4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 1 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift level: 3 credit: 10 planned review date: June 2009 sub-field: Snowsport purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: perform a lift line inspection; perform pre-operation and start procedures for a surface lift; operate a surface lift; employ hazardous and/or emergency procedures for a surface lift; and close down a surface lift. entry information: Prerequisites: Unit 4573, Communicate in the outdoors using two-way radio; and Unit 18100, Demonstrate knowledge of safety, accident and emergency procedures for a snowsport area; or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Training Organisation. special notes: 1 Range: may include – T-bar, platter lifts, rope-lifts, magic carpets. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 2 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift 2 All activities must comply with the policies, procedures, and requirements of the enterprises involved and any relevant environmental, legislative and/or regulatory requirements which include but are not limited to the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (HSE), Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001, and their subsequent amendments and associated regulations. Industry standards for aerial and surface ropeways are specified in the Approved Code of Practice for Passenger Ropeways in New Zealand published by Occupational Safety and Health Service, 1999; and must be carried out as required under the Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999, Prevention of Falls Guidelines published by Occupational Safety and Health Service, 2000, and its subsequent amendments. 3 For the purpose of this unit standard the term carrier refers to the equipment between the bull cable and the passenger or the attachment to the haulage rope that connects to the passenger. Range: T, platter, springbox, stalk, ropebelt, nutcracker. 4 The use of simulated assessment may be required for performance criteria associated with malfunctions and potential hazards. 5 Company or snowsport area policy and procedures are instructions to staff that may be documented and available for reference at each snowsport area in the form of an operations manual. 6 There are minimum assessor requirements for assessment against this unit standard. The details of these requirements are available on the Sfrito website http://www.sfrito.org.nz/. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 3 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Perform a lift line inspection. performance criteria 1.1 Haulage rope or cable is visually checked for alignment and condition according to snowsport area policy and manufacturer's recommendations. 1.2 Sheaves and sheave assembly are visually checked for alignment, rotation, and condition. 1.3 Carrier components are visually checked for damage and/or safe operating condition. 1.4 Towers and tower components are visually checked for damage. 1.5 Snow surface is maintained to industry standards. Range: 1.6 Terminals and/or lift stations are visually checked for safe operating conditions and good housekeeping practices. Range: 1.7 safe clearance, pitch, snow conditions. clear of rubbish, tools and equipment. Information regarding maintenance requirements of lift and/or its components is communicated to appropriate staff. Range: may include but is not limited to – supervisor, management, maintenance staff. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 4 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift element 2 Perform pre-operation and start procedures for a surface lift. performance criteria 2.1 Daily checks are completed according to snowsport area policy and procedures and manufacturer's operating instructions. Range: must include – stop, emergency, and speed controls; safety gates; may include – communication systems, carriage positioning, tensioning system and position, fire extinguishers, motor check, cable or haulage rope, carriers, sheaves or sheave assemblies, towers, derail safety circuitry, stations, drives, brakes, anti-rollback devices. 2.2 Daily checks are recorded according to snowsport area requirements, using concise language and terminology. 2.3 Queuing system is set up and managed according to snowsport area guidelines to maximise efficiency and ease of loading. 2.4 The need for secure signs, fences, and/or tower protection around the loading stations is explained in terms of customer’s protection. 2.5 Surface lift is cleared to start according to snowsport area policy and procedures and manufacturer's operating instructions. Range: clearance to start lift obtained, clearance to begin public operation obtained. element 3 Operate a surface lift. performance criteria 3.1 Surface lift is started according to snowsport area or management policy and procedures and manufacturer’s operating instructions. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 5 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift 3.2 Passengers are loaded on the lift to optimise working capacity, and passenger safety, using controls in a range of conditions according to snowsport area policy and procedures. Range: 3.3 Voice, language, and body language used to convey advice and/or instructions to the passenger take into account passenger requirements and situation. Range: 3.4 conditions must include – weather, surface conditions, ice, high winds. must include a minimum of two of the following – passengers with special needs, elderly, small children, beginners. Problem situations are resolved according to snowsport area policy and procedures. Range: must include a minimum of two of the following – passenger equipment caught, dropped equipment, fallen passenger, failure to load safely. 3.5 Passenger lift tickets are requested and checked in accordance with snowsport area policy and procedures. 3.6 Surface lift is stopped according to snowsport area or management policy and procedures and manufacturer’s operating instructions. element 4 Employ hazardous and/or emergency procedures for a surface lift. Range: fire, derailment, high winds, slipped grip, broken and/or damaged carriers. performance criteria 4.1 A hazardous situation which could result in damage, loss of process, and/or injury is identified, and emergency stopping procedures employed according to snowsport area requirements and manufacturer's recommendations are described. Range: may include but is not limited to – power loss, carriage limits reached, overspeed, rollback, loss of tension, people sliding down lift line, height of loading areas. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 6 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift 4.2 Surface lift is disabled by implementing lockout according to company policy and procedures. 4.3 Information about a hazardous situation is communicated to supervisor and/or management, using concise language and terminology. 4.4 Damaged and/or unsafe equipment is identified and excluded from use according to snowsport area policy and procedures. Range: 4.5 damaged equipment could include – platter, t-seat, springbox, springbox or platter rope, grip, rope tow, nutcracker components. De-rail system is re-set in accordance with relevant legislation, and company or snowsport area procedures. Range: de-rail forks or trip switches. 4.6 Surface lift is re-started according to snowsport area policy and procedures, after shutdown. 4.7 Emergency details and procedures used are recorded, using concise language and terminology. 4.8 Incident and/or accident report is completed to company policy and relevant regulations and guidelines. element 5 Close down a surface lift. performance criteria 5.1 Closing down procedures are followed according to snowsport area policy and manufacturer's operating instructions. Range: 5.2 customers informed of closing, number of last loaded chair communicated to receiving station, number of last loaded chair confirmed as having arrived at receiving station; may include – all control buttons reset to normal. All surface lift buildings and machinery are made secure on closing, according to snowsport area policy and procedures and manufacturer's recommendations. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 4579 version 5 28-Jun-16 7 of 7 SNOWSPORT AREA OPERATIONS Operate a surface lift Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Training Organisation info@sfrito.org.nz if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Please Note Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority or a delegated interinstitutional body before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for providers wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. This unit standard is covered by AMAP 0050 which can be accessed at http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/site/framework/search.html. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016