Search for the Electron Electric Dipole Moment Val Prasad Yale University Experiment: D.DeMille, D. Kawall, R.Paolino, V. Prasad F. Bay, S. Bickman, P.Hamilton, Y. Jiang, Y.Gurevich Yale University L.R.Hunter (Amherst) Theory: M. Kozlov (PNPI, St. Petersburg), D. DeMille An EDM Violates Parity and Time Reversal Symmetries and may provide evidence of new physics D look different after P reversal P S T look different after T reversal T-violation: a window to new physics CPT theorem T-violation = CP-violation Feynman Diagram de Ld 5 F 2 e e not renormalizable loop diagrams Theoretical Predictions for de Yale I (projected) Berkeley Yale II (projected) HsF NAIVE SUSY A-CP AC A-Un M-H SO(10) GUT LR-S Align E-Un TC L-FC 10-26 Std Model 10-30 10-28 10-32 10-40 de (e·cm) Experimental limit: |de| < 1.610-27 ecm (Berkeley) Std Model: Standard Model LR-S: Left-Right Symmetric L-FC: Lepton flavor-changing M-H: Multi-Higgs TC: Technicolor AC: Accidental Cancellations HsF: A-CP: A-Un: Align: E-Un: Heavy sFermions Approx. CP Approx Universality Alignment Exact Universality General Method to Detect an EDM E B spin dE 0 B 0 B dE Energy Shift ~ ____(de.Eeff)_______ Resolution (Tcoh .√(dN/dt Tmeas))-1 Schiff’s theorem Cannot apply an electric field to a free electron for long times Use a neutral object (atoms, molecules) Ftotal 0 Felectric Fmagnetic Felectric Fmagnetic E v r c Near nucleus, v, E, large + substantial amplitude for valence e-: Fmag B ~ B r ~ a0/Z; v ~ Zc; E ~ Ze/r2; B ~ea0; (0) ~Z1/2 |<Eeff>| Z32 (e/a02) P Molecules enhance electric fields • • • • • Atoms O E Large laboratory fields ~50 kV/cm E ~10 V/cm ext Leakage currents=BAD!!! Pb Smaller enhancement 10 V/cm E ~10 int factors Molecules Unpaired electron=free radical Boltzmann distribution over many rovibrational states M. G. Kozlov and D. DeMille Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 133001 (2002) An aside: what’s an -doublet? Non-rotating molecule has internal tensor Stark shift 2 2 ESt n J e =0 Energy n, E J e S ... L =-1 =+1 -90 0 90 180 angle to molecular states coupled in 2nd axis order 270 =1 via molecular rotation (Coriolis) Symmetric-antisymmmetric 2/E ~ 10-3E Estates ~ (E ) rot split by sttunnelingrot Thallium vs PbO* Atom/Molecule Thallium PbO* Group Berkeley Yale/ Amherst Applied field (V/cm) 105 >15 Effective field (V/cm) 6107 3-61010!! Coherence time T (ms) 3 0.1 Count rate (1/s) 2109 1011 Figure of merit 1 240 Projected sensitivity (ecm) 210-28 10-29/10-31 Present limit (ecm) <1.610-27 ??? PbO*: ΔEedm = 2.5 x 1025 Hz x de (e-cm) Excitation scheme 2+ 2- X(0)[1Σ+] ~12 MHz a(1) [3 Σ+] 11+ 2+ Laser pulse λ~571 nm t~10 ns Bandwidth~1GHz~ΔνDoppler R0 208Pb J’’=0→J’=1 1~10 GHz 0+ intensity Integrated Signal (mV) Molecular Spectra X(v’’ = 1) a(v’ = 5) excitation ( = 571 nm) a(v’ = 5) X(v’’ = 0) detection ( = 548 nm) Integrated over ~200 s after each pulse 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 R6-208 R7-206 R0(J”=0J’=1-) 208Pb Tune laser here 0 10 20 30 40 50 Laser Frequency Detuning (GHz) 60 70 Omega Doublet |e | f 2 |f ν~11.2 MHz νZeeman~300 kHz |e m=-1 m=0 |e | f 2 m=1 Stark ~ 20 60MHz B =0 E =0 Excitation Scheme RF pulse 1 0.8 B 0.6 0.4 0.2 -2 -1 1 2 0 B dE E Excitation Scheme RF pulse 1 0.8 B 0.6 0.4 0 B dE 0.2 -2 -1 1 2 E Excitation Scheme 1 0.8 0 B dE 0.6 0.4 B 0.2 -2 -1 1 2 RF pulse E Quantum Beats • Coherent superposition of two states decaying to the same state • Precession frequency proportional to energy difference between states • Allows for Doppler free, very precise spectroscopy (<1mHz) y x Present Experimental Setup Photomultiplier tube B Solid quartz light pipes Vacuum chamber Data Processing integral Signal PbO vapor Cell Fourier Transform Frequency •A specialized oven to heat a novel vapor cell to temperatures of 700°C •The cell contains about 80cm3 of PbO vapor of natural isotopic abundance •Vacuum chamber surrounded by 3 orthogonal Helmholtz coils •Use Nd:YAG pumped dye laser at 570nm, 5-40 mJ/pulse, 1 GHz linewidth •Excite X(0)a(1) transition and detect quantum beat fluorescence signal •Analyze beat frequency •Perform reversal of E field, B field or RF transition to measure dipole induced frequency shift Quartz Oven PbO Vapor Cell •Can withstand repeated thermal cycling to 800 ° C •~1300 W of power used •Excellent Temperature stability •wide optical access •low-inductance heater for fast switching Main electrode Guard ring Sapphire window •Re-entrant electrodes for homogeneous E field •Flat windows to reduce scattered light and birefringence •Larger volume to reduce wall quenching Magnetic Shield Peripherals To EDM Experiment Winston Cone Quartz Oven Parts Systematics Considerations • • • • • • • Motional Magnetic Fields Magnetic Noise Leakage Currents Multi-photon ionization E-field gradients Inhomogeneities in E-field Stray B-fields and E-fields EDM Measurement in PbO* New mechanisms for suppressing systematics! Brf B E Brf B E E reversal Ћ rf ΔEstark Frequency for de≠0 rf tuning adds NEW reversal to the EDM measurement Frequency for de=0 Ћ rf ΔEstark + ΔE -doublet Brf B E Brf B Dashed-line energy levels show Zeeman shifts. Dotted-line levels show the additional linear Stark shift which would arise from a non-zero EDM. -doublet levels = comagnetometer: Most systematics cancel in comparison E g-factor measurement To what extent is the - doublet a perfect mirror image? H B gB S J : g 1.860 0.008 and g g g g 0.002 ( 0 ideal) g g g J : g 1.857 0.008 -doublet useful as Co-Magnetometer Results help constrain calculation of enhancement-factor Typical Data 160 Signal (mV) 150 Data 140 Fit 130 120 110 100 90 80 0 20 40 60 time after laser pulse (s) 80 Averaged over 0.5 s, Bz~60 mG 100 Rabi Flopping 56 RF cycles beat frequency change (MHz) 1.E-03 8.E-04 6.E-04 4.E-04 2.E-04 0.E+00 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 1.1E+07 -2.E-04 -4.E-04 RF frequency (Hz) 1.2E+07 1.2E+07 Stark Shift = Zeeman Shift Omega Doublet |e | f 2 |f ν~11.2 MHz νZeeman~300 kHz |e m=-1 m=0 |e | f 2 m=1 Stark ~ 20 60MHz B =0 E =0 Current Sensitivity Current sensitivity to quantum beat frequency corresponds to beat frequency shift 10-25mHz Straightforward modification to improve sensitivity to 100mHz / Hz Two photodiodes with high quantum efficiency instead of single PMT Excite from X(0)(v”=0) instead of X(0)(v”=1) Use broader band interference filters Use isotopic enriched 208PbO … Expect to increase the count rate by more than three orders of magnitude, and the contrast by more than a factor of two 100mHz 1 20mHz Average for T=25s v Hz T 1X10-29e·cm corresponds to 100-240μHz T < 106s Two orders of magnitude improvement on de in ~10days The necessary modifications are now underway Conclusions • Many preliminary steps have been successfully demonstrated • Improvements in excitation and detection efficiencies look promising • Attacking a few remaining experimental issues before we take a first look at the data ……………. Current Operating Condition Density determined by collisional quenching Adjust PbO density so excited state decay rate ~collisional quenching rate 1/ a(1) ~σnv, where a(1) ~ 80 μs Measured σ~10-14cm2 n=3x1013cm-3 P=0.3mTorr T=690oC v=3x104cm/s Minimum cell size determined by wall quenching vx a(1) < L L~5cm Density and cell size determine number of molecules in usable rovibrational state f~B/kBT~0.3cm-1/670cm-1 3x10-4 S/N estimated from laser power, cross section Number of molecules excited/pulse(100Hz) ~1010 Number of photoelectrons detected /excited molecule ~ fewx10 -5 Total fluorescence rate ~ 107/sec Background from blackbody radiation comparable to fluorescence S contrast fluorescence ~ ~ 200 / s N background