Test 3

Wharton County Junior College Sugarland Campus
Anatomy and Physiology I (Biol 2401)
Instructor: Shilla Chakrabarty, Ph.D.
Time: 1 hr.
Number of Questions: 50 +5
General Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by five
suggested answers or completions. After you have decided on the correct answer,
COMPLETELY fill the corresponding oval on your Scantron sheet. Give only one answer to
each question. If you change an answer, be sure that the previous mark is erased completely so
that only your correct response is scanned. Once your answer sheets have been scanned, your
scores are final, and no claims about improper scanning of your correct responses can be
entertained. Remember to write your name on your answer sheet.
1. Membranous areas between cranial bones of the fetal skull are called ________.
A. Foramina
B. Sutures
C. Trabeculae
D. Areolas
E. Fontanelles
2. The hyoid bone is unique because it ________.
A. is the point of origin of all muscles of the head and neck region
B. is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone
C. is shaped like a plow
D. is covered with mucosa
E. has no specific function
3. The major function of the intervertebral discs is to _________.
A. string the vertebrae together
B. prevent injuries
C. prevent hyperextension
D. absorb shock
E. none of the above
4. The suture that connects the two parietal bones together is the ________.
A. Coronal
B. Lambdoid
C. Squamosal
D. Sagittal
E. Parietal
5. An abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column often seen in the thoracic region is
A. Kyphosis
B. Lordosis
C. Swayback
D. Arthritis
E. Scoliosis
6. The articulation that most closely resembles a hinge in the body involves the _________.
A. femur-tibia
B. humerus-ulna
C. humerus-radius
D. femur-fibula
E. radius-ulna
7. The largest foramen in the body is the ________.
A. foramen magnum
B. foramen rotundum
C. foramen ovale
D. obturator foramen
E. transverse foramina
8. Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are ________.
A. synarthroses
B. diarthroses
C. amphiarthroses
D. synovial joints
E. ball and socket joints
9. ________ are cartilaginous joints.
A. Gomphoses
B. Syndesmoses
C. Sutures
D. Synchondroses
E. None of the above
10. Menisci are _____.
A. cavities lined with cartilage
B. semilunar cartilage pads
C. tendon sheaths
D. saddle joints
E. small sacs containing synovial fluid
11. On the basis of structural classification, the _____ joint is fibrous connective tissue.
A. syndesmosis
all of the above
12. Gouty arthritis can be caused by ______.
A. a bacterial infection in the bursae
B. a disorder in the body's immune system resulting in destruction of joints
C. excessive blood levels of uric acid deposited as crystals in the soft tissue joints
D. a thickening of the synovial membrane and a decrease in fluid production
E. none of the above
13. Connective tissue sacs lined with synovial membranes that act as cushions in places
where friction develops are called ________.
A. menisci
B. bursae
C. ligaments
D. tendon sheaths
E. synovial fluids
14. Synovial fluid is present in joint cavities of freely movable joints. Which of the following
statements is true about this fluid?
A. It contains lactic acid.
B. It contains hyaluronic acid.
C. It contains hydrochloric acid.
D. It contains blood.
E. It contains enzymes only
15. Moving a limb away from the median plane of the body along the frontal plane is
A. hyperextension
B. abduction
C. adduction
D. inversion
E. dorsiflexion
16. Tendon sheaths ________.
A. are lined with dense irregular connective tissue
B. form channels for tendons
C. help anchor the tendon to the muscle
D. act as friction-reducing structures
E. produce synovial fluid
17. _____muscle cells have the greatest ability to regenerate.
A. Smooth
B. Skeletal
C. Cardiac
D. Striated
E. All types of
18. Myoglobin ________.
A. breaks down glycogen
B. is a protein involved in the direct phosphorylation of ADP
C. produces the end plate potential
D. facilitates anaerobic respiration in muscle cells
E. stores oxygen in muscle cells
19. The ______ in skeletal muscle cells functions in calcium storage.
A. mitochondria
B. sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. intermediate filament network
D. myofibrillar network
E. T-tubules
20. Immediately following the arrival of the stimulus at a skeletal muscle cell there is a short
period called the ________ period during which the events of excitation-contraction
coupling occur.
A. contraction
B. latent
C. refractory
D. summation
E. relaxation
21. The strongest muscle contractions are normally achieved by ________.
A. increasing stimulus above the threshold
B. increasing the latent period of stimulation
C. increasing stimulus to reach the threshold
D. increasing the stimulation to the sub-threshold level
E. recruiting small and medium muscle fibers
22. The striations of a skeletal muscle cell are caused by
A. the arrangement of myofilaments
B. the sarcoplasmic reticulum
C. the T tubules
D. the triads
E. a difference in the thickness of the sarcolemma
23. The connective tissue surrounding individual muscle cells is
A. myomysium
B. perimysium
C. endomysium
D. epimysium
E. fascicle
24. The functional unit of a skeletal muscle is _____.
A. a myofibril
B. a sarcomere
C. a myofilament
D. the sarcoplasmic reticulumhe
E. the triad
25. The functional role of the T tubules is to _____________.
A. release calcium to facilitate muscle contraction
B. synthesize ATP to provide energy for muscle contraction
C. stabilize the G and F actin
D. enhance cellular communication during muscle contraction
E. hold cross bridges in place in a resting muscle
26. Smooth muscle is characterized by all of the following except that ________.
A. it is uninucleated
B. it appears to lack troponin
C. there are more thick filaments than thin filaments
D. there are no sarcomeres
E. there are noncontractile intermediate filaments which attach to dense bodies within
the cell
27. Muscle tone is ________.
A. a state of sustained contraction in specific muscles
B. the ability of a muscle to efficiently cause skeletal movements
C. the feeling of well-being following exercise
D. a state of sustained partial contraction
E. the condition of athletes after intensive training
28. Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by ________.
A. forming a temporary chemical compound with myosin
B. storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP
C. forming a chemical compound with actin
D. inducing a conformational change in the myofilaments
E. facilitating attachment between actin and myosin fibers
29. During vigorous exercise, there may be insufficient oxygen available to completely break
down pyruvic acid for energy. As a result, the pyruvic acid is converted to ________.
A. a strong base
B. stearic acid
C. hydrochloric acid
D. alcohol
E. lactic acid
30. The sliding filament model of contraction involves ________.
A. the shortening of thick filaments so that thin filaments slide past
B. actin and myosin shortening but not sliding past each other
C. actin and myosin sliding past each other and partially overlapping
D. the Z discs sliding over the myofilaments
E. the shortening of thin filaments so that thick filaments slide past
31. After nervous stimulation stops, ACh in the synaptic cleft is prevented from continuing
to stimulate contraction by _________.
A. calcium ions returning to the terminal cisternae
B. acetylcholinesterase destroying the Ach
C. the tropomyosin blocking the myosin once full contraction is achieved
D. the action potential stops going down the overloaded T tubules
E. all of the above
32. The muscles that are contracted to exhale forcibly are the ________.
A. diaphragm alone
B. external intercostals and diaphragm
C. internal intercostals and rectus abdominus
D. rectus abdominis and diaphragm
E. external intercostals and rectus abdominus
33. The suprahyoid muscles _________.
A. depress the larynx and hyoid bone if the mandible is fixed.
B. are often called strap muscles
C. are used only when speaking
D. are a group of muscles that lie superior to the hyoid bone and help form the floor of
the oral cavity.
E. move the pharynx superiorly during swallowing.
34. A muscle group that works with and assists the action of a prime mover is a(n) ________.
A. antagonist
B. protagonist
C. fixator
D. synergist
E. neutral
35. The genioglossus, hyoglossus, and styloglossus muscles ________.
A. act on the tongue.
B. reflect direction of muscle fibers.
C. act synergistically to elevate the jaw.
D. indicate the relative size of the muscle
E. are muscles attached to the sternum
Using the figure and answer choice provided below, answer Questions 36-40
36. Joint 1
37. Joint 3
38. Joint 4
39. Joint 5
40. Joint 6
Using the figure below, answer Questions 41-45.
41. Z disc
42. H zone.
43. I band.
44. M line.
Plane Joint
Ball and Socket Joint
Condyloid joint
Saddle Joint
Hinge joint
45. A band.
Using the figure below, answer questions 46-50.
46. First class lever
47. Second class lever
48. Standing on tip-toes
49. The action of lifting a shovel of snow.
50. Extending the head backwards
51. Football players often sustain lateral blows to the extended knee. As a result, the _______
ligament(s) is (are) damaged.
A. suprapatellar
B. medial collateral, medial meniscus, and anterior cruciate
C. oblique popliteal and extracapsular ligament
D. arcuate popliteal and the posterior cruciate
E. all of the above.
52. Which of the following statements is true regarding the total number of skeletal muscles
in the human body?
A. There are approximately the same number of muscles as bones: 206.
B. If one considers the very tiny, insignificant muscles, there are over 1000 skeletal
muscles in the body.
C. There are approximately 350 muscles in the body.
D. There are over 600 skeletal muscles in the body.
E. There are less than 200 skeletal muscles in the body
53. Compared to the shoulder, displacements of the hip joints are ________.
A. common due to the weight bearing the hip endures
B. common because of the shallowness of the acetabular cavity
C. rare because of the ligament reinforcement
D. common in all people who are overweight
E. rare because the rotator cuff stabilizes the hip joint
54. A fibrous joint that is a peg-in-socket joint is called a _______.
A. suture
B. synchondrosis
C. syndesmosis
D. gomphosis
E. hinge joint
55. If a lever operates at a mechanical disadvantage, it means that the ________.
A. effort is farther than the load from the fulcrum
B. load is near the fulcrum and the effort is at the distal end
C. load is far from the fulcrum and the effort is applied near the fulcrum
D. fulcrum is equidistant from load and effort.