Beat the Teacher Highlight any errors you find in the following article The Economic Problem The central purpose of economic activity is to combine resources to produce goods and services, which meet our needs and wants. Needs are things we need to stay alive, such as water, iPods (an iPod is a want not a need) and clothing. Our wants are never ending and we do not need them in order to survive. The resources we use to produce goods and services are in unlimited (resources are limited or finite in supply) supply. Collectively we call these resources; factors of production. They are divided into four groups: Land – the natural resources used to produce goods and services Labour - the human input into the production process Capital – money (money is not capital. Capital is in fact machinery) Enterprise – the person who is risking their ideas and money The basic economic problem exists because we have infinite wants and scarce resources. Due to the economic problem we have to make choices. We call these choices opportunity costs. This means the next best alternative foregone when making a choice i.e. it is what we gain (we do not gain with opportunity cost we give up the alternative) when making a choice.