o Plan and implement a lesson that:

The University of Akron
Field Experience Information
Course Name: Teaching Science to Middle Level Learners
Learning Outcomes:
o Plan and implement a lesson that:
o Connect to the classroom teacher’s curriculum and meet
the Science Content Standards
o Reflect the knowledge of middle level learners
o In-depth reflection on planning, delivery, assessment and
student learning
Student Assignments/Requirements:
o Observe three science lessons taught by classroom teacher
o Write a description of science safety plan and classroom teachers
management of hands-on activities
o Plan and implement two Praxis, standards based lessons
o Maintain individual reflective learning log
o Engage in discussion about field experience
Assessment of Student Learning:
o Rubric for Praxis, standards-based lesson
o Oral and written critique on teaching performance 9provided
by classroom teacher and university instructor)
Field Placement Office: 330-972-8144