● Inductive and deductive reasoning ● Data analysis Technology Although technology has the power to enhance and support the course, technology does not drive the course. Several scientific and/or graphing calculators are available for student use during the class period. Extra Help I will be available most days before school at 8:00 and after school until 3:30 in my room. I will also be available during lunch from 12:26 – 1:11. Students can come in during any of these times for extra help or to make up test/quizzes. Students need to be responsible for their education and their work, so ask questions when they arise if you do not understand. Department Grading Policy ● Each mathematics teacher will record grades numerically using a point system. ● Extra credit, when offered, must be directly tied to instructional objectives and the amount will not exceed 5% of the total semester points. ● Assignments to be completed at home serve to reinforce skills practiced in class and their timely completion is necessary for success on future objectives. For this reason, late assignments are not accepted. Makeup work for excused absences that meet the district attendance criteria will be considered for full credit. Please refer to the school policy concerning homework due during an activity absence. ● The semester examination will count 20% of the student’s semester grade. Only supplemental aides (formulas and/or calculators) provided by the teacher will be allowed on the semester exam. To prepare the students for EOI testing, scientific and/or graphing calculators will be allowed on portions, if not all sections, of the semester tests. ● Each mathematics teacher will provide his or her students with a written grading plan at the beginning of the year/semester. The plan will include the teacher’s method of recording grades, extra credit, late assignments, and semester evaluations. Classroom Expectations Assignments and Assessments: Most days students will have work assigned to them. They will be given time in class, so much so that on most days they should finish the work in class. If students have homework it will usually be due the next day. Assessments will be given on a regular basis. Grading Policy DARES: Random grades will be taken for these. No talking during DARES. Homework: completion and accuracy grades will be taken (total of 10 points for each assignment). Quiz grades will count for 20-50 points and chapter test grades will count for 100 points. The Semester Grade will be calculated as follows: 80% -- Cumulative average of DARES, homework, quizzes, and tests for the entire semester 20% -- Semester test Every student starts the school year with 100% but it is their responsibility to maintain that grade. Grades The school sends out progress reports every 3 weeks. All parents/guardians with internet access can use the schools portal to see the student’s grades and attendance. Parents/guardians can call or e-mail me throughout the year with any questions about their student’s grade. Attendance: Attendance is vital to success in all courses the student is in. Although students are allowed to make up work for absences they incur that will not replace being in the classroom and receiving the teaching first hand. Being on time is as important. We start class as soon as the bell rings. Tardiness will put the student behind for the day. The district attendance policy will be followed in this class: 2 tardies = 1 unexcused absence 10.5 unexcused absences = No Credit for the course Absent work policy: Student has excused absences & the number of days absent is the number of days given to complete missed assignments. All daily assignments will be written on the agenda board, and placed in the monkey folders near the door. If a student is absent, it will be the student’s responsibility to get the information about missing work. If a student is absent, they are responsible for grading the assignment. If a student is absent the day of a quiz or test, they must come in during lunch or stay after school (the test must be completed within 1 week, or it will be a zero). For school activities, assignments need to be picked up before student leaves and turned in the day they return. Those on school activities will either take quizzes and tests before they leave or the day they return. Late work will be accepted if completed/graded and turned into me before each chapter test. They may receive full credit for the completion score only. Behavior: The following are the expectations for my class: Be… Present – Be here and be attentive! It’s very difficult to make up missed class time. Prompt – Be on time! Class starts when the bell rings. Prepared – Bring your supplies to class! This includes your homework, ID and agenda! Polite – Be respectful to other students, faculty, and school property! Positive – A good attitude will make the difference in everything you do! No food or drink is allowed in the classroom. (Bottled water is an exception) Discipline (steps may be skipped if behavior warrants): 1. After 3rd Warning, students will be assigned lunch detention and a parent will be contacted. 2. After 3 lunch detentions, an office referral will be made. The Student Handbook will be followed especially in the situations of: Cell Phones If they are taken out for any reason during class, they will be taken and given to the grade office. (Students must put bags, backpacks and purses on the floor or under their desks so that I do not assume and students are not tempted to mess with their phones.) School Dress Code Please read and follow the school dress code. If dress code is not followed you will be sent to the office, where you will be sent home to change. Supplies (Due by Mon, Aug 24): Pencils Notebook paper Composition Notebook, 200 pgs (100 sheets) 1 pack (4 ct) AAA batteries Agenda (required by school and a student may not use a hall pass without it) ID (required by school and a student may not borrow a calculator or use a hall pass without it) The following are required supplies for classroom use. 1st Hr: 1 pack of pencils 2nd Hr: 1 box of Kleenex 3rd Hr: 1 box of Kleenex 4th Hr: 1 package of tape 5th Hr: 1 pack of pencils 6th Hr: 1 pack (4 ct) red pens Notebooks Composition Notebook: All students will keep a composition notebook that contains notes and will be collected and graded the day of the test. Each notebook grade will be worth 25 points. I will also record homework completion grades for that chapter on the day of the test. Students are responsible for stapling the assignment grade sheet to all homework assignments from that chapter and turning it into the homework box. Set-Up: The first 4 pages will be left for the Table of Contents. Students should keep the table of contents up to date. All pages should be numbered in the top outside corner of the page (1-200). Notes should always be labeled. If you are given a handout for notes then staple it into your composition notebook. The cover will contain the student’s first and last name, my name (Ms. Arms), and class hour in a clear way. Notes: All students are expected to keep notes in their composition booklets for future reference and for studying. Each booklet will be turned in the day of the test. You will not have your textbook at the end of the year, so take good notes! Class work: Homework is assigned to reinforce skills that are learned in class. To be successful, homework needs to be thorough and complete. Assignments will be given on a daily basis. Homework will be graded in class on a regular basis. The following symbols/points will be used in grading for completion. Assignments must always be turned into the assignment folder before the bell rings. An accuracy grade will be taken as well (5 questions will be graded from each assignment). Student attempts all problems in a neat and orderly manner, including proper justification, and demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts. Each “plus” is worth 5 homework points. Student attempts at least 75% of the problems in a neat and orderly manner, including proper justification, and demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts. A “check” is worth 3 homework points. Student attempts less than 75% of the problems. Each “minus” is worth 0. If the assignment is not completed by the end of the unit, additional points will be lost when the notebooks are graded. 5 3 0 --------------------------------------------------Detach & Return bottom portion------------------------------------------------GEOMETRY Parents/Guardians, Your son/daughter has been asked to share my class expectations with you. Your signature indicates that you have had that opportunity. Please feel free to contact me anytime during the year. My email address is My webpage can be accessed through the Westmoore homepage (click on “Our Staff”). Student Name_________________________ Date__________________ (please print neatly) I have received a copy of Mrs. Arms’ classroom expectations and understand how to be successful while enrolled in this class. ___________________________ Student signature Guardian Name: _______________________________ ___________________________ Parent/Guardian signature Relation: ________________ Tell me something I may not know about your student:_____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What makes you most proud of them?: _________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What are your goals/expectations for your student? For this school year: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ For after high school: _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________