PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council Assessment of Goals for 2014- 15 2014- 15 Planning and Budgeting Council Goal 1. Update the Budget Allocation Model (BAM) to operationalize full implementation of the model. PCCD 2014- 15 Institutional Outcomes E.2 Budget to Improve Student Success E.3 Fiscal Oversight E.4 Support Quality Instruction 2. Update Purchasing Guidelines E.3 Fiscal Oversight E.4 Support Quality Instruction 3. Review and Recommend Board Policies and Administrative Procedures 4. Provide Workshops on the Budget Allocation Model 5. Evaluate Continuous Improvement of the PBIM Process D. 2 Institutional Leadership and Governance D.1.Service Leadership D.2 Institutional Leadership and Governance Goal Met? Yes or No If Yes, Evidence If No, Factors That Comments and Impeded Progress Suggestions for Improvement D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness 6. Monitor Progress in the Integrated Planning and Budgeting Calendar D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness E.1. FTES/FTEF Target E.3 Fiscal Oversight 7. Receive from the colleges monthly update reports regarding their Institutional Self-Evaluation reports which demonstrate and support the completion and submission of these reports to the ACCJC and will assist the colleges in having their accreditation reaffirmed. D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness