Early Discovery Science Series Earth Science with Young Learners

Early Discovery Science
Earth Science with
Young Learners
Rachel Jones
Introduction to Early Discovery
•Hands-on experiences
•Frequent lessons
•Teaching scientific
•Naturalistic approachexploring the natural world
with students through
projects and experiments
•Not as common because
of time commitment
necessary to make lessons
•Hope is to mainstream
these ideas into classrooms
Curriculum Framework
1. Inquiry and exploration-teachers instruct students on
how to question and hypothesize. Students begin to
learn the scientific method. Begin hands-on
2. Respecting the sciences- teachers attempt to instruct
students on how to respect materials, living things,
earth and experiments.
3. Stewardship- teachers instill stewardship in students
through modeling and direct instruction on how to
appropriately serve within the various science content
Theory behind Early
•Students are naturally inclined to investigate and explore their
natural world (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997)
•Experiences should be weekly if not daily (Bredekamp &
Copple, 1997)
•Keep activities developmentally appropriate
•Abstract ideas are avoided for more experimental and
exploratory scientific experiences
•Include books and other materials about abstract ideas
•Limit instruction time with these content areas
Theory Continued
•Focus on concepts students
experience in their everyday
•Help students compare these
experiences to their own
•Explore in an in-depth manner
and over a period of time
•Adapt the lessons to best meet
your local environment
Theory Continued
•Designed to meet varying
needs of students
•Attempts to deeply
explore ideas so students
have a depth of knowledge
•Students spiral in later
grades thus re-exploring
curricular content areas
Earth Science with Young
•Students explore their world, devise questions, and investigate solutions
•Students make the experience their own by finding things throughout
•Teaches the child to love the outdoors, to love investigating the
outdoors, to understand what they learn and make decisions about what
they have learned
•Lessons for earth science focus on basic ideas about earth, geographical
features, soil, water, rocks, natural resources and stewardship
•Engages students with community through lessons
•Integrates lessons with other content areas
•Make sure lessons align with national standards for science education