Uploaded by Denise Meister

Scholarly Paper & Presentation Rubric

Scholarly Paper and Presentation Rubric
Introduction (5%)
review (20%)
paper (40%)
Action research
paper (40%)
Narrative inquiry
paper (40%)
Conclusion (5%)
quality (5%)
Presentation content
and preparation (5%)
Oral delivery
of presentation (5%)
Does not state purpose of the paper; tenuous relationship
to current educational issue; less than 1/2 page or longer
than 1 page
Includes minimal background information; shows little
rigor in the investigation of the literature; summarizes
sources; uses no subheadings and does not demonstrate
a logical flow
States purpose of the paper; somewhat relates to current
educational issue; 1/2 to 1 page in length
Incompletely presents political, social, economic and
pedagogical causes and impacts; Includes inaccurate
information; Develops one or more side of the issue
incompletely; Information is presented without
objectivity; Inadequate quantity or quality of evidence is
used to support position; Position is unsupported by
adequate quality of reasoning; Inferences are missing or
inadequately described;
Discussion of potential directions of the issue is
inadequate or missing; Link to practice is missing or
inadequately presents context and topic connection
Research problem or hypotheses or research question
unclear; participants and setting described in little detail;
procedures soemwhat questionable; inappropriate data
analysis procedures; results presented graphically or
verbally; conclusions do not address research question
or literature review; either implications or limitations
No transition from lit review to praxis; weak references
to literature guiding the praxis are stated; includes a few
pertinent aspects of context (school size/location, class
size, class composition, social and cultural factors,
school leadership issues, etc.); procedure for
implementing and describing the praxis vaguely
described; section ends with implications for further
research or praxis or a judgment on the quality of its
Weak summary; less than one page in length
Presents political, social, economic and pedagogical
causes and impacts; Information is accurate; Thoroughly
develops one side of the issue; Information is presented
objectively; Position is well supported by evidence;
Position is supported by coherent reasoning; Reasonable
inferences are made; A well organized discussion of
potential directions of the issue is included; Link to
practice is clearly explained but either context or topic
connection is not
Research problem or hypotheses or research question
stated somewhat clearly; participants and setting
described in moderate detail; appropriate procedures
described; data analyzed somewhat appropriately;
results presented graphically or verbally; conclusions
address research question and literature review; either
implications or limitations missing
Attempt at a transition from lit review to praxis; a few
references to literature guiding the praxis are stated;
includes a few pertinent aspects of context (school
size/location, class size, class composition, social and
cultural factors, school leadership issues, etc.);
procedure for implementing and describing the praxis
described; section ends with implications for further
research and praxis or a judgment on the quality of its
Summarizes the purpose of the paper; at least one page
in length
Research problem/hypotheses or research question
clearly stated; participants and setting described in
sufficient detail; systematic and appropriate procedures
described in detail; data analyzed appropriately; results
presented graphically and verbally; conclusions address
research question and literature review; implications for
practice noted; limitations of study explained
Smooth transition from lit review to praxis; references
to literature guiding the praxis are clearly stated;
includes pertinent aspects of context (school
size/location, class size, class composition, social and
cultural factors, school leadership issues, etc.);
procedure for implementing and describing the praxis
clearly described with several well-defined examples;
section ends with implications for further research and
praxis and a judgment on the quality of its success
Summarizes the purpose of the paper and its
implications for practice; at least one page in length
Reference list and citations are incomplete and in not in
correct APA format;
many errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
paper is not written in a scholarly voice; paper is not
well organized, does not flow, and lacks appropriate
Presentation does not adequately describe all major
topic areas of the paper
Presentation is unorganized; presenter frequently reads
from notes
Reference list and citations are complete and mostly in
correct APA format;
a few inaccuracies exist in grammar, spelling, and
punctuation; paper is mostly written in a scholarly
voice; paper is somewhat well organized, flows, and has
appropriate transitions
Presentation describes most major topic areas of the
Presentation is somewhat organized; presenter
sometimes reads from notes
Reference list and citations are complete and in correct
APA format;
grammar, spelling, and punctuation are accurate; paper
is written in a scholarly voice; paper is well organized,
flows, and has appropriate transitions
Presenter rarely makes eye contact, is not animated, fails
to modulate voice, paces presentation poorly
Presenter occasionally makes eye contact, is somewhat
animated, modulates voice appropriately most of the
time, paces presentation fairly well
Presenter utilizes powerpoint slides or transparencies;
provides a handout to class members summarizing the
major points of the presentation
Visual aids
for presentation
Presenter utilizes neither powerpoint slides nor
transparencies; provides no handout to class members
Class discussion
Presenter makes little attempt to engage professional
colleagues in discussion
Includes some background information that
demonstrates the importance of the topic; provides some
investigation of the literature; summarizes sources; uses
some subheadings and demonstrates a mostly logical
Presenter attempts to engage professional colleagues in
Clearly states purpose of the paper and issues to be
addressed; relates to current educational issue; 1/2 to 1
page in length
Includes extensive background information that
demonstrates the importance of the topic; provides a
thorough investigation of the peer-reviewed literature
spanning a legitimate number of years; analyzes and
integrates sources; uses subheadings and demonstrates a
logical flow
Thoroughly discusses political, social, economic and
pedagogical causes and impacts; Information is accurate
and coherent; Develops more than one side of the issue;
Information is presented objectively and conveys an
easily discernable continuity; Position is supported by
multiple forms of evidence; Position is supported by
logical reasoning; Reasonable inferences are made and
explained; A thorough discussion of potential directions
of the issue is included; Link to practice is clearly
explained including context and topic connection
Presentation clearly elucidates all major topic areas of
the paper
Presentation shows evidence of clear organization and a
logical sequence of ideas; presenter is prepared well
enough to avoid reading from notes
Presenter makes eye contact, is animated, modulates
voice appropriately, paces presentation well
Presenter effectively utilizes powerpoint slides or
transparencies; provides a handout to class members
summarizing the major points of the presentation along
with a list of references
Presenter actively engages professional colleagues in
meaningful discussion by helping generate trigger
questions or asking participants to share their
experiences and practices