I. The skeletal system includes bones and tissues that moving your body.

The skeletal system includes bones and tissues that
are important for supporting, protecting, and
moving your body.
Framework and support
Storage of minerals such as calcium
Production of blood cells (bone marrow)
Human Skeletal System
The ______________________ is the central
part of the skeleton used to protect vital
organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs.
B. The __________________________ skeleton
is used for movement and includes the
pectoral and pelvic girdle and the extremities
attached to them.
 The axial skeleton includes
 The appendicular skeleton includes
C. _____________________ is connective tissue
between bones.
a. cushions bones
b. allows for smooth movement
c. connect two bones
D. ____________________ are long bands of
tissue that connect bones across a joint.
A. Bones connect to form _______________________
– Joints are places were two bones meet.
B. There are three types of joints.
2. ____________________, which allows partial
3. ___________________which does not allow for
4. __________________, which allows for greater
There are several types of synovial joints.
C. Bones are living tissue.
1. Bone is made of ___________________ tissue and
_____________________ tissue.
2. _____________________ is hard and dense.
a. ________________________(bone cells) maintain compact
bone rings.
b. _________________________ allow
_____________________________ in the bone.
3. ____________________ protects red or yellow bone marrow.
a. ________________________A layer of connective tissue that
covers bone
b. _______________________ marrow produces blood cells.
c. Yellow bone marrow is mostly ____________________
4. ____________________ is the process of building hard bone.
 combines collagen and calcium phosphate transforms
cartilage into hard bone during childhood
Muscles are tissues that can contract, enabling movement.
1. The muscular system moves substances throughout the body.
– bones of the skeletal system
– food through digestive system
– blood through circulatory system
– fluids through excretory system
2. There are three types of muscle tissue.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
3. Skeletal muscle attaches to the skeleton by __________________________________.
a. Tendons connect ______________________________.
4. Skeletal muscles are mostly ______________________________.
5. Smooth muscle
a. ____________________________ and is ____________________________________
b. move food through digestive organs
c. empty liquid from the bladder
d. _______________________________________________
6. ______________________ muscle is found _________________________
a. pumps blood throughout body
b. controlled by pacemaker
c. contains more mitochondria than skeletal muscle cells
7. “Most Skeletal Muscles Work in _____________________
a. When one muscle _____________________, the
other _____________________________
The integumentary system helps maintain
1. The integumentary system consists of many parts.
a. _________________________________
b. __________________________________
c. ________________________________
d. _______________________________
e. _______________________________
f. proteins, such as keratin (nails)
2. The integumentary system consists of many different tissues.
A. The outermost layer of the skin is the epidermis.
3. Cells in the epidermis produce keratin and melanin
a. _____________________makes cells
waterproof and tough feeling.
b. ____________________is a dark pigment
that absorbs UV rays
4. The _________________ contains most of the tissues in
the skin.
a. _____________________
b. ____________________
c. _____________________
d. ____________________
e. ___________________
A hair follicle is pit of cells that produces hair.
5. The dermis also produces elastin and collagen
a. ______________________ makes skin flexible.
b. ______________________gives skin its shape
6. Beneath the dermis is a layer of _________________