Spectroscopy FTIR RAMAN By Assistant Professor Dr. Akram Raheem Jabur Spectroscopy “seeing the unseeable” Using electromagnetic radiation as a probe to obtain information about atoms and molecules that are too small to see. Electromagnetic radiation is propagated at the speed of light through a vacuum as an oscillating wave. electromagnetic relationships: λυ = c λ 1/υ E = hυ E υ E = hc/λ E 1/λ λ = wave length υ = frequency c = speed of light E = kinetic energy h = Planck’s constant λ c Two oscillators will strongly interact when their energies are equal. E1 = E2 λ1 = λ2 υ1 = υ2 If the energies are different, they will not strongly interact! We can use electromagnetic radiation to probe atoms and molecules to find what energies they contain. some electromagnetic radiation ranges Approx. freq. range Hz (cycle/sec) Approx. wavelengths meters Radio waves 104 - 1012 3x104 - 3x10-4 Infrared (heat) 1011 - 3.8x1014 3x10-3 - 8x10-7 Visible light 3.8x1014 - 7.5x1014 8x10-7 - 4x10-7 Ultraviolet 7.5x1014 - 3x1017 4x10-7 - 10-9 X rays 3x1017 - 3x1019 10-9 - 10-11 Gamma rays > 3x1019 < 10-11 Two oscillators will strongly interact when their energies are equal. E1 = E2 λ1 = λ2 υ1 = υ2 If the energies are different, they will not strongly interact! We can use electromagnetic radiation to probe atoms and molecules to find what energies they contain. Spectroscopy λ = 2.5 to 17 μm υ = 4000 to 600 cm-1 These frequencies match the frequencies of covalent bond stretching and bending vibrations. Infrared spectroscopy can be used to find out about covalent bonds in molecules. IR is used to tell: 1. what type of bonds are present 2. some structural information IR source sample prism detector graph of % transmission vs. frequency => IR spectrum 100 %T 0 500 1000 1500 v (cm-1) 2000 3000 4000 toluene Some characteristic infrared absorption frequencies BOND COMPOUND TYPE FREQUENCY RANGE, cm-1 C-H alkanes 2850-2960 and 1350-1470 alkenes 3020-3080 (m) and RCH=CH2 910-920 and 990-1000 R2C=CH2 880-900 cis-RCH=CHR 675-730 (v) trans-RCH=CHR aromatic rings monosubst. 965-975 3000-3100 (m) and 690-710 and 730-770 ortho-disubst. 735-770 meta-disubst. 690-710 and 750-810 (m) para-disubst. 810-840 (m) alkynes 3300 O-H alcohols or phenols 3200-3640 (b) C=C alkenes 1640-1680 (v) aromatic rings 1500 and 1600 (v) C≡C alkynes 2100-2260 (v) C-O primary alcohols 1050 (b) secondary alcohols 1100 (b) tertiary alcohols 1150 (b) phenols 1230 (b) alkyl ethers 1060-1150 aryl ethers 1200-1275(b) and 1020-1075 (m) all abs. strong unless marked: m, moderate; v, variable; b, broad n-pentane 2850-2960 cm-1 3000 cm-1 sat’d C-H 1470 &1375 cm-1 CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 IR of ALKENES =C—H bond, “unsaturated” vinyl (sp2) 3020-3080 cm-1 + 675-1000 RCH=CH2 + 910-920 & 990-1000 R2C=CH2 + 880-900 cis-RCH=CHR + 675-730 (v) trans-RCH=CHR + 965-975 C=C bond 1640-1680 cm-1 (v) The Raman Effect Induced Dipole Linear Molecule O C O Sample in Equilibrium Laser Induced Dipole There must be polarizability for Raman Effect to take place Raman Compared to IR Dipole moments relate to IR absorption + H - Cl Uneven distribution of charge = Dipole Moment Polarizability relates to Raman scattering Polarizability how “squishy” the electron cloud is No electric field In the presence of an electric field + - produces an induced dipole moment Rayleigh Scattering Rayleigh scattering is elastic and is indicated at zero wavenumbers Can be a calibration aid if visible in the spectrum Low Density Polyethylene 0 1000 2000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) 3000 4000 Raman Scattering Lowest 3 excited 2 electronic 1 state 0 Intensity Rayleigh Scattering Virtual states DE Stokes Shift Anti-Stokes Shift 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 Anti-Stokes Rayleigh Scattering Stokes Excitation Raman Shift (cm-1) Rayleigh scattering is elastic Stokes and anti-Stokes scattering are 3 Ground 2 electronic state 1 0 DE inelastic Stokes lines are more probable and therefore More probable Less probable used most often Anti-Stokes lines are not affected by fluorescence and occur more frequently at higher temperatures Application Areas Pharmaceuticals Particulate Characterization Process Monitoring (PAT) Authentication Method Development Polymorphism Food Science Grain Studies Polymers Crystallinity Homogeneity Earth Sciences Geology Mineralogy Semiconductors Phase Determination Inclusion Detection Biology Medical Applications Sensory Receptors Cell Monitoring Reaction Monitoring Bacteria Characterization Forensics Fibers Paints Questioned Documents Controlled Substances Building Materials Terrorism Consumer Products Particulate Contamination Quality Control Raman Instrumentation Source Sample Illumination Spectrometer Typically laser source Raman intensity increases as the fourth power of source frequency High frequency = Low wavelength = Higher Raman intensity Low frequency = High wavelength = Lower Raman intensity Raman signal is independent of laser wavelength Longer wavelength sources tend to cause less laser induced fluorescence Common Lasers Type Wavelength (nm) Argon Ion 488.0 or 514.5 Krypton Ion 530.9 or 647.1 Helium/Neon 632.8 Diode 782 or 830 Nd/YAG 1064 Raman Instrumentation Source Sample Illumination Spectrometer Confocal Set Up Detector Typically commercially available microscope platforms Pinhole Aperture Barrier Filter Out of Focus Light Rays In Focus Light Rays Laser Dichroic Mirror Typically confocal configuration Objective Band Pass Filter Laser Spot sizes in 2-10 mm range Focal Planes Sample Pinhole Aperture Raman Instrumentation Spectrometer Sample Illumination Source Widefield Set Up Detector Typically commercially available microscope platforms Barrier Filter Out of Focus Light Rays In Focus Light Rays Laser Dichroic Mirror Typically confocal configuration Objective Band Pass Filter Laser Spot sizes in 50-500 mm range Focal Planes Sample Pinhole Aperture Raman Instrumentation Source Spectrometer Sample Illumination Dispersive Spectrometer Focusing Mirror Fourier Transform Spectrometer Collimating Mirror Detector Collimating Mirror Dispersive Grating Focusing Mirror Spatial Filter Dielectric Filters Scattered Light from Sample Detector Scattered Light from SampleFocusing Mirror Raman Instrumentation Raman Microprobe End On View of Probe Spectrometer Input Fibers Fiber Optic Cable Collection Fibers Focusing Objective Probe Laser Sample End On View of Collection Fibers going to Spectrometer Slit Sample Preparation Very little sample preparation needed Aluminum is usually used as a Solids, liquids and gasses can be substrate since it does not produce Raman information and does not produce fluorescence analyzed Gasses and liquids can be analyzed Gold substrates can also be used through a suitable container Non-volatile liquids can be spotted onto a substrate provided slight evaporation is not critical Quartz microscope slides produce a minimal amount of background fluorescence Samples not encompassing the entire laser spot should be placed on a suitable substrate Unsuitable Receptacle Too little sample in receptacle, focal plane does not reach material Suitable Receptacle Sufficient amount of sample, focal plane reaches material Analytical Comparison Raman vs. Infrared