Breckheimer Eng A Syllabus Spring 2010

English A
Office H 22IF
Ph. 532-3670 x 5182 Office Hours: Monday 1:45-2:45; Tuesday 10:15-10:45; Wednesday 8:00-9:15
Thursday 10:15-10:45 (you must use your myecc email account for me to open your mail
Required Texts: Keys to Successful Writing, _4th edition
A Pocket Dictionary - any kind
Goals: This course is designed to help you understand and become comfortable with the writing
process, so that you will be capable of writing competently on the college level. You will learn that
effective writing is achieved through the combination of pre-writing, writing, revision and re-writing. We
will work on expository composition skills on the sentence, paragraph and essay level. The aim of this
course is to teach you to give your writing a purpose by setting a definite goal for each composition and
to learn how to follow academic assignments closely and competently. Ultimately, I expect you, by the
end of this course, to write a coherent, cohesive and thought provoking essay.
Course Objectives: Read and apply critical thinking skills to college-level expository prose for the
purposes of writing and discussion. Apply appropriate strategies in the writing process including
prewriting, composing, revising, and editing techniques. Demonstrate ability to incorporate into draft
revision information received in peer review and one-on-one tutorials. Plan, write, and revise 500-word
multi-paragraph expository essays including an introduction and conclusion, exhibiting coherence and
unity, avoiding major grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning, and
demonstrating awareness of audience, purpose, and language choice. Utilize MLA guidelines to format a
document, to cite sources in the text of an essay and to compile a Works Cited list.
Student Learning Outcomes: Write a multi-paragraph expository composition with an introduction and
conclusion that responds to a text already covered in class. A clear position reflecting other points of
view should be developed and sustained through the entire essay. The writer’s ideas should be
insightful, focused, and organized. Sources must be attributed and incorporated into the writer’s
argument. Word choice, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling should not hinder readability.
Students with Disabilities: If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic
accommodations, please let me know. You may speak to me after class, during my office hours, or by
phone or email. Your privacy will be protected. You are also encouraged to contact the Special Resource
Center on campus (310-660-3295) to discuss what accommodations and services are available
Requirements: Because the classes will consist of some lecture, much in-class work, and whole-class
discussion, it is necessary to bring your text to each class meeting and to come to class ready to actively
participate. That is, I expect that you will come to each class meeting ready to discuss all assigned
readings, exercises and to work with drafts on appointed dates. Wednesdays (lab day) drafts will be due
and your work will be checked by either a tutor or me. Failure to arrive with drafts on appointed dates
will result in a loss of two-grade points. If you repeatedly come to class unprepared, you will be
encouraged to drop.
Class Conduct: Everyone in class must be treated with respect. Talking while I am lecturing or another
student is speaking is unacceptable. Sleeping in class is also unacceptable. Unacceptable behavior will
require you to leave the classroom. All electronic devices must be turned off before you enter the
classroom. Use of these devices during the class will require you to leave the class.
Assignments: You will be responsible for writing approximately 1 summary, 4 essays, 1 research paper, 2
in-class writing exams (at mid term and final) and you will be taking approximately 4 scheduled grammar
quizzes, a grammar mid-term and a final exam. Failure to turn in two or more essays will require you to
drop from this course. Keep in mind that missing even one essay and or quiz puts you at high risk for
failure. If you have not completed outlines or drafts on required due dates, you will lose 2 points on the
final draft. Since I use a 6 point scale, 2 points amounts to 2 grade points. Late papers (late is defined as
anytime after the beginning of class) will also be fined 2 points and may only be up to one week late.
Paper Submission: All final drafts must be typed; without exception. Your essays and corresponding
assignment sheet (attached as the last page) must be stapled in the top left hand corner before coming
to class. You also must follow MLA format (to be explained). Failure to follow submission requirements
will result in a loss of points. You must keep a copy of every paper you hand in. You must keep all graded
papers; they may be needed at various times throughout the semester.
** In addition to turning in a hard copy of your paper, you are required to upload your work to on the date the assignment is due. Your paper will not be graded unless you do so. That
is, failure to upload to Turnitin will result in a zero for that particular assignment. No exceptions will
be made. A handout providing detailed instructions will follow. Your class ID # is 3125781; your
enrollment password is 6220. You will need these numbers to set up your Turnitin account.
Grading: Although this is a credit, no credit class, you will be graded throughout the semester and you
must earn a 70% or higher in the two focus areas, essays and grammar (which includes vocabulary &
quotation notebook), in order to pass this course. Your essays will be scored on a 6 point scale. Essays
scored with a 4 or higher are passing papers. A separate sheet detailing each number score will be
handed out and discussed. At the end of the semester, I will also add all your grammar scores together
with the your score on the notebook. Again, your points must equal 70% or higher of the total possible.
To pass the class you must receive a 70% or higher in both focus areas. All late papers (late is defined by
any time after the beginning of class) will be penalized 2 points and may only be up to one week late.
Papers later than one week will not be accepted. There is no extra credit.
Attendance: Promptness and good attendance are required. More than 4 absences may require you to
drop this class. Arrive on time; two tardies equal one absence. Lecture and lab days are of equal
Plagiarism: This is an egregious act. In short, it is unacceptable and carries serious repercussions. You
will learn how to use Turnitin as a tool to help you avoid plagiarism.
I thoroughly enjoy teaching and look forward to a successful semester.
Week 1
Class Introduction to lecture and lab groups; Introduce Writing Center;
Vocabulary Book Criteria; In-class prompt
Week 2
Read: The Reading and Writing Connection 2 -Paragraph Structure; Parts of
speech 419-21; Writing Sentences 421-22; Solving Verb Problems 432-39
Guidelines for Note Taking In class 6-8 & 11; Define Summary; Assignment #1
Summary. Read: "Let's Tell the Story of All America's Cultures”; Vocabulary
Draft Due Assignment # 1 Verb Practice: Vocabulary Practice in Sentences
Week 3
Groups Explained; Review Verb and Sentence Practice; Work with Vocabulary;
How to use Turnitin ** Must bring in summary draft so you will not be docked;
we will workshop your draft in class. Transitions Within a Paragraph (will work
with summary) Paper Format; Grading Scale Groups Assigned
Groups Start; Final Draft Due Assignment #1; Quiz #l Verb
Week 4
Discuss: The Aims of Writing and Writing with an Audience in mind; Clauses 42224; Sentence Combining; Options Handout Coordination and Subordination 42225; Defining the Essay 23-25; Review Paragraph Practice Read Finding a Thesis
64-75 Read: "McDonalds Is Not Our Kind of Place" 358 Reading Quiz; Vocabulary
Assignment #2; Practice Thesis Statements; Intro Quote Grid Following
Assignment Directions: Making "To Do" lists Transitions Between Paragraphs
(Cue Words); Introduction of Quotation; Read: The Writing (Composing) Process
Chapter 2: 31-35 & 3: Pages 48 & 51-58
Summary and Thesis Portion and Quote Grid of Assignment #2 Due; Sentence
Practice With Vocabulary and worksheets
Week 5
Introduction to MLA Quoting; Integrating Quotes for support 168-170 practice
8.8 & 8.9; Model supporting body paragraph How to Move from Response Grid
to Outline & Draft Review Sentence Pattern Worksheets Solving Sentence
Problems 426-29 (Sentence Errors); Review Turnitin
Draft Due Assignment #2; Quiz #2 Sentence Patterns Sentence Error Practice
Week 6
Revising & Polishing Chapter 7; Integrate Value Judgment Words from Langin;
The Writing Process Continued; Revision Worksheet Revised Draft Due Essay #2;
Work on Quotation Sandwiches Review Sentence Error Worksheets
Final Draft Due Essay #2 Quiz #3 Sentence Errors
Week 7
Prepare for Mid-Term Grammar Timed Writing 306-312 How to Write In Class;
Review Quizzes; Practice Verbs, Sentence Patterns & Sentence Errors; Reading
for Mid-Term Presented; Vocabulary Words (from mid-term Article)
Pre Mid-Term Counseling
Week 8
Mid-Term Grammar and Written Exam - Must Bring in Blue Book
No Groups; Finish Writing Exam
Spring Break 4/10 – 4/16/10
Week 9
Mandatory Mid-Term Conferences
Mandatory Mid-Term Conferences
Week 10
Writing Introductions and Conclusions Chapter 6 Using Sources To Support
Points Writing with Sources Chapter 8 & Discuss: the Power of Explanation
Assignment #4 - (make "to do" list) (Definition, Analysis and Research) Reading
from Hero Unit Due: Be prepared to take a reading quiz! Hero Inflation , “Unsung
Hero”, “Heroes I’ve Taught”; Solving Pronoun Problems 441-44;
3 Grids ( on the above mentioned readings)Due for Assignment #4 Due;
Worksheets Pronouns Vocabulary Practice
Week 11
Arriving at Conclusions; Avoiding Plagiarism & How to arrive at and formulate a
thesis Introduce Grids Information Gathering and Analyzing Quotation Response
Discuss: Synthesizing, Note Taking and how to arrive at conclusions Using
Apostrophes 459-460 Assignment #4: Workshop on Organization & Drafting; The
Works Cited Page; Review the outline for the hero paper: Pronouns &
Vocabulary Review
Overall outline including thesis and 2 body paragraphs Due Assignment #4;
Pronoun Quiz
Week 12
Writing Introductions; Review & “Special Needs” Day; Thesis and 2 fully
Developed Paragraphs Due
Draft Due #4, including typed works cited Apostrophe Practice
Week 13
Revised Draft Due #4; Apostrophe Review; **
Final Draft Due #4 -WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE Apostrophe Quiz
Week 14
Read "Generation 9/11 337 Reading Quiz Assignment #5 Make "to do" list;
Brainstorm generation labels Patterns for Organization; Thesis Practice; Choosing
the Right Word and other grammatical and mechanical issues Review
Documentation Format -Quotation Sandwich and Accompanying Rules
Thesis and Outline
Week 15
Review for Final
No Groups; Final Draft Due Essay #5 - This will not be accepted late!! FINAL
EXAM: Grammar and Documentation-Accumulative
Week 16
Grade Conferences
Grade Conferences