3018 version 4 28-Jun-16 1 of 5 HORTICULTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Determine horticulture operation water requirements and oversee appropriate systems level: 5 credit: 6 planned review date: June 2008 sub-field: Horticulture purpose: People credited with this unit standard will be able to – calculate specimen, crop, and total operation water requirements; select sources and mechanisms for the provision, application, and removal of water; and oversee the installation, operation, and maintenance of water systems. entry information: Open, but it is recommended that skill and knowledge in the installation and operation of water systems be obtained before credit is sought for this unit standard. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA, industry and teaching professional in the same field from another provider. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by the Primary Industry Training Organisation. special notes: None. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 3018 version 4 28-Jun-16 2 of 5 HORTICULTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Determine horticulture operation water requirements and oversee appropriate systems Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Identify water requirements for a given horticulture operation. performance criteria 1.1 Assessment, using industry accepted criteria, identifies water requirements for individual specimens and crops on site. Range: 1.2 Assessment, using industry accepted criteria, identifies other operational and non-operational water requirements for the site. Range: 1.3 application rates required; seasonal and daily timing of applications; total volumes required daily, seasonally, and annually. seasonal and daily timing of demand; type of demand; total volumes required daily, seasonally, and annually; access; plant health; frost protection. Total operation water requirements are identified in a format suitable for application for use under the Resource Management Act 1991. element 2 Determine water source. performance criteria 2.1 Procedures adopted to select water sources evaluate options against industry accepted criteria. Range: 2.2 volume available, possible flow rates, quality, access duration, access and establishment costs, operational costs, reliability. Selected sources provide water as required to meet operational needs on the most favourable cost and benefit basis. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 3018 version 4 28-Jun-16 3 of 5 HORTICULTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Determine horticulture operation water requirements and oversee appropriate systems element 3 Select water provision and distribution options. performance criteria 3.1 Assessment of water provision options against identified requirements enables selection of most effective source. Range: 3.2 flow rates required, duration of maximum draw-off, supply recovery rate, operational pressures required. Distribution option selected complies with capacity requirements and provides most effective option against cost and benefit criteria. Range: establishment costs, operational costs, maintenance costs, effective life, reliability. element 4 Select application mechanisms. performance criteria 4.1 Procedures used to select application mechanisms assess options against performance required to meet specimen and crop needs. Range: 4.2 type and point of application, rate of application, timing of application, control requirements. Options selected provide most effective solution against cost and benefit criteria. Range: establishment costs, operational costs, maintenance costs, application efficiency, reliability, operational life. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 3018 version 4 28-Jun-16 4 of 5 HORTICULTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Determine horticulture operation water requirements and oversee appropriate systems element 5 Select drainage systems. performance criteria 5.1 Procedures adopted to assess needs for removal of water identify factors which will determine drainage requirements. Range: natural and artificial application rates, soil and sub-soil water retention characteristics, land configuration, disposal and outfall access, crop tolerances, seasonal variations. 5.2 Drainage requirements are presented in format suitable for application for discharge consent under the Resource Management Act 1991. 5.3 Selection of drainage system meets water removal requirements and provides most favourable solution against cost-benefit criteria. Range: establishment costs, operational costs, maintenance costs, effective life, reliability. element 6 Oversee the installation, operation, and maintenance of systems. performance criteria 6.1 Installation of water provision, application, and removal systems are monitored to ensure work is completed in accordance with specifications, and operational systems perform to design requirements. 6.2 Operation and maintenance of installed water systems facilitate achievement of system design capabilities and efficient provision of horticulture operation requirements. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 3018 version 4 28-Jun-16 5 of 5 HORTICULTURE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Determine horticulture operation water requirements and oversee appropriate systems Comments on this unit standard Please contact Primary Industry Training Organisation http://www.primaryito.ac.nz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Please Note Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority or a delegated interinstitutional body before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for providers wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. This unit standard is covered by AMAP 0032 http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/site/framework/search.html. which can be accessed at New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016