New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 5) (DOC, 107KB)

Te Hono o te Kahurangi: Qualification details
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level Level 5)
Qualification type
Creative Arts > Other Creative Arts > Creative Arts not elsewhere
DAS classification
Qualification developer
Māori Qualifications Services (MQS)
Next review
December 2018
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
This qualification is intended for people seeking to extend their knowledge and skills
within a specific field of Ngā Toi.
The purpose of this qualification is to extend specialist knowledge and technical skills of
the learner within a specific field of Ngā Toi.
Graduates of this qualification will demonstrate and understand project-based outcomes
within a specific field of Ngā Toi that is informed by research.
The strategic purpose statement refers to the application of skills ‘from an āhuatanga
Māori perspective’. This sends a strong signal from the outset that this qualification is
distinctively Māori, and while the skills and knowledge will be transferable, this
qualification is custom-designed specifically for application in Māori contexts. The term
āhuatanga Māori includes te reo me ngā tikanga ā-hapū, ā-iwi rānei.
Horopaki Toi
This kaupapa encompasses a range of contexts that inform current view, and potential
future direction(s), of art form(s); as well as how they can influence other activities not
generally considered art. These activities will have similar historical and theoretical
backgrounds that support the transfer of ideas from one discipline to another. This is a
study of context, which may involve history, theory and current thinking, culminating in
knowing that informs the artist’s practice.
Hātepe Auaha
This kaupapa describes the means by which an artist formulates an original idea and
then manifests that idea into reality; itemising each step of a coherent process by which
the raw material is transformed into the final piece. Key points of focus include problems
encountered and a rationale for how each were resolved. This is for the benefit of the
artist so as to enable them to retrospectively analyse the success or failure of any part of
the creative process, and is not necessarily about the quality of any piece of work.
Mahi Toi
This kaupapa signifies the fundamental study of Ngā Toi in a chosen medium (or media)
and a rationalisation of the choice of medium for any project (including an analysis of the
medium’s advantages and disadvantages). In addition, the technical skill of the artist in
manipulating the medium will come under scrutiny; including their ability to successfully
solve any problems that arise to complete a Ngā Toi project in accordance with its brief.
It is the knowledge and skill of the artist in terms of medium (or media) manipulation.
This kaupapa describes the skills and knowledge required to effectively plan, propose,
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execute, and report on a successful Ngā Toi project; as well as the processes, kawa, and
tikanga that are utilised for its protection and management. These are the project
management skills that allow an artist to identify workload and timelines, allocate
priorities, work to plan (including planning for contingencies), and resolve issues,
ultimately allowing them to deliver a product to a particular standard of quality at a
particular time. It is the skills and knowledge in this kaupapa which helps transform a
hobbyist into a commissioned/ professional artist.
Qualification outcome statements
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
Integrate knowledge of history, theory, te reo Māori, and tikanga in a
horopaki toi, to inform art form practice
20 credits
Research hātepe auaha and artistic variation within an art form to inform
how standard and non-standard processes may be applied to art practice,
and present findings
20 credits
Demonstrate a range of technical mahi toi skills and knowledge to create
solutions to familiar and unfamiliar project problems, and to complete a
body of work within an art form
60 credits
Apply skills and knowledge of rangatiratanga to help manage and lead
Ngā Toi projects
20 credits
Graduate profile
Education pathway
The qualification provides a pathway for those seeking to improve or further
develop their skills knowledge in Ngā Toi.
Graduates may progress to:
New Zealand Diploma in Ngā Toi (Level 6).
Other relevant qualifications at degree level
NB: Qualification pre-requisite requirements vary dependent on the specific
field of study.
Graduates of this qualification will have the transferable skills and knowledge to
work, or contribute to, the Ngā Toi sector. Graduates may also have the skills
and knowledge to contribute to the development of Ngā Toi in whānau, hapū,
iwi, and hapori; and may undertake roles such as:
Employment pathway
Art/ artist administrator
Assistant artist
Researcher in the Ngā Toi sector.
This qualification provides a pathway for graduates to develop capability and
capacity to protect, maintain, and enrich mātauranga taonga tuku iho for
whānau, hapū, iwi/community for future and current generations.
Contribution to community and cultural roles may include leading aspects of,
and/or supporting whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori with, Ngā Toi projects by:
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 Contributing to the development of Ngā Toi art form through the creation of
a body of work and the development of own style
 Leading the creation and/or development of Ngā Toi projects
 Managing the creation and/or development of Ngā Toi projects
 Supporting the development of Māori (whānau, hapu, iwi, hapori) and their
knowledge of, and skills in, Ngā Toi; based on an understanding of tikanga,
and te reo Māori.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification will be awarded to people who have met the
requirements of the graduate outcomes.
Awarding bodies for this qualification will be any education
organisation accredited under section 38 of the Education
Amendment Act 2011 to deliver a programme leading to the
The certificate will display the NZQF logo and the name and logo
of the Tertiary Education Organisation (TEO) offering the training
leading to the award of the qualification, the full qualification title,
NZQA reference number, and the date of award of the
If the TEO has been awarded the Mātauranga Māori Evaluative
Quality Assurance (MM EQA) Qual Mark for a programme of study
leading to this qualification, the certificate will also display the
Mātauranga Māori Quality Assurance Mark.
The process for ensuring consistency of Ngā Toi graduate profiles
will be evidence-based, outcomes-focussed, and grounded in the
MM EQA kaupapa Maori principles: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga,
Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Pukengatanga, Kaitiakitanga,
Rangatiratanga, Tūrangawaewae.
Arrangements for managing
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Evidence for consistency
Each education organisation is responsible for preparing a
summary self-assessment report which uses evidence to
demonstrate how well its graduates meet the graduate profile
outcomes at the appropriate threshold. Each education
organisation decides what specific evidence it will provide and
must be able to demonstrate the extent to which there is good,
real-world evidence that their graduates demonstrate an
appropriate fit with the graduate profile of the qualification.
Evidence of the following must be provided for Ngā Toi
consistency reviews:
 Effective internal and external moderation processes, including
internal moderation results relating to graduate outcomes
 Feedback and actions taken by the education organisation in
response to feedback
- must include feedback from graduates, current students,
tutors/assessors, and graduate destinations (such as
employers, next programme provider, the community/other
 Samples of assessment materials
 Samples of Learner assessments/work
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Programme completion data and course results.
Moderation outcomes which may include
moderation/benchmarking across common programmes.
Relevant MM EQA external evaluation and review data where
Evidence of the following may be provided for the consistency
 Ngā Toi programme evaluation reports
 Employer surveys
 Graduate surveys
 Whānau, hapū, iwi, and/or hapori surveys
 Portfolios of work
 Benchmarking with other providers
 Site visit reports
 Other relevant and reliable evidence.
Credit transfer and recognition of
prior learning arrangements
To facilitate credit transfer, education organisations must clearly
demonstrate the equivalency or comparability between each of the
outcomes in the graduate profile, and the assessment components
of their programmes.
Education organisations must have policies and procedures in
place for managing credit transfer, and assessing recognition of
prior learning and recognition of current competency. These
policies and procedures, and associated fees must be available to
candidates prior to enrolment.
Assessment standards already achieved by the candidate, which
are specified in this qualification, may be credited to the
Minimum standard of
achievement and standards for
grade endorsements
The minimum standard of achievement required for award of the
qualification will be the achievement of all of the outcomes in the
graduate profile through successful completion of an NZQA
approved programme.
Entry requirements (including
prerequisites to meet regulatory
body or legislative requirements)
There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body, or
legislative requirements for this qualification.
Qualification conditions
Overarching conditions relating to the qualification
Conditions for programme
Conditions for programme
The context for the delivery of programmes leading to the award of Ngā
Toi actively supports Māori preferred ways of teaching, learning,
learning support, and pastoral care.
The programme has in place appropriate mechanisms/protocols, to
ensure tangata whenua and/or mana whenua are engaged, involved
and consulted with regard to local tikanga and kawa as it pertains to the
outcomes of the qualification.
Mechanisms/protocols may include, but are not limited to:
 Memorandum of Partnership
 Relationship strategy and supporting operational policies and
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requirements in place
 Designated Māori relationship role/position
 Provisions for kaumātua or whānau, hapū or iwi knowledge holders
acting in an advisory capacity.
Other conditions
All programmes leading to a qualification approved under Te Hono o te
Kahurangi and listed on the NZQF, will be assessed under Mātauranga
Māori Evaluative Quality Assurance (Programmes of Study).
Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Programme Guidance/Conditions
Qualification outcomes
Integrate knowledge of history,
theory, te reo Māori, and tikanga
in a horopaki toi, to inform art
form practice
(20 credits)
Research hātepe auaha and
artistic variation within an art form
to inform how standard and nonstandard processes may be
applied to art practice, and
present findings
(20 credits)
Demonstrate a range of technical
mahi toi skills and knowledge to
create solutions to familiar and
unfamiliar project problems, and
to complete a body of work within
an art form
(60 credits)
Apply skills and knowledge of
rangatiratanga to help manage
and lead Ngā Toi projects
(20 credits)
Programmes should include the following key focus areas
of each outcome:
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Demonstrate broad knowledge of history and theory to
frame a position that informs practice
Integrate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into Ngā Toi
Define own work in a specific art form
Research artistic variation within an art form and
present findings
Explain how standard and non-standard processes are
applied in Ngā Toi practice
Demonstrate a range of technical media manipulation
skills and knowledge in completing a body of work
within an art form
Demonstrate a range of technical skills and knowledge
in creating solutions to familiar and unfamiliar problems
within an art form
Plan and propose a Ngā Toi project brief
Execute a successful Ngā Toi project in accordance
with agreed processes, kawa, and tikanga
Assist in leading and managing Ngā Toi projects
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